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Hiya everyone!

Here is my plan for next month's collection. 

The numbers next to them are my "effort points" so to speak. 1 point being it doesn't take too much time, 2 points meaning it will take up to a day, and 3 points being multi-day.

There are 18 slots available. I usually leave 1 slot "open" just in case one I decide to put more time into a model. The Market Stand for example will probably be a 2.

Here is some concept art for each mini to get a better idea of what I'm planning to do!

Let me know if you like this plan, or if you think a model should be swapped out with something else.




Plague Doctor





Market Stand

Mia Kay



I'm loving this collection, though I would like some general standing around townsfolk. Someone to put in the market to make it more dynamic.

Nick Adams

This is going to be awesome, thanks Mia!


I cant wait to see the merchant stand!!!


I was thinking about that too, but I decided to put my time towards more interesting characters instead.


Me too!! It is one of the pieces I am most excited for


Yeah, I can't really blame you there. I first found you through your Kickstarter so I'm sure whatever you make will be awesome.


I voted how about but that’s only to suggest an addition to it. Maybe a hunter/trapper type npc.


I can't add any more to my work load, but I'd be open to swapping something out!


Oh well I love it the way it is. If it’s too much to add then I will accept a no lol maybe the Z brush classes will help me sculpt my own :)


As a DM my players always try to skin or take organs from everything they kill beast wise sooooo, might as well under quarantine.

Scott Dornian

That farmer... *swoon*! I'm pretty excited to see what kind of jester characters you come up with!

Michael Brown

Love that farmer, the merchant is pretty cool too. I’d rather see something other than executioner in that slot. Maybe a skinner/tanner, scribe, or baker. Love what you’re doing.

Lisa Kellogg

yes I could really use a baker


The Jester is going to be a super fun model! I'm excited for it too!


I like the collection, but what about the beggar being disabled? I mean like sitting on a wooden board with wheels (with his/her leg hidden in a pit)?

Auluaden Bartolli

I love it all.. any chance of the market stall having a separate, removable scatter tile for the top of it? So you can turn it into a fruit/butcher/weapons/fletcher/potions, etc. stall?


*mind blown* That is SUCH a creative idea!!! I'll think about implementing this!

Bill Curran

These look pretty great to me. Can’t wait to see the alchemist and the plague doctor.


YES! YES! YES! I LOVE IT, about time someone does something other than monsters, and your designs are crazy good! I Can't wait!!!!

Evil Clown

This is what im waiting for !!