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Hello Patrons!

In March you all showed a ton of excitement for the Viking theme! You even voted for me to spend 2 months to make these the best they can be. I don't want to spill all the beans, but here is a preview of what is coming next week :) This isn't even everything! There will also be a wolf warrior and female blacksmith.

 I included all the renders at the top too because that will allow you to click on the images for a closer look if you'd like. Thank you for allowing me to take the extra time on these! I have seriously enjoyed it and I hope you can see the pay off in these models already :D

Female Shaman 

(with and without color so you can see the details. The print of this is going to be insane)


(this will pair with the Bear Warrior)

Bear Warrior & Shield Maiden 

(I still want to keep some surprise so I'm just showing the un-posed versions here)

Mia Kay




Beautiful as always Mia. I know we have come to expect a lot from you with your designs, but you always seem to exceed those expectations. Thank you for the great sculpts with your unique interpretation of the subjects. 😻


Looks good