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In this video I talk about Glazing technique. Hope you’ll find it useful :) 





Hello, is it possible to glaze to lighten the hue of the skin tone?

Daria Callie

It’s possible, however it’s not meant for drastic changes like fully changing a skin tone but rather for making smaller improvements and adjustments. You have to be careful with it because it’s hard to lay lighter pigment evenly. Titanium white for example is a very opaque color, it’s not for glazing, you can use zinc white instead, with some cadmium yellow or orange added slightly because the white itself will also make the hue colder, more blue, and maybe that’s not what you want.

Fari Saleem

Thanks Daria, I think it is one of the things which comes with experience, as every artist looks at their work differently. I appreciate your help and suggestion.