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Hello Everyone!!

I have another important vote for yall! First, a quick recap on last week's poll & the new model release from this week.

Here are the results from the Choose Your Monsters poll I posted last week! 

1st : Bygul and Trjegul : Freya's Chariot Cats
2nd : Ratatoskr: Squirrel Messenger
3rd : Jormungandr : World Serpent

These models will be a part of my upcoming Viking Collection coming to Kickstarter this summer! Thank you helping me make this collection :) 

✨ New Model Release ✨

This lovely paladin released this week to Patrons! Download here! 

πŸ“ Interest Poll! Would you like to see posts about my other crafts?

If you've been around for awhile you know that I've worked on myself a lot since graduating college in 2019. Essentially, I was really burnt out from school and simple tasks took a LOT of effort... 

Fast forward to 2023, all that time working on myself has really paid off and I've never felt better! These days I have plenty of energy to take care of myself, do my work and even picked up some new crafts.

I want to share my new creative outlets with you! However, it isn't my usual content so I want to make sure you'd enjoy seeing posts about my other crafts too!

🎨 Painting Minis! 

This is very closely related to creating 3D printable minis, however I'm not a professional painter by any means! I have pictures below of what I'm currently working on. Painting some pieces from the Vikings collection since I'm so excited about it! 

✨ All of these models are in The Vault right now for Patrons! ✨

πŸ› οΈ Making Dice Boxes! (CNC work)

Ricky & I are making dice boxes! We put together our CNC in February and have been learning ever since. We are also playing around with other woodcrafts. In the picture below is a topographical map of Mt. Saint Helens, and then a dish with my River Dragon cut out. (We aren't going to pour resin inside the dice boxes, we just had some left over resin from our test!)

For my upcoming Vikings Kickstarter we plan to offer a dice box like this but with a resin poured celtic knot on the lid. (and made with proper hardwood instead of construction lumber, plus felt inserts, you get the picture lol)

🎲 Making Dice!

I started making dice this year too! I 3D print the masters to create a mold, and then pour resin plus glitter/foil. I actually have a new set of masters printing as I type this post! I learned a lot about sanding when creating my first masters and want to give it another go. 

This weekend I casted my very first die successfully!! It was first thing in the morning so my hair was still wet from the shower haha Had to take a celebratory picture anyway! My tiny pottery wheel also came in this week to help with sanding!

So that is what I have been up to outside of 3D sculpting and spending time at the barn!

Thank you all so much for supporting my endeavor as a 3D artist! I'll be sharing pictures every now and then in our Discord  about these other crafts, but I'd love to do detailed update posts on Patreon too. Let me know if you'd like to see that :) 

Much love,

Mia Kay



I voted for your CNC work because I know you have a passion for it, but I'd love to see any of the options! At the end of the day, follow your heart and passions and know we will all support you in your creative endeavors!