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This is the first part of a 3-part oil painting tutorial. 

In Part 1 I talk about: Surface preparation, concept sketching, taking a reference photo, color mixing, transferring the outlines. 

Part 2: Painting a portrait, oil painting tips, common mistakes. 

Part 3: Analyzing, adjusting things, glazing and basically doing all the finishing touches.


Painting Tutorial | Part 1


Daria Polyushenko

Hey Daria :) Подскажи пожалуйста, как называется черная бумага и где ты ее покупаешь? В Амазоне?

Daria Callie

Привет! Эту я покупала лет 7 назад в обычном канцелярском магазине, называется Бумага копировальная черная Office Space. Я уверена, что можно найти подобные на Амазоне.

Melissa April

What black and brown do you use the toned ground?? Raw umber and Mars black or burnt umber and ivory black?

Daria Callie

Hi Melissa, Nowadays I mix some Pale Umber from Winsor & Newton with any white gesso or acrylic primer (depends which one you prefer). You can adjust the quantities and make it darker or lighter. You may also add just a tiny bit of ivory black to make it colder in hue, again it depends on a personal preference. Here’s a link to the Pale Umber as an example: https://www.jacksonsart.com/galeria-acrylic-250ml-pale-umber Hope this helps!