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Last Time: Hanzo got a spanking session with Reinhardt.

Content/warnings: Double penetration; extreme stretch


Hanzo is warmed up. In more ways than one. His muscles are nice and loose – enough so that Hana has to really brace him as they make their way toward the next room – and his ass is prickling from the spanking.

He still can feel Reinhardt’s huge hands on his ass and the backs of his thighs. Now that he’s had a few minutes to calm his brain and body down, he feels like he could go for another round of spanking, but then again… it had been pretty intense.

It also occurs to him that he did not suck that humongous cock off and now that he thinks about it, he really needs to get on that-

But Hana keeps steering him back forward.

“Come on… come on, walk in a straight line, will you? Ugh bitches always get so silly when they got cock.” She’s muttering with an air of exasperation but to Hanzo it sounds weirdly affectionate.

Like they had been butting heads for so long, it is almost comical that this would be how they actually manage to bond: Hana posing as his pimp while he gets his brain fucked out by a string of men…

“There they are. I’ve been about to call it a night, girl. I don’t have time to be waiting around for some sub-par pussy.”

The voice is familiar and yet not at all. From the cadence it could definitely be Reyes but it is too rough to be from the man, although he’s standing on the other side of the room next to the door, arms crossed in front of his chest and the beanie on his head pulled deep into his face.

Hanzo stares at him, blinking slowly. He can’t fathom the energy of being embarrassed about his current get-up; especially not thinking about how this very man made him piss on his boyfriend while fucking him from behind.

His attention turns to the other man in the room. Someone he has not yet interacted with: Jack Morrison.

He has an even tighter expression than Reyes, looking like some form of drill sergeant as he looks Hanzo up and down, his thin lips turning down in what must be disgust – if it weren’t for the very obvious bulge in his pants.

“Aw, don’t be like that,” Hana croons. She throws her arm around Hanzo’s shoulders, guiding him toward the Elite 4 member like his cock isn’t pink and oversensitive and swinging between his thighs right there in the open. “He just needed a bit of time to be put in the right track, you know? The right mind set. He’s all ready to take care of those big boy dicks you two have. I bet you’ll absolutely love his pussy. I got it on good authority that it’s nice and soft now. Creamy, if you will.”

Morrison’s face twists in disgust, his shockingly blue eyes sliding from Hana to Hanzo. His arm shoots out, grabbing him by the bicep and pulling him out of her grasp.

Hanzo stumbles and falls into him. Morrison’s chest is just as hard as Reyes’ is. They both feel cut out of the same cloth. Two hardasses that refuse to admit how hard they get off on soft, pretty things like Hanzo Shimada.

When they already got fucked and are so silky and loose that they can simply slide inside without a hitch.

Those cold blue eyes are boring through Hanzo, looking down on him as if he is little more than dirt beneath the sole of his shoe, and Hanzo… Hanzo goes hot for it.

He can feel his hole clenching desperately, the emptiness in his guts suddenly so very prominent.

He wants to get railed and if Morrison’s dick is anything like Reyes’, he can really go for a ride if he only manages to endear the man to him.

Swallowing thickly, Hanzo curls his fingers into the loops of Morrison’s belt. He goes up on the balls of his feet but his attempt at kissing that tight, strict mouth go unnoticed as Morrison turns his head to peer over his shoulder at Reyes.

They throw each other stares that Hanzo has no idea how to interpret. A second hand littered with rough calluses curls around Hanzo’s other bicep. He is pushed away so Morrison can once again inspect him from head to toe.

As if answering a question, he growls out: “Yeah. He’ll do.”

Reyes pushes himself off the wall he’s been leaning on. He makes his way over, hands dropping to his belt to start opening it.

“Hey and what about me? I mean I brought him here prepped and everything, don’t I at least get a ‘thank you, Hana’? Or like a little bit of head? Anyth- hey!”

Mid-tirade, Hana is nudged to the side by Reyes as she is in his way to get to Hanzo and Morrison.

“I’ll take care of you later,” he says. His quiet, smooth voice sends shivers over Hanzo’s skin. He watches Reyes approach and feels his body react to it as if he hadn’t done anything but get fucked by this man for months.

He wonders what Cole would think knowing that he’ll be crawling all over his mentor in a bit.

He probably would find it hot.

