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Hello everyone, I hope you're having a great day!

I've been hard at work on both games. I regularly post in my discord what I'm working on during most days, and I've started streaming when I can also. I wanted to share where I'm at with both projects for everyone who isn't on discord here also (so you know i'm not just being quiet here for no reason! hehe).

Bunnycop Game Progress

Last I posted on Patreon, it was just a concept image. The character back and front models have been added into the game and I've given her lots of expressions I can work with when I get the voice acting back. I have also reworked her design bit and given her new colors too.

I'm really trying to up my game here, with moving lighting and props, and better control on her facial expressions and eyebrows.

Gadget Update Progress

I am also working on the next gadget toy update at the same time. Here is all the animation I have done for her so far, also attached as gadget-update-progress.mp4 below this post.

Please bear with me as I have a lot of work still to do for both games, but the plan is to have both releases done before the end of this month!

As always feedback is very welcome. Thank you and have a good one!


Felipe perez

Wait I thought thought this game was out?


You do you dude