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Part 1 (This Part)

Part 2 (Patreon Link)

Mauga/Cassidy – drunk sex; leading to somnophilia – Mauga and Cassidy are one peas in a pod surprisingly enough and the last time they got to play with each other has been entirely too long.


Mauga is good and drunk – but not in the way Cassidy is, hanging off of his arm and barely able to put one foot in front of the other. In a way, Mauga is jealous of him. But in another, it means that he’s got enough coordination to grab him by the throat and push him up against the wall of the building they just stumbled out from.

Cassidy’s face twists. He looks at once a little green around the gills as he weakly grabs a hold of Mauga’s arm and tries to push him away.

“Don’t… don’t move me so fast,” Cole complains in a pathetic drawl.

Mauga laughs, coming close to crowd him against the concrete hard enough that they both feel the music through the wall. “Ah. My bad, my bad,” he says easily and without any remorse. Either Cassidy doesn’t pick up on it, too busy not losing half the drinks he chugged tonight, or he doesn’t care.

That’s the beautiful thing about Cole: He’s as easy-go-lucky as Mauga. They got much the same mentality. Life’s too short to be pissy about every little inconvenience.

“You’ve been looking good in there,” Mauga croons. He drags his wide, grinning mouth against Cassidy’s cheek. He comes close to his mouth but when the other already opens it in anticipation of a nice, sloppy kiss, Mauga pulls away again. Teasing. “I’ve been thinking about you. A lot. Been a while since we got to play! Shame. Real shame.”

Cassidy hums. He is only upright at this point because Mauga is forcing him up against the wall. “I mean… I guess so?” he drawls. Reaching out for the other, he puts his hands against Mauga’s massive chest, slowly sliding them up and around his neck. Playing with Mauga’s hair like he always does, albeit slower, barely awake. “We could change that now… Nobody’s here, right?”

Mauga throws his head back and laughs before leaning in and pressing his forehead against Cole’s, telling him in no uncertain terms: “Wouldn’t bother me if there were! Let them see! Let them have fun!”

Cassidy is grinning as well, wide and sloppy. He pulls himself in and smears a kiss against Mauga’s chin because he can’t aim very well at the moment. Mauga helps him out, curling his arms around him and crushing him against his body as he pushes his wide tongue deep and intrusive into Cassidy’s mouth. Lets him choke on it as if it were a dick.

Cassidy’s body is lax and with no real coordination, so Mauga pulls him off his feet and moves to a nice patch of grass. He likes how loose Cassidy gets when he’s drunk. He can hold his liquor well usually but when he overdoes it like tonight, he can barely keep himself from pissing his own pants – which is an absolute riot in Mauga’s opinion.

He hasn’t been joking; he has been watching the Cowboy the whole night. He is horny for him and he’s going to have his fun until he’s well and done with him.

It’s going to be good.


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