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How does this work?

Leave a comment below of what you want to see me model :)

Priority is kinda complicated. To simplify it, priority goes to Patrons that give the most and supported the longest.

Your requests will go into a poll for everyone to vote on! Polls have 5 models. The top 2 will get modeled. The bottom 3 will go into the next poll for a chance to win. 

What can I request?

Anything! There isn't a guarantee I will put it up for vote however. Like if you ask for a Power Ranger, probably not going to happen haha

Reference pictures are encouraged!!

What about my request from # months ago?

I'm starting a new request board because I only had record of 5 requests left, and a lot of them were too vague/unknown to find good reference art for. 




Female Kenku... monk or rogue or such.

Zaxus Lanterus

How about a Clockwork Horror? The things are like spidery arcane constructs with a hivemind that travel from world to world on Spelljammer ships systematically annihilating worlds and stripping them of all metals. Pretty similar to the Replicators in Stargate, except they were released a decade before in 1990. ... Not that self-replicating murderbots weren't imagined before then. As far as I know, they don't have minis. https://imgur.com/a/z13p8vh


Orthrus from Greek Mythology is my submission. https://www.deviantart.com/hellraptorstudios/art/Myth-Orthrus-808251929


Hi Mia! I'd love to see some models of mimics. Not just chest mimics, but other furniture mimics, like a table, shelf, chair etc.. :D


A nothic from D&D MM

Michael A

He Mia, I would like to see some high polygon elementals :)

stojan sukunda

Seeing as someone mentioned Romans St George and the Dragon, according to Legend he was a Roman soldier.


Please craft some kind of Treasure golem/elemental. Something made entirely out of gold coins and gems. If it wielded a massive challis of some sort as a sort of mace that would be sweet. I got the idea from this hearthstone art and am sure you could put your own spin on it and make it amazing. https://gamepedia.cursecdn.com/hearthstone_gamepedia/thumb/c/c4/Soldier_of_Fortune_full.jpg/400px-Soldier_of_Fortune_full.jpg?version=86df580aa565beca0df9c6711e77e8f3


I also have an idea for an intergalactic bounty hunter. She has human features but with super white skin. Her name is Singularity Jane and she has the powers of a singularity. She can shift her body to become a literal hole in space and starts drawing everything in around her with massive gravity She wears simple pants with a t-shirt and a sort of leather duster over her clothes. She also carries two plasma guns in thigh holsters and only uses her power when she cant take out a bad guy the normal way. She has also built up a sort of reputation in the galaxy as a ruthless tracker since she can absorb a piece of someone and then use her power to "Pull" herself towards the foe. I've even written a short story for my game group and would love to be able to bring her into the lime light with a figure representing both her powers off and on at the same time.


VERY unique! I dig it :D Thanks Zaxus~ (Don't forget to let me know what 2 minis you want for the month as well~)


Hahah gotta love "innocent" looking furniture turned evil


I've always loved those! I've seen a lot of awesome paint schemes for the eye


Noted~ :D Any reference for which elemental you'd like to see? There's a bunch!


Always cool to read about your latest character! :D I'll see if I can find any similar art to explain the concept :)


Think of Ashe from Overwatch like this: https://66.media.tumblr.com/25ff0a1bc8adb2c950f3c0503fbb45cf/tumblr_pm7sy2Rf5n1wt7ek9o1_400.jpg Just with a leather duster like Malcolm Reynolds from Firefly

Michael A

I think a water elemental would be great with water flowing in a similar way like this? http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-BBApGAo4eLU/UEYboOuc-AI/AAAAAAAAA0Q/QtPaZAD-Vhg/s1600/0_8bc85_cfb04400_XXXL.png http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-U_g8QIL2LIk/UEYbiKD-3UI/AAAAAAAAA0E/pv1j7-Xz9Ow/s1600/0_8bc83_b2082207_XXXL.png :D


Good references! I haven't quite figured out how to sculpt water XD haha But I will use these to practice :) Hopefully an elemental comes out of it!


I'm not seeing a lot of them around or available.

Alix Ha

How about a female human monk? A lot of the models I've found on Thingiverse are all scantily clad or don't exist. As a female gamer I'd love to see some more dressed female models to start with, but maybe in robes like a jedi knight? Maybe a staff?


Oh man. Real talk haha What are with the scantily clad female monks? They are MONKS hahaha anyway, yes. I would love to model a female monk with proper robes. (My favorite is when they do have robes, but they are open down to her belly button lol)

Dawn H

Ibuki from street fighter, I BEG of you. She’ll make a good rogue, ninja, monk, etc for many so I bet a lot would use her. And she’d be so perfect for a monk I’m currently running. And I’ve not seen anyone else do her yet so you’d have the market. ❤️


That would be awesome! I don't do copyrighted characters though, sorry! It turns into a big legal mess.

Dawn H

Oh I’d settle for a badass monk with just those pants then, skip the whole copyright (that hair would be a nightmare anyways lol). I wish hero forge would just add those darn pants, it’s all I need. 😂😂

M3DM (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-14 05:31:44 hahaha right?! I love those pants too. She has been officially added to the request list <3 Thanks Dawn!
2019-09-04 20:54:23 hahaha right?! I love those pants too. She has been officially added to the request list <3 Thanks Dawn!

hahaha right?! I love those pants too. She has been officially added to the request list <3 Thanks Dawn!