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This week's fic is a 'blast from the past' fic! To see on why that is, please have a small look into the pinned post. As already stated there, I can't encourage you enough to link your patreon to discord to have a peek into the patron-only channel – or to DM me for further info if you can't/don't want to link. Thank you!

Readable for all tiers this time :)


This blast from the past is Patreon Comp Fic#24! Please enjoy this Bakugo/fem!Reader!

Bakugo/Fem!Reader – Dirty talk; consensual abuse/degradation; 2nd person POV – Bakugo has fem!reader completely enthralled and under his boot. She loves it.


Bakugo has you in his hand, and you both know it. He likes lording it over you. He’s a fuckboy but you knew that before going into this whole… arrangement. It is, if you’re being honest with yourself, the main reason you are drawn to him.

You like that he thinks he’s God’s gift to the world. That his dick game is exceptional and he sometimes loses focus while drilling into you and starts checking on his phone.

He’s a goddamn brat of a boy but you knew all of that going in, and it only makes you more needy for the whole experience. You tried shutting it off and giving him the cold shoulder – you know you deserve better, there are enough suitors trying to wriggle their way into your panties – but the truth of the matter is that you’ve spent those two dreary weeks with your cunt puffy, plump lips sliding against each other slick and hyper-sensitive, and with your hand shoved into them in the school’s toilets, frantically circling your clit while imagining his rough voice in your ear telling you you can ‘do better’... or thinking about his intense, red eyes sliding off of your bouncing tits and towards an article on his phone while he keeps messing your cunt up.

It’s a good thing he broke down first and came back to you, begging. It makes you realize that the relationship is not as tilted towards his favor as you had thought; that he is still just a stupid little boy that wants to pretend like you don’t matter when in reality he’s just as dependent on the clench of your slick little pussy as you are on the girth of his cock and the burn that comes with fucking Katsuki Bakugo.

It soothes something inside you that you hadn’t known had gotten bruised over the time you’ve spent with him. It’s easy to forget that you are both into it equally when Bakugo is so very proficient in dishing out the abuse.

In any case: he’s shown something vulnerable of his, albeit grudgingly, and you feel… calmer about the whole rest. You neither need him nor want him to do a sudden 180 and shower you in praise and worship the ground you walk on. It is not why you are so very attracted to him; but still, it is nice to remind yourself of how much he is into this when he contorts you in the ways he wants to have you – like lifting your hips until you are lying on your shoulders, ass up and legs self-consciously twitching in the air while he very nosily inspects what you have to offer.

Or when he nonchalantly fucks his thumb into your asshole and laughs at you as you squeak and tighten up all over, heat bursting out across your shoulders and your tits as he comments with malicious glee: “Like it up the ass, do you?”

It’s a good thing you two got going, even though you know that your friends would be horrified if they knew about it. Bakugo is brash. He is an asshole. He used to make you trip if you walked past him just because he was bored and wanted something to laugh about – but he’s stopped that a long time ago now.

Your friends haven’t noticed, but you have: Bakugo lets you just quietly live your life. You almost thought he was embarrassed about your fuck arrangement and trying to ignore you outside the bedroom, but that is not true. You can feel his eyes on you whenever you enter a room he is in.

You have become curious; watching his reactions, and true enough: You are the first thing he seeks out when he enters a room and you are the last he checks up on when he leaves again. It’s nothing overt, nothing embarrassing, but it is… soothing, nonetheless.

You are proficient and working to be a hero just like anybody else, but knowing that Bakugo is quietly watching you is putting you at ease still. Like a mistress knowing her half-feral guard dog could rip anybody apart within seconds while being the sweetest of puppies towards her.

You keep that in mind when he is being mean to you and your cunt is pulsing slow and needy as a result of it. Like that time after school when he steps out of the boy’s changing rooms to get into the showers just across the hall, and sees you standing there, already squeaky clean and ready to head home for some dinner and evening studies, staring at him with a bit of a glassy gaze because you are a freak and Bakugo sweaty and smelling – stinking, really, you can already smell him across the few feet distance between you – is making your pussy feel molten and your belly going all tight and achy.

