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Hi everyone.


A little warning before you read this, if you don't want to hear anything upsetting, please don't read this post and thank you for understanding there will be a 1-2 week delay on Coco.


Yesterday I took my cat to get a CT scan. This month has been difficult as she's started to show issues. I don't want to go into details in here, but she hasn't been good. The scan was supposed to just be showing the vet where the polyp was originating from her head to get it removed.

Unfortunately, the scan revealed she has cancer and it has eaten from her nose, through the bone and into her brain. We are very close to our cats. As you can imagine this has been very distressing for us and a big shock. The vet told us she has about 1-2 weeks at most.

Of course this situation doesn't give me great emotions for working on any sexy stuff for you all, so I've made the decision to put it on hold. We will be giving her euthanasia this week so she won't suffer anything further, we think it's best she leave this world happy on  our own terms than wait until something distressing happens.

I'm really sorry everyone. I can post what i've made so far on Coco if people like. I may get a little more done before the end of the month but i'm really not sure.

I love you all. Without your support we probably couldn't have afforded the CT scan, so really you all helped us get some time with her.

I hope everyone else has a better week than I have.



Take your time man.


Take all the time you need. Being there for your cat and your family is the important thing to do now!

War Wolf

Take as much time as you need. It always sucks losing a pet


I’m really sorry that this is happening. Take all the time you need. Family comes first.


Take your time. Pets are family, and it's devastating to get news like that. So, if you need a month, then take it.

kiba wyatt

Take your time. We will be here when you are ready. ❤️


Your poor kitty. Take all the time you need for her. We're happy to give you time to take care of your family and yourself.


no no no please, we all understand. You've already given us great content to keep us sated but thats not the important thing. Go give your kitty one last hurrah <3

Sir Pants

My condolences, take as long as you need, I know it's hard to lose a friend pet or otherwise

The Ch0sen One

Take care of yourself bud, we can wait.


I'm sure we all can relate to losing a person take ALL THE TIME you need. Don't worry we'll all still be here supporting you or at least I will. So don't worry about some materialistic worth of a game that we can get anytime and instead spend it with your cat which im sure to you is family. Much love man take care and well be here for you when you come back. Much love and respect❤💯


Take your time, family is family, we'll be here when you get back


No rush hommie take care of da meow meow


I'm sorry to hear that. Don't push yourself and take as much time as you need. We can all wait for you. Stay strong.

Ben Weaver

Losing a pet is never easy. Take all the time you need. Give them a pet for me.


Gotta look after your loved ones.


Dont worry about anything else right now. Please take care of yourself and take the time you need.


It's all good, we love you and hope the best for you!

Iron Collie

Hey, we can wait. Take all the time you need. The health of your pet should be your main concern right now, don't force yourself back into anything until you're ready.


My condolences. I know how it feels to lose a loved one, human and animal. Glad our funding was able to help out in some way, even if it brought unpleasant news. May she rest in peace.


and i just lost my dog too it'll be hard it always is but you'll get through it dont feel bad for us take a break if you need to we'll be waiting


no rush im sorry to hear we hope the best for you


You take the time you need.


Pls focus on your own life in hard times like this, i wish the best for you and your cats.


take a month or more off if you need to m8. just make sure u update us on how YOU are doing yourself at least. so we know your still alive and well.


Thank you all for such overwhelming support. Kitty was taken to the vet this morning and she is now at peace. Feeling very sad but glad she was able to spend her last days being pampered and given lots of raw chicken, her favourite food.

jeremy spinks

Just as long as you're ok, and sorry for your loss, stay safe.


So sorry to hear that. I lost my 12 yo dog 3 months ago, so I know the feeling of losing a pet and dealing with euthanasia sad thoughts. I hope you get better. At least there's no pain anymore


I don't think I could live with myself taking that much time off, i'll get back to it soon. :) But thank you so much for being supportive <3