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Hanzo/Cole/Gabriel – remote control toy – Hanzo and Gabriel have decided to torment their mutt during a nice big dinner.

Part 1 (This Part)

Part 2 (Patreon Link)


Cole is a hot fuck. He is handsome enough and dumb enough to just go along with whatever Hanzo or Gabriel might suggest to him – and look good while doing so, but that doesn’t mean that either of them really want to be associated with him.

They have reputations to uphold, meaning that during the large fancy dinner that Overwatch treats itself to, they sit as far apart from each other and from Cole as possible while he restlessly shifts on his chair, a slight frown on his face.

Seems like someone can’t quite get behind the feeling of having his ass full of cock without actually getting fucked.

Or maybe it is the fact that there is a loop around the base of his dick connecting to the cock in his ass. Cole never has done well with restraints of any kind and now he manspreads it as wide as he can just to somehow alleviate the minimal pressure he can feel on his genitals.

Angela looks mildly annoyed by it but isn’t too bothered yet to actually do something about it.

Gabriel and Hanzo throw each other a small glance over the table. Currently the remote rests in Gabriel’s pocket. It is almost too small for his big hand, but his thumb can easily feel out the few buttons that it possesses as he lets his hand drop beneath the table to grasp it.

Cole is watching them. Hanzo has his hand beneath the table as well just so he wouldn’t know who of them to plead with like the mangy mutt that he is.

His face is already flushing ruddy red and they have not begun yet.

Angela leans toward him and whispers something in his ear. She is probably concerned about his complexion or the wet sheen to his skin. Maybe she asks him if he had decided to start the celebration early and whether she should take the beer away from him as if he were an unruly child – Gabriel chooses that moment to push the button on the toy and start it up on the lowest setting.

Cole’s back stiffens suddenly. He makes an explosive sound that is just shy of being a cry as he quickly morphs it into a coughing fit.

Angela has jerked back, a frown on her face. She starts to pat his back to… help him, or something?

Gabriel’s mouth twitches but he can stop the smile from happening. He does not give Cole enough time to get accustomed to the sudden vibrations before he begins to escalate it, pushing the button once more to let it vibrate harder.

While Cole’s reaction isn’t as dramatic this time, from his point of view it looks like the mutt is already on the verge of breaking out in tears.

And they’ve only just begun.

This would be a very fun night.


T997 on AO3

This one is so hot omgggggggf

T997 on AO3

Please continue it!!!!


NGL I really enjoyed this one too! I'm curious to see how the second drabble goes and what people will then vote on. I'll not be mad if this one wins hehehehe