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Hello Patrons!

In the last poll you got to pick your monsters. Here are the results! All of these monsters will make their debut next month.

There was a little extra love shown for the Myconid Queen. She is also my personal favorite out of the bunch. So I wanted to show my design idea process. Nothing is set in stone, so feel free to discuss your own ideas in the comments below.


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I love the idea of a Fairy Circle, but also a trail, as with the log. Could it be that mushrooms grow where ever she walks, so they surround her when she stops, but she leaves a trail behind her spreading out from her path. It may be too big for a base but it's just my 2 cents. 😸😸🍄🍄🍄

Bill Curran

I like most of the ideas here but wouldn’t the base be more of a cavern theme rather than grasslands / woods?


See, this is why I made this post. That makes so much more sense lol Now I'm thinking more of large rocks as the base, with mushrooms coming up from the cracks of the rocks. Let me know what you think.


It might be too big for a base, but it is such a good idea! I have the extra time so I may just create 2 decorative bases.