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Hey hey!

Today I want to share with you some of my painting process and thoughts behind the scenes.


Painting process | Interlude 🌱


Andrew ChannelXD

Thank you Daria, I agree whit Guac's Art seen the pallet is very helpfull, I have seen all your previos videos and I still get sorprised about how you solve the different problems and and challenges that could apear in a painting, some times with an easey solution but one I would not have think about it. I would thank you so so much if you could show your pallet in all your videos (maybe, if it botters whit the format, it could be a diferent video from the main one and uploaded in the same post so we could see both whit two screens at the same time) Have a wonderfull day

Julianne Kennelly

Hi Daria, am gathering you work mostly wet on wet and try finish the pieces or section your working on in the work period given. You mention you work sometime in layers? Do you add linseed oil to the paint on the next layer when your colour mixing, how much is needed? Is it easy to work with? Thanks Julianne

Daria Callie

Hi Julianne! Yes, when you work in layers it’s best to adhere to the “fat over lean” rule to prevent a painting from cracking later on. So you should add a little bit more oil when painting each subsequent layer. But it doesn’t need to be much. If I premix some colors in advance I rarely add linseed oil directly to the mixes. I like when the consistency of paint is just right, when it’s creamy (not too stiff and not too runny), then it’s really easy to handle paints, to blend, etc.