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Url: www.m3dmprints.com

Password: m3dm

Such a creative password, I know haha

I have everything generally filled out to give the vibe of how it is going to feel. Thing will still be moved around and generally improved. Patreon has been doing this thing where they keep shrinking the content on the page. They just did this again last week. The problem is that I'm an artist, and the images only take up a tiny portion of the screen. You can click on them to make them bigger, but it sure seems like a lot of wasted space.

See what I mean? I get the simplistic layout but... there is just so much wasted space that just results in compressed images.

I'm not ditching Patreon, I just want a better alternative available. More of the money would go to me if you supported me on the website. Subscriptions are not open quite yet! Waiting for ideas and feedback first.

My first post on the website is a jumble of features I'm playing with.  From galleries, to different post formats, larger pictures, and fancy transparent background images. On Patreon every post can only be about one image or one video for example. All other images of squishes into the description.

Now, I want this website to have a focus.  My Patreon is essentially an update hub of what I'm up to and model releases. I think I want a more clear focus for the website. Vote for whatever you want to see, it can be more than one option.

I'm open to changing the subscription tiers, offering something like a fun loot box of minis for example? Or even 1-1 3D modeling lessons.

I'm excited for your feedback!



I love the direction you're going with making more ambitious models like mounted characters and dragons, the "slot" system you proposed a while ago sounded perfect to me. I'm in a low tier on Patreon because I'm a grad student but I'd love to contribute what I can to ongoing projects through this new website!

Rob Laycock

The site looks great!. I'm excited to see what comes of it.


Thank you Tez :D Also grad school is hard as hell so go you! That's definitely something to be proud of, and I'm especially grateful for your support. I just graduated from college, and the broke college student stereotype is oh-so true.

Brandon Blewett

I think all of the options you listed for voting sound really helpful actually.

Zaxus Lanterus

The website looks really nice! I like it a lot. I'm curious how you're planning to manage subscriptions through the new site.


As of now I plan to manage it very similarly to Patreon! So certain tiers get certain DropBox links, but everyone gets to see all posts. If that didn't answer your question at all, feel free to let me know haha


PayPal or Stripe are my options. They seem pretty darn similar so I haven't decided yet.

Zaxus Lanterus

If we switch support to you over there, how are we going to vote on things here and vice-versa? Are you just going to hold two votes for everything?


If there is a vote on both platforms, I will take an aggregate. More than likely, the polls will be different. Voting on different aspects of future Kickstarters for example.

Frank Joyce

I will start subscribing on your website once you tell us you are ready. Whatever helps you.

Frank Joyce

maybe once you smooth out the bugs you can let other sculptors and artists use your website to show off their material too?


Haha that would be like a mini Deviant Art which isn't my plan. But, I would like to make a community page


The website looks very nice. I'm looking forward to seeing where you take it.

Verl Humpherys

I'd love to learn to 3D model but ZBrush is way expensive.


I wouldn't recommend ZBrush to learn how to 3D model anyway :) Way too many features to deal with too soon. I recommend Sculptris to get your feet wet and learn the basics. That way you don't have to worry about getting bogged down in the giant menus and technicalities.

stojan sukunda

Just as a by the by, Chitu Box is update to v 1.5 now, just tried it out on a print. Great job, they have changed the way the build platform lifts instead of a straight jerk up, its a very soft lift moves slowly up about 10mm. I think its a good thing. No popping of the model lifting off the fap.