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This week's fic is a 'blast from the past' fic! To see on why that is, please have a small look into the pinned post. As already stated there, I can't encourage you enough to link your patreon to discord to have a peek into the patron-only channel – or to DM me for further info if you can't/don't want to link. Thank you!

Readable for all tiers this time :)


This blast from the past is Patreon Comp Fic#27! Please enjoy this Roadhog/Reaper!

Roadhog/Reaper – gentle sex; size difference; porn with feelings – Mako finds an injured Gabriel and takes him. He nurses him to health in more ways, though.


The mission had been a crapshoot from the beginning, and Gabriel can barely manage to make his way out of the building before the rifles rip him apart completely.

He flees out into the freezing Australian night, barely able to hold himself together as he bleeds onto the desert sand until his legs give way and he has to dig his claws into the ground, still pulling himself farther and farther away from the goddamn mess Talon sent him into.

He’s a mess; half man, half smoke, and as he drags himself towards a large boulder, intent on hiding behind it, he wonders what will happen if he loses consciousness and can’t manage to keep himself together with the sheer animal panic driving his will on. He does not want to die; if he even can. He does not want to be scattered on the wind.

The thought makes him heave a dry, pained sob. Out here in the radiated Outback, bleeding and alone, it is easier to be alone and pathetic.

Everything swims in front of his eyes. He sees the boulder double for a moment and has to pause just so he won’t crawl face first into the stone.

And then there is no need for him to drag himself closer, because the boulder is turning around and moving towards him.

Reaper growls, all animal and panic, hurting from the bullets that have teared into his flesh. His body exploded into mist right then, all confused and only managing to do it half-assedly.

The boulder is undaunted and comes to stand in front of him before slowly bending down. Gabriel stares at the black mask swimming into view and then unconsciousness finally takes him.


“I wouldn’t have had the patience if I had been in your shoes,” Gabriel murmurs, watching Roadhog’s fat fingers bandage him up with such delicacy that it still makes Gabriel feel all… weird.

Roadhog pauses,in his movements for a second, and Gabriel has the feeling that he is glancing at him before letting his hands sink away. He’s done with his work for today. In all honesty, Reaper does no longer need the bandages and the care provided to him from the fat man, but neither of them seems to be quite ready to be alone again; so Roadhog grab the bandages as per usual, and Gabriel obediently spreads his knees and props his right foot up against the huge belly so Hog can take care of the tiny scratch above his knee that has been a bullet wound a few weeks ago.

Roadhog is a man of few words, and true to form he remains quiet even now. His huge ham sized fist carefully curling around Gabriel’s ankle, foot still propped against Mako’s belly.

Gabriel swallows hard. He can feel every point of contact like a brand on his skin. He wonders if the radiation has changed Hog’s magnetic field, because his nanites go crazy around the fat man. Now, too, they surge against his skin, trying to get closer.

When Hog suddenly does speak, the sound of his deep, hoarse voice sizzles through Gabriel and makes it difficult to sit still.

“I’ve had worse.”

Reaper barks out a tense laugh. He’s staring at Hog’s hand still around his ankle. Neither moves for a while. Gabriel wishes Hog would finally take off his mask – or at least give Gabriel back his. Just to even out the playing fields.

The tension that has been building between them for some time now is driving Gabriel crazy. He can’t even jerk off and curb some of those sharp edges of need because the hut Hog lives in is tiny, and the huge man is always there. Taking care of Gabriel.

Hog slowly lifts his other hand, curling fat sausage fingers around Gabriel’s knee, then farther up, cupping the underside of his thick thigh.

He freezes there, his black gas mask staring at Gabriel in what he can only assume is anticipation.

Gabriel lets his knees fall farther apart. Inviting him in.


Reaper has been a scared animal when Mako had found him. He’s been volatile, but nothing that Mako couldn’t handle. A kitten, compared to the horrors that the Outback had become after the reactor had exploded; and now he is tamed and sitting there open and… not really relaxed, but definitely purring as Mako carefully touches him and tries to gauge his reaction to it.

His skin is patchy, deathly pale in places, and Mako can swear the spots are travelling and shifting, moving from one side of his body to the other, but he’s never questioned it, and isn’t intending to do so any time soon.

They all have their secrets.

Gabriel has become one of his, jealously hidden away in his little hut where he can protect him. He had intended, once upon a time, to help him heal and get whatever treasure he had on his person as a recompense, but things had changed, and from the way Reaper mewls for him when his thick fingers wander up his thigh and creep beneath the cloth hiding him away, he can tell that the feeling is mutual.

Mako’s fingers lift the loincloth away slowly, the fabric delicately pinched between two thick fingertips. When he exposes Gabriel’s cock, thick and just as patchy as the rest of his skin, the man just sighs and seems to relax further.

Beneath his cock and the heavy swing of his ballsac Mako can feel the tight furl of his hole. He tickles it, watching Gabriel’s reaction, and when his face goes slack, mouth open and lips wet, he grunts softly and moves closer.

He moves slow and cumbersome; it comes with his age and the kind of weight he carries around, but eventually he is between Gabriel’s massive thighs and pushes his mask up just enough to expose his jaw and mouth. He noses beneath Gabriel’s heavy sac, then gets to work.

Neither of them speaks much about what is happening; they are not men of much words, though Gabriel is eager to let him know how much he enjoys the treatment. His thighs clamp around Mako’s head until he feels like he’s going to pop it like a grape.

He is sensitive and tight; it needs a few insistent swipes until Mako can push his wide tongue into him, but when he does, Gabriel groans long and drawn out like an animal; not unlike the sounds he’s made in those first few nights when Mako had still wondered if he were even going to live through the wounds he has sustained.

When he finally gets on his feet and curls Gabriel’s legs around his hips, he all but buries him beneath the fat swing of his gut. If Gabriel minds it, he does not show it.

His hands go up, fingers splayed wide, touching Mako’s belly with a kind of childlike fascination just before he feels the incredible girth of his cock against the wet relaxed gape of his hole. His fingers go more claw-like, then; grabbing at the firm swell, an alarmed croak stuck in his throat.

His beard his patchy like his skin, but Mako thinks he must have been an absolutely stunning man before whatever disease he has has grabbed a hold of him.

Now, he is merely beautiful, big brown eyes staring up at Mako as he gets carefully fucked open on what has to be the fattest cock he’s ever had to take. He pants through it like a champ, eyebrows drawn together, mist curling around his person. He’s clawing red hot streaks all over Mako’s huge gut, but not because he wants to get away.

Mako watches him from up above because he can’t bend down far enough to shush him and wipe at the involuntary tears that roll down his temples, so he just has to passively watch and try to go as easy on him as possible.

When the wide head finally pops inside, Gabriel cries out hoarsely, head thrown back, body tense like a bow string.

Mako lets go off one of his legs and slowly drags his huge hand along Gabriel’s chest and belly as far as he can reach before his own gut gets in the way. He can vaguely feel Gabriel’s cock rubbing against the lower swell of it, and it is exciting to know that he loves being spread on him despite the pain it brings with it.

Mako does not know what occupation Gabriel has; at least not with certainty. He can see that he is from a military background, though, and he wonders what it would take to convince him to stay.

Or to convince him to let him go with him.


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