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Reinhardt/Gabriel – Reinhardt just loves looking at Gabriel and talking about his body and all the things he wants to do to him... mainly Reinhardt just really loves Gabriel.

Part 1 (Patreon Link)

Part 2 (Patreon Link)

Part 3 (This Part)


Gabriel is glistening with sweat. He’s been beneath Reinhardt for a few hours now, getting put through the works. It’s not like he’s had to do much other than offer up his hole for the taking but his breathing is loud and labored and with every new, slow thrust from behind, he is shuddering bodily.

Reinhardt reaches around him, hand briefly rubbing across his belly as he does so. Noting how nice and swollen it has already become, he is not deterred from his actual goal, hand easily cupping the small cocklet that seems to all but vanish in the fold that is created by Gabriel’s new gut.

“You are still hard, my friend!” he exclaims, fingers lightly playing with Gabriel’s equally small testicles. “I am sure you can come for me again, don’t you think? What would that be… the fourth time?!”

Gabriel lets his head hang low. He is not prone to begging or whining but the wheeze of his breath sure makes it sound like he’s close to it now. His hips jerk downward into Reinhardt’s hand… or maybe off of his cock. It’s not quite obvious what he is trying to accomplish.

Reinhardt follows him along with a lazy forwards push of his own hips; keeping himself lodged nice and deep in the other man’s guts.

“I… can’t. Reinhardt… please-” His voice is soft, just like his insides which are still clenching around his cock every now and then. Unable to accept that Reinhardt as stretched him so wide that it’ll take days for it to go back into any semblance of tightness.

Reinhardt has pumped a few loads into him already… but a man of his size is not satisfied with just that. His balls are still sitting low, swinging heavy with every lazy thrust. He’s still got quite a ways to go until he is satisfied and he tells him as much while he idly plays with his little junk.

“I understand that there is not much room in here,” he says with a gentle voice, fingers all but juggling Gabriel’s diminutive nuts. “But you have to understand that a real man with a real pair of balls can go a lot more than you, hmn?”

Gabriel groans, face hidden against the bedding. Reinhardt can feel his cocklett twitching against his palm; stupidly eager for the humiliation.

It had taken him a while to really understand just how slutty Gabriel is for this; how much he loves getting told how useless his micro cock is and how he is only good as a sleeve for a nice fat dick.

But he has to admit that he has grown rather fond of the game. Praise and sweet nothings come far more easy to Reinhardt but there is something to be said about the freedom that comes with being mean for once.

“Come… maybe this will help you.”

It will not; it will, in fact, make it feel that much worse for Gabriel to sit on Reinhardt’s cock and have all that gravity pull down on his body – but he needs to see his stomach in action after he has felt it just in passing.

Gabriel does not want to move but there’s not much he can do when Reinhardt starts to rearrange their bodies. God, there is so much liquid pumped into his intestines that Reinhardt can hear it sloshing around in his stomach when he turns the both of men around.

Gabriel does not make a sound… but his face is pinched tightly once he settles awkwardly on Reinhardt’s fat dick, his hands on the other’s chest, just trying to breathe through the sensation of it all.

Reinhardt lets him try to figure it out. He is more interested in what he is seeing. Gabriel’s usually tight abs are bulging outward, his stomach grotesquely swollen with cum. It is hanging over so far that his micro cock is completely hidden beneath it like the pathetic clitty that it is.

He looks… breathtaking, quite honestly. Reinhardt reaches out and puts his hands on Gabriel’s stomach as if it were a nice, pregnant belly. He slowly pushes his thumbs in against the tight muscles to feel the soft, jiggly give behind them. No, there’s no baby in there. Just loads and loads of cum that Reinhardt had pumped into the other man’s guts over the past few hours.

Using him as his very personal cum dumpster while all but forcing him into his own orgasms. He had only managed two actual ones before his pathetic little nub only twitched and made him go through it dry.

Reinhardt stretches his limbs, arching his spine so it cracks softly before he goes boneless into the mattress again, a satisfied groan rising from deep inside his chest.

“There we go… I’m getting old after all. It’s exhausting leaning over someone for hours on end, you know?” He laughs softly, his palm slowly rubbing over Gabriel’s distended belly until his fingertips slide beneath it so he can touch his little nub. “Then again… maybe you don’t. You don’t fuck a lot with that little thing of yours, do you?”

Gabriel half turns his head away. He looks embarrassed but his muscles are still nice and loose. He loves it. He loves the way Reinhardt talks to him; gently humiliating him and his tiny dick while he sits on his cock, hole gone sloppy and loose from all the dicking.

Reinhardt takes his hands off of his belly, instead placing them on those massive, muscular thighs of his. Squeezing encouragingly.

“Go on. Ride my cock! Show me how much you love stuffing it into your tummy. Mmmhh I already filled you up so much… I bet it will take this time around. Maybe I’ll knock you up with triplets! Wouldn’t that be something?”

Gabriel has half-lifted himself himself up before Reinhardt’s words really make any sense to him (or not, as it were) and he just stutters to a halt, staring at him with those pretty brown eyes, his mouth soft in surprise.


Reinhardt tries not to laugh at his puzzled expression. He gently slaps his thigh, trying to get him to continue moving again. “I’m just saying! I keep pumping you full of cum, one of these days it just has to take! I bet there’s a womb somewhere in there. It would be the only explanation for your little clit dick, would it not?”

Gabriel exhales roughly. Reinhardt can see his skin pebbling in goosebumps. He is just about to urge him again to continue moving when Gabriel does it all on his own. Maybe he just managed to regain some of his strength… or maybe the thought about Reinhardt knocking him up really gets him going.

He looks gorgeous bouncing on his cock; his belly jiggling with every motion, bouncing due to the weight of Reinhardt’s cum in his guts. It’s mesmerizing. And maybe it feels as good as it looks because the sounds Gabriel is making are haunting. Low and throaty; almost gurgles as he reaches for his own tits to play with those tight little nipples and give him something to take his mind of the odd motion of his belly.

“God, you look absolutely divine,” Reinhardt croons. He wants to reach for Gabriel but has to force himself to keep his hands on his thighs so he wouldn’t help him. So he can just enjoy the sight of Gabriel’s whole body moving as his silky soft hole drags along Reinhardt’s cock like the sweetest, most welcoming mouth. He suckles on him with every upward drag, his fucked-out soft muscles hugging around his shaft to unwittingly keep milking him despite the many loads he’s already put into him.

There is cum continuously dripping from the plump, loose rim; getting fucked into a nice, creamy froth by the continuous motion.

“You look exhausted, my dear- are you all tuckered out already?” Reinhardt slips a hand beneath Gabriel’s belly to play with his little clit dick. He awkwardly curls two fingers around it so Gabriel’s up-and-down motions make him jerk himself off.

Gabriel exhales roughly again. He pinches his nipples mean like that will manage to keep him from orgasming dry yet again.

His whole belly shivers as his muscles begin to slowly tense.

Reinhardt smiles. It becomes even wider when Gabriel’s attention finally lands back on him. He shifts his legs to get a bit of purchase and lightly begins to pump his hips up and meet Gabriel’s exhausted motions.

“I am not done yet, my sweet little treasure. Not by a long shot. A man with the balls my size has a lot to give, you know. By the time I’m done with you, your belly will be huge. You’ll be able to taste my cum in the back of your throat. You will beg me to let you relief yourself.

Tonight will be a truly magical night, my Gabriel.”


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