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Hi everyone! 

This month has been a lot for Ricky and I but there has been a lot of good stuff too! Let's get into it. 

GOOD NEWS #1 - I Moved!

I moved finally!! Yesterday was the big day. I am typing this post around a mountain of boxes and furniture haha It was 102 F yesterday and the move took a lot out of us. Really grateful we had friends to help! Our new apartment is a huge step up and we are thrilled about it. There aren't roaches everywhere and my neighbors didn't scream at eachother all night which is already a huge improvement! haha On a serious note, I am so grateful to everyone here because without our business succeeding we wouldn't have been able to afford to move. So thanks for helping my life become roach-and-angry-neighbor free! haha

GOOD NEWS #2 - Painting Contest Extended

I am extending the painting contest all the way to July 23rd. It really bothered me I couldn't give all the pre-supported STLs. Since I can finally test them this week it feels much more fair to me to extend the contest. 

Those that have already submitted, you may submit an additional 4 entries if you like!

(Small note, my printers have been packed up since June 14th because I was supposed to move June 16th. There was some minor hiccups but they have been sorted.)

GOOD NEWS #3 - Models are Coming!

Despite all the moving being a huge time suck, I got a lot done this month! The release will happen this month like normal. I'm thinking this Monday will be the full release. Here is a list of what is coming. I have a couple teaser pictures above too.

GOOD NEWS #4 - All of You

All of you have been awesome. This month especially I got nothing but kind comments and messages from Patrons. The Mentor tier has probably been the highlight of my month. It's been a joy helping so many budding artists learn the ropes!

I appreciate the heck out of all of you.

 GOOD NEWS #5 - Townsfolk Kickstarter

It will launch this month! You can thank Ricky for that~ I'm terribly slow at graphics and he does an awesome job putting them together. Here is a tentative look at models I'm considering. Feel free to give feedback on what to add/remove/swap/modify.

That's a wrap! Hope you all had a lovely Father's Day weekend and are starting this week off strong ^_^

Mia Kay




So much going on! You’re busy! Congrats on the move. It’ll be much easier to work now... and I’m sure that you won’t accidentally print a very lifelike resin roach. Excited for all the upcoming models!


Oooh, I love the idea of a Townsfolk set! I'm looking forward to seeing them! One suggestion that I'd like to see: The set is very human-centric (which I think makes sense), but it'd be nice to see just a smidge more diversity. Maybe a Halfling servant for the noble family, or a Gnomish tinker (like, the old style fix-your-pots-and-pans kind of tinker, not the crazy gadgets tinker) or something?


I was thinking it needed more diversity too! Thank you for those suggestions, super helpful <3

Kristin Chernoff

Is there a link to the Kickstarter yet?

Kelsey Reyer

I'd love to see more non-human diversity for the villagers. Especially more mundane or unexpected stuff. Everyone and their grandma expects Dwarven blacksmiths, but what about a Dwarven farmer or seamstress? And I still totally vote for a tiefling butcher! lol


Congratulations on everything!


I get you, I think I was worried about making them too unique because I want them to be useful in games still.


Congratulations on getting moved. Hope you get everything set up quick!