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Winston/Roadhog – body hair; musk; sweat; human!Winston; feminization/dirty talk – Roadhog completely overwhelms Winston (consensually).


Roadhog shifts, moving his body further up the bed so he can lean heavily against the headboard.

Winston just groans. He hasn’t been able to do much sounds anyway and now that they are eye-to-eye, their huge round stomachs pressing together, he seems to become even more shy.

He turns his head away, his glasses long fogged over. “Ah… you’re so… you’re so deep-”

He puts his huge hands in front of his face, trying to hide himself from Roadhog’s intense stare.

Roadhog grabs him by the wrist and pulls his arm up high; only to then lean in with a low, piggish grunt and drag his thick tongue across Winston’s furry pit.

Winston groans again, his other hand sliding helplessly off his face. He looks horrified by what Mako is doing, but he’s not trying to fight it. They’re both sweaty and slick, the air in the small room thick and hot with their aroma.

Winston, being as hairy as he is, sweats even more than Roadhog. It’s dripping from his plump chest and rolls down his hirsute belly. It smooths the friction of their stomachs moving against each other as he awkwardly rocks his hips, grinding Mako’s fat erection through his swollen hole.

No matter how shy and bumbling he might be… he took him embarrassingly easy into his hot, squishy guts.

Mako pulls back after another long lick across Winston’s sweaty pit. He licks his lips, still keeping the other’s arm pulled up high above his head for easy access if he so chose. Small eyes flick over Winston, taking in how wrecked he already is. He looks on the verge of tears from overstimulation.

Eventually he starts palming the other’s chest, fingers digging into the fat of his right pectoral. “Got nice tits on you,” he grunts.

Winston’s mouth opens, his face going slack. “Oh.” is all he can say. His cock, squished helplessly between their bodies, twitches.

Roadhog’s thick lips curl into a smile. “Got a nice pussy too. Next time… you put on pretty stuff for me. Wanna see those tits… in a bra.” He digs his fingers in again for emphasize, then moves his fingers beneath the swell of Winston’s chest and starts to bounce it rudely.

Winston whimpers, his hips rocking faster, eyes squeezed shut tightly. He might not say it out loud, but it is obvious that he loves this. The dirty talk. The feminization.

His cock keeps drooling, the slimy pre-cum smearing between their bellies and pretty much gluing them together.

Mako idly plays with his chest some more; pinching his fat nipples or gently slapping them to make them jiggle, his eyes trained with such focus on Winston’s hairy tits that Winston can physically feel his attention.

Suddenly, though, Mako changes tactic. He leans back a little, finally letting go of Winston’s arm. He curls a hand into the back of his neck.


Before the grunted command can really register in Winston’s overheating head, he is pulled forward, his head stuffed beneath Roadhog’s arm. Apparently to return the favor? The thick musk he smells there is almost too overwhelming. Tears immediately spring to his eyes, arms flailing helplessly as his air is heavily restricted.

Everything is hot and wet and warm. His nose and mouth are stuffed in Roadhog’s armpit hair.

“Lick,” he can hear him order, his voice sounding more pressed like he too is close to coming.

Winston doesn’t have it in him not to comply. Obediently, his thick tongue starts to lap like a kitten, tasting the salty sweat and musk on the back of his tongue. The reek is consuming him.

His eyes roll into his skull and, stuck sniffing at Mako’s armpit, he comes to a hot, sweaty orgasm, cock pathetically twitching between their bodies.


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