Hanzo half thinks about asking Hana to record the whole encounter but as far as he knows her now, she probably is keeping a record of this one way or the other.

Reyes comes up behind Hanzo, putting him into the odd position of being sandwiched between two massive, muscular guys who act like they’re just shy of being disgusted by him – if it weren’t for the erections he can feel pressing into his back and belly.

It only occurs to him when he hears a wet smacking sound and peers up to see the two men kissing over his head that he might not be the main attraction for them tonight…

He doesn’t know what to think about that. He likes watching the two rugged men making out, Gabriel’s hand snapping forward to grab Jack by the throat when he does not give in easily. He uses the pressure of his fingers to forcibly tilt the other man’s head back, all but biting at his thin lips with a scar slashed through them until Morrison gives in with a growl and ill grace and opens up for the other’s tongue.

Hanzo does not like not being the center of attention. He’s gone through great pains making sure to train Cole in a way that will ensure the other is always worshiping him like some kind of deity… but he definitely can forget about that with these two bastards.

They press closer to each other, squeezing Hanzo between their hard, muscular bodies until it becomes a bit difficult to breathe. He would think himself completely obsolete if it weren’t for their hips slowly rutting into him, big cocks rubbing against his body through the few layers of clothes that they are wearing.

He gets the distinct feeling that they would not be doing this at all if he weren’t there as some form of middle man. Maybe they can only accept how hot they are for each other if they have someone there to diffuse their intense attraction?

He doesn’t like that thought. Except that he really really kind of does. It means that in a way he still is the center of attention. Even if they don’t look at him when they finally stop kissing (biting?) each other, they grab for him first and manhandle him until he is in the air and his legs wrapped around Morrison’s hips.

Even Hana is allowed to do something. Reyes turns his head and roughly barks her name. She jumps on the spot where she’d been standing and heatedly typing on her phone. She blinks a few times, confused, then springs into action to get to them, her clever little hands starting to open the pants of both men.

Every now and then Hanzo will feel those mean little fingers at his hole, dipping in and giving him a few pumps or tugging against his rim just to feel if he’s still good and ready for what is to come…

Hanzo can put his head on Morrison’s shoulder like a kitten. After his initial dismay at just being nothing more than a glorified sex toy for the two men, he can kind of get behind the whole concept. There’s nothing expected of him other than letting them use his holes, which… yeah… that’s easy enough. He can do that.

He thinks.

It’s almost like being a pillow princess, only that nobody is paying attention to him other than impatiently rearranging his limbs while they growl insults at each other or share the occasional very aggressive kiss.

He is getting a bit sleepy by the time they manage to put their cocks where they need them to be… though when they begin to push inside, Hanzo is awake. His back stiffens and his mouth opens without any sound coming out. Yet.

He is just inhaling shuddering and desperate to tell them that they won’t fit when Gabriel curls a hand over his mouth to muffle him even before his complaints have started.

Two thick fingers curl and shove into his mouth, rubbing across his slippery tongue in much the same way as they both push their fat cocks into his spasming hole.

White noise fills his ears as he feels his muscle simply… stretching for them. As if it weren’t a big deal at all. As if he is used to having to men stuff their big nasty dicks simultaneously into his guts to fuck him.

He does not want to be that kind of whore… except his pussy apparently really does. His body sings hot and tingling as they ruthlessly push in and in and in until he is so very certain that there can’t be any more dick left… only that they keep pushing inside.

Tears spring to his eyes – but not of pain. He isn’t in pain. Hanzo wishes he were so he had a good reason to make a ruckus and tell them to fuck off, but all he feels is liquid heat pooling first in his guts and then creeping into his limbs until he feels like he is some kind of water balloon.

There is not a single muscle in his body reacting the way he wants it to right now. And all throughout, he is just gurgling soft and pathetic while he gets his mouth lazily fingered by Reyes.

Are the two even paying attention to him?

Opening his eyes feels like a monumental effort. He can’t really see anything through the tears of overstimulation anyway but he can tell that they are kissing again. At least that distracts those two oafs from actually trying to fuck him.

Someone most have absolutely lathered their dicks in slick. Maybe it was Hana. It probably was.

Hanzo can practically feel their shafts slip-sliding against each other. There’s not a single hitch in it all. Just a lot of heat and friction that is starting to drive Hanzo absolutely crazy.

