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Hello Lovely Patrons!

I launched this Patreon in 2018. It has helped connect me to awesome people like you, and now I get to live my dream!


I know that Patreon drives people crazy haha 

I have the option to offer everything you get on Patreon on my website instead. BUT, I am only going to offer that if I can make substantial improvements for Patrons. So I want to know what improvements you would want. Keep in mind, this Patreon will be staying no matter what. This is just an option I might offer that you can take or not.

Tell me exactly what you can't stand about using Patreon! 

What would you change

What do you want?

Leave a comment, PM me on Patreon, or email me at m3dmprints@gmail.com. 

All feedback and ideas are welcome! If I offer this website option I want it to be awesome.

NO MATTER WHAT, this Patreon will be staying. Absolutely nothing will change here. All the same goodness for years to come.

My website will not offer any special discounts or exclusive polls or anything like that. It will be EXACTLY what you get here on Patreon. The only difference will be the interface. 

If you are an Annual Patron, this might bum you out because you are connected with Patreon for a year. I have a solution! ALL annual Patrons that want to use my website instead can do so for FREE.

If you are a Legacy Patron, this might bum you out because you got in at a special low price and you'd have to give that up to move to my website. I have a solution! ALL Legacy Patron prices will be honored on the website. 

If you a Happy Patron, you might have zero desire to move. I have a solution! Don't move! Just stay here, nothing is changing and you won't be missing out on anything :)

I've really thought this through to make sure not a single person will get screwed over lol But if you think I missed something, let me know!

Currently, my website has the model gallery and has served nicely as a classroom for my students. Since new features have come to Squarespace, I am comfortable entertaining the option of including my Patrons there. Of course, there would be a thorough re-design first that includes all the feedback I get here.

Nothing is set in stone and this Patreon is going to stay no matter what. Literally nothing will change here. If this happens it will just be an option you can take or not. I am taking in ideas to see if I can make things better for the people that literally make my dreams come true :)  I hope you have a lovely day!


Mia Kay




I am getting may too many e-mails. I am going to have to scale back the number of patreons I am supporting as I already have more miniatures than I will ever print. The e-mail problem is the worst however. I am spending too much time sorting deleting downloading. I like the fact that many vendors use My Mini Factory to distribute Minis but I still have to respond to the email and click the appropriate button to get my minis put into my account


You can fix the email problem. You can control exactly what emails you get. Here is a help article that will walk you through it. https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/115002984566-How-do-I-edit-my-email-notifications-


Sorry, I realize that this doesn't really apply to your Patreon, but you got me in a ranty mood. The thing that drives me crazy about patreon is it's limited )or lack of) rewards distribution. I support a lot of creators on Patreon and I often fall behind on keeping track of all of them. Many of the creators I support offer rewards per month, usually by messaging a link to a offsite Google Drive, Dropbox, or Onedrive, and then delete the download a few days to a month later. I get 40 - 50 emails a day between Kickstarter, and Patreon and many times i've fallen weeks or months behind on getting rewards. I think Patreon should permanent downloads for people who manage their rewards like that. If I pledged for March 2020, I should always have access to the March 2020 rewards. I also had a hard drive failure that lost me all of my Patreon downloads from before 2019.


some patreons using sites like DrivethruRPG or myminifactory have this, but of course, it's not a function of patreon but a service per creator.