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Hello all!

Theme: Women of Tabletop

Date: February 3rd, 2020

Price: $10 for all the STLs, $15 for all the STLs and pre-supported

10 models planned, and another 10 in stretch goals. I'll keep adding depending how it goes!

Huge thank you to my $5.50 patrons for being so active in the 3D Printing Support Discord. Yall provided excellent feedback and suggestions to help shape this Kickstarter! I'm looking forward to your input in the future too!


Kickstarter Announcement: Women of Tabletop

Well, our third Kickstarter is launching in a week and I couldn't be more excited for it. If you want to be notified when we we launch, click here to follow the campaign: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/m3dm/women-of-tabletop-3d-printable-stls If you liked this video, consider making a quick stop by my Patreon at: http://www.patreon.com/m3dm I also share my 3D models for free on Thingiverse at: http://www.thingiverse.com/m3dm/designs I love answering questions! So feel free to comment if you are curious about anything.


Dawn H

Oooh I hope you’re still doing my monk. ❤️ Super excited. Really cool seeing you get so good! :)


Thank you Dawn!! <3 I messaged you about your monk!

Alan Cardy

My female players will thank you. Told them this one is coming :)


Looks great and you already have an instant back from me once it goes live! I was wondering if it will be all PC/NPC-type characters or if you will have female versions of monsters that are usually depicted as male as well (ie demons, ifrit, giants, etc)?


Yup! I'll have some monsters too :3 The very end of the video has a list of all 20 models I have planned for now~ I don't remember all of them, but a Treant is in there lol


I'm already going to back it ,when it goes live. Still printing your other set lol


Oops sorry, I must have tabbed out and just listened as you were wrapping up there.


It drives me crazy that most sculptors by default will automatically sculpt males of monstrous races like goblins, orcs, etc and if the do a female its a "Female Orc" as opposed to the male "Orcs with Swords", so I think there's a big need for this sort of Kickstarter! :D Reminds me of this meme too: https://i.redd.it/ms4i6uaa1l301.jpg


HAHAHA that meme is killing me XD That is EXACTLY what I'm trying to avoid


Awesome!!!! I'll be there !! ,)

Ron Purvis

ooooh Treant


Yeah, not sure what I'm going to do with that one but it'll be cool haha

Ron Purvis

Something along these lines maybe https://i.pinimg.com/originals/d6/07/ae/d607ae60170b210aa2cbe634616a0494.jpg


YES! You are my hero! How did I not find this? This is so perfect, and not just weird sexy tree lady XD haha Thank you Ron!

Ron Purvis



Awsome! link to kickstarter?




Awesome! So excited to get some decent female minis. I was just looking for some for an all female mercenary group I'm prepping. Will there be a commercial tier for this project? Additionally, on the last project, we weren't printing minis for sale at the time, is there a way to get commercial licensing for the last kickstarter?


I wish you lot's of success!


This is so great - and definitely fills a missing hole in available minis!!!!! Thanks so much


Yup! There will be a commercial tier. And yes! Email m3dmprints@gmail.com with what Kickstarter you'd like the commercial license for and I will let you know where and how much to pay.


Great to hear! We'll reach out to you shortly. Also, regarding this one, we also want to do a charity donation (25% of all sales on our store will go to a women's organization). Since you're the artist we'd love to hear your input! Do you have any preferences? Currently we're looking at "Girls on the Run" (https://www.girlsontherun.org/).


Heck yeah! That charity looks amazing! I've done a few 5Ks and heard great things about that organization <3


My wife has had nothing but good things to say about it as well! Awesome, we'll lock that one in. Thanks!


I have asked many artists, how have you found success and the response tends to be, "be honest and passionate about your work and eventually others drink the Kool-Aid and start paying you for it". That video was a perfect example of success. I am excited for you and this KS in particular.