He’s never had his belly filled with cock quite like this. He suspects Mister Rutledge’s cock might have about the circumference of these two together but it is different somehow. Everything is different, of course.

Their hard bodies keep him pinned between them, skin slicking against skin… and nobody pays attention to Hanzo. He is just a living fleshlight that they can stuff their stupid fat cocks into and forget about. Something they can just stopper up so he won’t make any sounds and distract them from each other…

Hana is bouncing around them like a yappy little dog. She might be saying something while she is doing it but Hanzo’s ears are full with the rush of his own blood. Or maybe it is the rush of blood running through those massive cocks double teaming him right now.

He is not too sure – he feels like he’s filled with cock so much that there is little left for himself. They try to fuck him like that at first; awkwardly moving their hips and dicking him in a way that has him filled with cock at all times. After a few minutes, someone mutters a rough, aggressive sounding ‘fuck it’ and hands grip him around the ribs to start moving him up and down instead.

Hanzo’s eyes feel like they are about to pop out of his skull as he feels the change; the simultaneous slide out and back inside of two hot cocks reaming him.

He gurgles but the hand on his mouth is unrelenting, fingers thrust deep into him, just shy of making him gag. They press down harder on his tongue when they feel him starting to vocalize, so all he can do is wordlessly whine and drool as he is now actually used like a fleshlight by the two other men.

And Hana is still bouncing around them, excited and unrelenting in her horny voyeurism. Is she taking pictures? Is she taking a video? Is she going to show any of it to Cole so he may see how desperately horny for cock his boyfriend has become in the few short months that they have known each other?

Oh, how far the mighty have fallen.

Hanzo’s cock is hard again, dragging against the slick, sweaty ridges of Morrison’s abs as he is being pumped along their cocks. The feeling is so intense that it has tears shoot into his eyes. He does not know if he’ll even be able to come again. It feels like he’s shot his load a million times already, though that can’t possibly be. He’s just so oversensitive and overworked, his heart pumping a fast tattoo against his ribs and his head spinning from the sensation of being spread so wide-

He is not going to be able to stand tomorrow. He’ll have the most important fights of his career and he won’t be able to focus because his hole will be just a gaping, hungry maw, dripping cum for the rest of his goddamn life because there’s just so… so much of it.

“You’re going to suffocate him,” Morrison growls. It’s the first words Hanzo has been able to really make out. Maybe because it’s about him for once?

Instead of pulling his fingers out, Reyes just hooks them harder into the corner of Hanzo’s mouth, pulling on his lips and dragging his head back against his shoulder so he and Morrison can look at each other.

“Shut your damn mouth. I know the kind of nasty shit you’re into, Morrison. You love seeing him like this.”

And so it continues. Hanzo a toy between them, stretched out to his very limits while these two men argue as if they were an old married couple. At one point the fingers in his mouth switch. Gabriel pulls out and Morrison stuffs three of his inside without a hitch; like they had been talking this maneuver over and aren’t hissing insults at each other, faces close enough their noses touch before biting kisses into each other’s mouths.

All the while Hanzo is casually choking on their non-attention. Filled to the brim with men that are barely enough interested in him to keep moving him up and down their swollen, pulsating dicks.

It’s not bad. It really isn’t… but he finds himself thinking of Cole and the undivided, almost worshiping attention he gives him whenever they are together, as he finally shoots his load while still feeling full and swollen and like he hasn’t orgasmed at all.

There is one more room and Hanzo is exhausted but he’s going to see this through just because he’s a stubborn bastard at the end of the day.


Morrison is fighting like he is fucking. Aggressive and intense but oddly enough in a way that makes Hanzo feel like he’s not really paying any attention to him.

It’s more like Morrison has beef with Hanzo’s Pokémon, his gaze intense and focused as he goes against them with everything he got.

So Hanzo decides to go a different route. His body is starting to wake up properly. He is shaking off the heavy lethargy from the last night, and his brain works better as he puts out his fastest Pokémon to run circles around Morrison’s powerhouse team until they have shot all their loads and are too exhausted to fight back.

When his last Pokémon falls, Morrison’s disturbingly blue-eyed gaze is finally falling on Hanzo with undivided attention, his mouth pulled into a downward arch.

Hanzo’s winning streak: 3


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