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So I've started snipping and re-purposing parts of my old models for new models.

For example, wings take forever to sculpt. So sometimes I like to import some wings I've already made, and adjust them to fit the personality of my new model.

To all my $3 and higher patrons, would you like me to assemble a folder with assets for you to use? It could be pretty cool to frankenstien some models together or remix others :)

It would include stuff like 

  • Wings
  • Heads
  • Tails
  • Bags
  • Bottles/Potions

You get the idea :) 

$3 patrons currently have access to my ZBrush files, base meshes, and favorite brushes. So I figured this may be a nice addition.

Mia Kay

P.S. Looks like I will be releasing the owl to you guys! I will wait till the end of today before closing the poll, so make sure to go vote!



This would be great, people would then be able to give your already brilliant models their own personal touches

Chris Rees

I voted no, but just because I wouldn't personally use them, not to say that nobody should have them


Of course! :D I want to know that too, so thank you~


That's kinda what I was thinking! Being able to add a sword or wings would be nice!

Michael McElrath

Absolutely!! There is nothing I love more than Frankensteining miniatures! And I'm already snipping parts of your minis apart anyway.


If you release the assets, the next thing that practically begs to be released are asset-less models: for example, you have a model with a sword, and you release the sword. But I also have a mace from another model, and I want to customize your sword-wielding model with a mace. I can probably cut away the sword, but if it touches another part of the model like the cloak, then it's hard. So the next thing we will want is the model with just a fist holding nothing. Same will happen for other assets.

J Ragsdale

I say go for it. All of us in the ZBrush community love sharing ideas, textures, brushes and assets around like crazy. It’s always cool to see what other artists do with your starting points 😁.


I'm glad you think so :D I'm definitely going to do it!!

Noah Sager

I'm not in that tier and they aren't anything I'd use, but I voted yes because that sounds awesome for the folks who could.