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Hi everyone!

I've been working super hard this month and managed to get a lot of the Aquatic set finished early!  I am working a bit harder because of the sheer amount of models I need to make this month haha (Kickstarters, client work, personal projects). I am taking lots of breaks and having a great time with it so no worry there ^_^


March 13th: Aquatic Scatter Terrain and Elemental

-Fouled Anchor

-Treasure Chest

-2 pieces of coral

-Greater Water Elemental

Here is a teaser for tomorrow!

March 18th: Minis and Monsters

-Triton Male

-Triton Female

-Merfolk Male

-Merfolk Female

-Sea Hag

-Angler Monstrosity

-Dragon Turtle

I may not do the Sea Chimera. I started toying with the design, and it looks pretty ridiculous quite frankly XD I will see what I can do with it!

March 27th: NPC/PC Pack

-Aasimar Female Monk

-Haunted Horseman (no mount)

-Half Elf Male Druid

-Half Orc Male Barbarian

-Bull Moose Mount

Mia Kay

P.S. Check into the $5.50 Discord for discussion on my next Kickstarter~ 


Derrick Miles

Getting sooo ancy for March 27th!


Sameeee, really anxious to see the Half Elf Male Druid since it is my main dnd character right now ^^

Auluaden Bartolli (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-14 05:25:38 Dragon Turtle <3 hell yeah
2020-03-13 01:28:03 Dragon Turtle <3 hell yeah

Dragon Turtle <3 hell yeah

Zaxus Lanterus

I really hope you manage to do something with the sea chimera. I think it could look really cool.

Zaxus Lanterus

There's plenty of creepy fish in the sea. Goblin sharks, moray eels, and viper fish, just to name a few.