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Hanzo/Cassidy – transman Hanzo; anal fuck; squirting; pussy spanking – Cole got Hanzo completely overworked on dick and does not intend to stop any time soon.

Part 1 (This Part)

Part 2 (Patreon Link)


In the beginning Hanzo had babbled like a lemur when Cole squeezed his cock into the little space of his backdoor, but now he’s gone awfully quiet.

His eyes are wide, staring at the ceiling, mouth hanging open as he pants soft and quick. There’s not much air he can squeeze into his lungs with Cole having pushed his legs up to his ears, folding him into a neat little package.

Just two wet, suckling holes and the sight of his pecs squeezed together. It’s a dream for anybody, really.

“Lookin’ like a million bucks,” he croons in a low voice, hips moving so slow that it’s starting to even get on his own nerves; only that he doesn’t dare move faster.

Not with how Hanzo’s ass is clinging to him, wet silk wrapped around his dick with utter desperation, his hole pouting outward every time Cole pulls out in slow motion. “Ya love gettin’ your ass stretched, don’t’cha? Don’t often get that, I guess… not with a tasty peach like that.”

His chin hits his chest as he stares down between Hanzo’s muscular thighs. His cunt is swollen and wet, looking like a damn stop sign with how flushed it has become.

Half of it is probably beard burn from Cole eating him out nice and slow until Hanzo had started raining hits down on his head and shoulders, begging him to give him a moment of reprieve. Just a little breather. Just a moment to let his poor, overworked pussy calm down and get that heat out…

Not a problem for Cole. He’s inventive. And Hanzo’s got more than enough holes that need to be filled good.

Hanzo makes a wheezing little sound. His pussy clenches. Cole can feel it even in his ass. His insides are hot and feel like they’re constantly shifting; constantly moving to accommodate the massive cock spearing into them. Trying to hug him tighter, closer, coerce him into shooting his load and leave those poor little holes alone-

Cole chuckles softly. He leans forward, his hands sliding along the backs of Hanzo’s legs until he curls them around his little ankles and pushes them back even further. Hanzo’s eyes go, if possible, even wider. His mouth moves, his hands fluttering uselessly at his sides, but a fat dick in his guts seems to have rendered him completely useless.

Cole grins crookedly. His heart is throbbing slow and hard in his chest. He feels like he could come any second… or take a couple more hours to drag Hanzo’s insides out. Depends on how the princess is feeling, really.

Their faces are so close, he could kiss him. Instead he’s just grinning into Hanzo’s sweaty, flushed face as he pumps his hips marginally faster, breeder balls dragging against the other’s ass.

Hanzo’s eyes start to roll up into his skull. He’s folded up so small, Cole can only imagine how his fat cock might feel inside his body right now. Just way too little space to move about… it feels like if he were just pressing his belly against Hanzo’s, he’d be able to feel his cock through him. The thought is overheating his brain.

“Take dick like a goddamn champ, you are-” he grunts through clenched teeth and snaps his hips harder, driving his cock into Hanzo to the very base.

It must shake something loose inside him. His feet twitch just above Cole’s gripping hands – and then he feels the wetness spraying against his abdomen.

He stops moving to look between them. Hanzo is actually squirting for him, his insides now strangling his poor dick.

Cole lets go of Hanzo’s legs, kneeling up and listening to him pull in a desperate, sobbing gasp once he can finally breathe without obstruction again.

“Shit, babe… that’s the hottest thing I’ve seen in a while,” Cole announces with a lazy drawl. Hands free, he can lazily slap Hanzo’s wet, swollen cunt.

The feeling makes Hanzo jump, a rough little cry ripped from his throat as his violent orgasm is extended.

“Damn, like gettin’ your pussy spanked, do ya? That’s hot as fuck. I don’t mind at all, darlin’. I can give ya way more where that came from.”

Hanzo whines through his teeth. Hands trying and failing to protect his pussy from Cole who easily catches his wrists in one hand and slaps his cunt again with the other.

Yeah, fuck… he wanted to come before, but now he feels he can hold out for a couple more hours yet.

Anything to royally fuck Hanzo up.


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