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Reinhardt/Cassidy – Reinhardt has been captured by Talon quite a while ago and brainwashed into a twisted version of himself. Now, he receives extreme pleasure from the emotional and physical pain of others.

Part 1 (This Part)

Part 2 (Patreon Link)


Despite his struggling, Cole is thrown into the dark cell. He loses balance, crashing hard to the ground as they took away his prosthetic and he’s helpless without it.

“Fuck… fuck!” he hisses, scrambling to get back toward the metal door, slamming his fist against it. “Let me out of here you fucking pieces of shit! Tell me what happened to Hanzo! Tell me if he’s alive!”

His desperation is uncharacteristic. He keeps throwing himself against the metal, voice cracking in his panic as he demands answers and is not getting any.

A low groan behind him alerts him to the fact that he is, in fact, not alone in his cell. He whirls around, chest heaving. He is close to tears in his desperation but now that he knows he’s got company, he tries to reign them in.

From the impenetrable darkness, a huge shape peels itself off and steps into the little bit of light filtering into the tiny jail cell.

Cole’s face goes through a whole slew of emotions as he recognizes the giant that is standing in front of him. He hadn’t seen him for months now. Years, maybe? It’s difficult to think when his brain wants to obsess over Hanzo.

“Reinhardt, you’re… you’re alive!” He stumbles a step or two forward but comes to an abrupt halt when he notices more about his… friend?

Reinhardt is naked, for one – and he’s slowly stroking the fattest erection Cole had ever seen. The face that stares back at him is near unrecognizable; there is none of that genteel amusement and kindness that he has come to associate Reinhardt with. Instead, his expression is dark and perverse, his mouth hanging open in mindless arousal.

“... Buddy?” Cole asks haltingly, his voice rough. He reaches up, rubbing an arm across his stinging eyes to clear his vision and the resulting groan from Reinhardt sends shudders down his back. What the Hell is happening?


Reinhardt takes a step forward. He’s had better entertainment in the past, but the way Cole looks right now, he could definitely become his favorite very quick. His desperation from seconds before had gotten Reinhardt good, at least. His dick is wet, long strings of pre already drooling to the ground of the cell. He’s been waiting in here for a while and had almost thought Talon to have deceived him…

But they have yet to disappoint. They keep bringing him the most delicious victims – Cole is just the very peak of those. He’s the first of his erstwhile team mates that Reinhardt is able to get into his hands.

“Hanzo,” he rasps out. “What about him?”

He knows what is up with him, he’s watched on a little screen while desperately jerking off – but he wants to hear it, too. He wants to hear it from Cole. How his voice shakes and cracks and how the tears shoot back into his eyes.

Cole keeps staring at Reinhardt fisting his dick, but the question reminds him of the desperate pain he’s feeling. He turns around again toward the door, fist thumping against it but weaker this time. He puts his forehead against the cold metal, voice trembling as he says: “I… I don’t know. He was in the building when it collapsed, I… I saw him under a broken support beam when Talon grabbed me. He was wounded-” He inhales sharp and shaking, fighting so hard against the tears threatening.

Reinhardt bites his tongue, trying not to interrupt him while he presses a thick finger against his piss slit, all but trying to wriggle it into his hole. His nuts feel already swollen to the size of grapefruits. There is nothing better, nothing sweeter than the sound of a voice on the verge of tears. Oh, that pain… that bone deep desperation…

“There was so much blood and- fuck, I think he lost a leg? Fuck-” Cole slaps his fist against the door again, his voice all over the place as he calls out helplessly toward his captors: “Is he alive?!”

A huge sob rattles his stocky frame.

Reinhardt nearly goes cross-eyed with pleasure. His balls feel like they’re about to burst. Slowly creeping closer, overly aware of the hefty swing of his genitals with every single movement, he touches Cassidy’s shoulder.

Thinking that Reinhardt is about to comfort him, Cole turns around and wraps his arms around the giant’s torso. He doesn’t sob loudly but his shoulders are still shaking as he presses his face against Reinhardt’s pecs. The silent tears are slick against his skin.

Does Cassidy not feel the massive erection pulsating hot and insistent against his belly? Maybe he is trying to ignore it; maybe he just doesn’t want to face the reality of the situation.

That’s hot, too. Reinhardt doesn’t mind for now to just curl his arms around his erstwhile friend and slowly rock his hips to drag his dick between them. Every tremor he can feel running through Cassidy’s strong shoulders is tickling something in his hind brain that almost makes him drool in pleasure.

He already wants to shoot his load but he also wants to drag it out a little. Just to see where this whole situation is taking them. He can still break his limbs one by one at a later time (and Gottverdammt the thought of Cassidy’s screams and whimpering is almost enough to send him over the edge) but this particular fine wine is one that should be savored now while it is still fresh.

“I should think he’s still alive,” he murmurs, waiting for Cole’s shaking to die down somewhat so he can continue: “But would he want to be? He most certainly is a cripple now. Do you think someone like Hanzo Shimada would want that?”

Cassidy’s head rears back like a spooking colt’s, his eyes wide and confused as he looks up at Reinhardt.

“What the-” Trying to push away from him, he has to quickly realize that Reinhardt has got a tight chokehold on him, keeping him pressed against the giant’s body. “What is wrong with you?” he asks.

The hurt in his voice is like an aphrodisiac. It’s just enough to rile Reinhardt up nicely and get his blood pumping harder. Does Cassidy feel his dick twitching between them? Reinhardt certainly thinks that he can; the way his face screws up into a tight visage of disgust is everything to Reinhardt in that moment.

Oh, but they can do so much better than that. Once the anger dies down and is replaced by dumb panic and bone deep helplessness. Reinhardt’s hips curve forwards, fucking his cock along Cassidy’s stomach.

“I’ve watched it all from here, you know,” he murmurs low and intimate, his arms squeezing even tighter around Cole’s body to hinder him at using his arms. “They’ve told me to wait here so I could get myself a nice little treat… and wouldn’t you know, they put up a screen for me as well so I could have a first row seat to everything.

It really got me going good, you know? It really got my blood pumping.” Here, he accentuates his words with a sharp thrust that Cassidy simply can’t ignore anymore. The man’s breathing is picking up. Reinhardt can feel his heart thumping faster; a strong galloping beat that is mirrored by Reinhardt’s rapidly growing arousal.

“Who are you talking about?” Cole asks softly. He’s stopped struggling for now but Reinhardt has had enough playmates over the past year that he can see the defiant twinkle in his eyes. He knows that the fight hasn’t gone out of Cole. Not for a while. Oh, he will struggle, that is for certain.

“My dearest Talon, of course. The ones that have opened my eyes and my body to the pleasure that I have been blind to for most of my life. They gift me with the sweetest little play things… but you, my friend. You are the crown jewel of those toys. I haven’t had a playmate that I had personally known before. This will be…” he trails off, inhaling deeply, feeling the blood rushing through his veins and culminating in a thick pulsation at the tip of his aching cock. “This will be difficult to top after I’ve had my fun.”

He looks down. He can see all the emotions playing over Cassidy’s face even as he obviously tries to keep a tight reign on them. The confusion and slowly dawning horror. The panic that he tamps down on.

Oh, Reinhardt wants to fuck him. And also fuck him up. He wants to make him hurt so bad that he will beg him for the sweet release of death. For some of his toys, he acquiesced… but he does not think that he will want the game with Cassidy to be done so quickly. He thinks that he will want to play with him over… and over… and over again.

“I don’t believe you,” Cole finally gets out, his voice pressed like he’s had to wrestle the words out of him.

Reinhardt’s lips twitch.

“You will.”


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