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I chat a bit about:
  •  how I got started
  • why fantasy models
  • what software I use
  • Some background about me

If you have questions you can comment or message me :)


FAQ Ep.1 How I Started 3D Modeling And 3D Printing

I know I talk fast, what can I say I live in California...I'm working on it! Haha Support me and get 3D printable models here www.patreon.com/m3dm I love answering questions! So feel free to comment if you are curious about anything!


Marc-Andre Levesque

I did not picture you as a W40k nerd! :) I was more expecting Warhammer Fantasy since you seem to prefer fantasy stuff. So am I and I am in my 40's so plastic crack does not go away with time lol


Warhammer Fantasy is also awesome! I really like the armor detailing in W40k. One day I'll figure out how to model armor like that~

Normand Chartier-Prévost

Hi there! I really enjoyed your video, it is great to be able to put a face and voice ( nice voice btw ), on such a talented artist. Also, I managed to print the Brisela model you've made, although the 2 big wings broke ( my bad ), it made a really great impression on my players and they had a blast fighting this monstrosity. Keep up the good work and your video was awesome! I'm looking forward for more of them :)


Wow! What a kind comment! I really appreciate your feedback <3 If you'd like, I can make the wing connections thicker. It would literally take me 2 minutes. So if you are considering printing it again, just let me know! Many more videos are planned too~ And again, thanks for the kind words haha It put a big smile on my face.


Oh man, you got to share pictures!! If you have pictures, I would love if you shared them here <a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/MiaKay__3DModels/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.reddit.com/r/MiaKay__3DModels/</a> so everyone can see it :D I will get those wings thicker too. I will send you a message when it is done.