He frowns, lips pressing together tightly. You can see him working something out, his dark red eyes flicking left and right of you, checking the hallway for anybody else, then turns around to look the other way.

When he realizes nobody is there, he turns back to you, giving you a slow once-over that makes you squeeze your thighs together as you feel like you’re going to drip through your panties any second now. Jeez, he’s getting you so messy so quickly without even doing anything…

Finally, his arm shoots out, pushing the door to the boys` locker room back open. He jerks his head towards it.

“In here. Now.”

You jump and feel yourself flush, but there’s no way you can tell him no when your nipples are already going tight in response, your whole body primed to obey.

You duck your head and quickly slip past him and into the brightly lit room. It is empty – of course it is – and looks identical to the girls’, only that it… smells more.

You don’t really mind. You can’t really think about it either, though, because Bakugo is on you, bullying you inside and slamming the door shut. There’s no way to lock it and that gets your pussy pulsing, your clit feeling ridiculously swollen – enough so that it drags against your panties and makes your knees weak.

Bakugo lets his towel fall to the ground. He’s unselfconscious, and knows what it does to you to see his cock and not being allowed to touch it. He grins like the asshole he is when he sees your gaze fixated on the blunt, wide tip of it, already pushed out of the foreskin and flushed a dark pink.

It occurs to you, belatedly, that he’s just as into this as you, yet when he calls you a ‘disgusting slut always ready for it’ you flush up to your ears and don’t dare to look him in the eyes – because it is true.

You are always ready for it. You dream of his cock sliding into you and pushing at all the delicious places. He’s a big too big for your pussy but you like the dull ache that comes with him basically tapping against your womb when he dicks you especially enthusiastically.

Bakugo reaches for you and grabs your skirt. You don’t stop him as he lifts it like it is his right, staring at your drenched panties. They are see-through, and he tsks like he’s disgusted with the sight of your plump lips, clit so very prominent already.

He reaches out with his other hand, blunt fingertip nudging against it, and your knees almost buckle. You know better than to reach for him, though – Bakugo makes it very clear when you are allowed to touch, and when not.

He starts stripping you and you let him do it. Half-way through, he suddenly halts and stares at your flushed face intently, then grins and grabs the back of your head and pulls your face into his sweaty armpit.

You squeak and struggle for a second but his grip is firm and you stop eventually. You even moan, and Bakugo’s resulting laugh is nasty and low and makes your tits ache with how desperately you want his mean fingers pinching the tips.

You wait for him to comment on your debauchery, but he doesn’t. Not yet. He pushes you suddenly and you stumble back. Your nose feels wet from his sweat. You are humiliated and hot and you think you are going to cry any second now if you don’t get his dick.

Bakugo finishes undressing you. Before you know what’s up you are sitting on the bench in the boys’ locker room, only wearing your white, prim socks and black sandals as Bakugo lifts your legs and finally – finally – plunges inside you.

You choke, breath caught in your throat as your cunt gets spread on his cock so suddenly. There’s a rush of blood in your ears, but not too loud to drown out his gloating.

“Fuck, you are such a slut. You love dick so much, don’t you? Pervert…”

Your legs are bouncing in the air as he gives it to you. You are aware that the door is not locked, that someone could come in any second, but you can’t stop yourself from being embarrassingly loud. Bakugo presses his rough palm across your mouth and nose, cutting off some of the air. He fucks you until you are getting dizzy, staring at him with teary eyes as he grins feral.

“You are a fucking freak. Love sniffing my armpits, do ya? Gets your cunt all excited… Fuck, I can’t even properly feel it, it’s so wet.”

You mewl pathetically behind his palm. He fucks you like a mad man, the sounds of the slapping loud and wet and obscene. Your eyes start rolling up into your head when his cock begins knocking against your cervix, the pain of it throbbing through your body and ending at the very tips of your toes that are curling inside your shoes.

Bakugo laughs at you, mean and derogatory, and you almost come just from it and your cunt spread on his hot, wide cock.

It’s not the most healthy relationship, but you feel like he’s ruined you for anything else. You are addicted to the abuse.


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