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Hiya! I'm starting to compile all the decorative bases into a Dropbox folder. 


Only a handful are in there, including a few from my upcoming Kickstarter! 

Also... I'm making a website! 

I don't plan to ditch Patreon, but you could switch if you wished. It will have memberships very similar to this one.

It will focus more on teaching new artists how to 3D model and outlining my process. Though it will still cover everything my Patreon does. (Discussing upcoming models, getting feedback, etc) It will also have a storefront. Which means you can purchase resin prints directly from me if you wanted.

You will also be able to download models in a similar format to Thingiverse. So you will see pictures of the renders and prints all nicely put in the same page! Dropbox will still be available if you just want to download everything at once.

Again, I don't plan to wipe out my Patreon! There will be no change here unless almost every migrates to my website.

Reasons Why I'm Making my own Website

  • To avoid Patreon's fees (I'd like to re-invest this money into giveaways for you guys)
  • I want a site that reflects my work and personality
  • A better way for you to contact me 1 - 1 (sending pictures for example)
  • An easier way to see all of my models with pictures of renders and prints
  • A better user interface (something that isn't just endless scrolling to find a post haha)
  • An easier way for you to pick and choose which models you want to download without having to go to Thinigiverse for easy previews
  • So you can order resin prints from me
  • A blog style format about how to 3D model with mini contests and prizes

I'm thrilled with the community that has formed here, and I think this will be an improved way I share with you guys :)


Julio Ibarra

Such a great idea! Can’t wait for the site. I’ll definitely move over if it means more of my pledge goes to you.


Yay! It will definitely make sure more of it goes to me :)


Very interested as well, especially in the modelling instruction. Will you do streams/videos like mz4250? Regardless, keep doing the other things you do; I enjoy your work.

Brandon Blewett

Hey Mia, I think this sounds promising and I’d be happy to move if that ends up helping you. I want to know how you’re planning on running the polls though. Will you post the polls here and there and then take an aggregate of the votes, or what?


Yes! Once my summer job is finished I will be livestreaming at least once a week.


Woo! Polls would be an aggregate. Though, most polls would be on one site or the other. For example, my website will have polls regarding what 3D modeling topics the community wants to see covered. ie. sculpting fur, anatomy basics, ZBrush UI, etc.


I'll switch if it's the same deal but with you getting more money.

Frank Joyce

if there is a way to mindlessly switch over to contribute to you - count me in.

Harry Morris

Great! I'm looking forward to the 3d modeling content!