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This is a sketch I did a couple of days ago.

As usual, the colors are: Titanium White, Cadmium Yellow, Cadmium Red, Burnt umber, Ultramarine Blue, Lamp black (from left to right on the palette) And 2 premixed tones. 

Reference is attached below.

Happy Holidays, everyone! 


Painting Demo | Real-time

This is a sketch I did a couple of days ago. As usual, the colors are: Titanium White, Cadmium Yellow, Cadmium Red, Burnt umber, Ultramarine Blue, Lamp black (from left to right on the palette) And 2 premixed tones.



what medium do you use?

Daria Callie

I use linseed stand oil (or just linseed oil sometimes) as a medium. I also like to use Liquin occasionally when I want the paint to dry faster.


What is meant by a medium? When do you apply the linseed oil?

Daria Callie

I use linseed stand oil or just linseed oil as medium. You can add it to paints when you feel they are too stiff, and you can rinse your brush in it.