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Hanzo/Gaomon – The backstory to this is that Hanzo is a hitman after running from the Shimada Estate. One of his targets is the trainer of Gaomon who sees Hanzo as far more honorable and strong than his previous partner. Gaomon, hoping that Hanzo will be able to help him digivolve (a fairly rare occurence in this world), follows him until he accepts him as a partner. From then on they're a pretty good team!


Hanzo’s skin crawls as he and Gaomon make their way from the receptionist’s desk to their room. It’s late enough that not many people are still out and about – but those that are are openly staring at the two of them.

Gaomon is right at Hanzo’s back – as he always is when they’re not alone. Keeping an eye out for anything and anyone that could harm his master.

Hanzo has stopped telling him that he does not have to protect him. Right now he is very thankful for the dutiful Digimon guard.

“What are they looking at us for?” Gaomon asks with a lowered voice. Hanzo can hear the tension that is no doubt suffusing the Digimon’s body right now.

He sneers at nothing in particular as he slips the keycard out of his pocket.

“They are concerned. We do look rather ragged. And…” he trails off and shakes his head as he pushes the door to their room open.

Gaomon waits until Hanzo has cleared the door before he quickly slips inside the room as well, bouncing on his feet, gloved paws up at his chest. Always ready for a fight.

He slows down when it becomes clear that they are alone, ears twitching and peering up at Hanzo. “...And?” he prompts him.

His eyes are large and intelligent so Hanzo is not too sure why he would not think of the most obvious, but he’s also not going to say it out loud. He just shrugs his shoulders and shakes his head, putting his meager belongings down on the ground.

“Nothing. I’ll take a shower.”

“Boss…” Gaomon says haltingly but he does not keep Hanzo from going. He is, all in all, a very good companion to have on the road, running from the Shimada.

In fact, Hanzo doesn’t think he could have gotten a better companion. Thinking about the Digimon back at the estate, none of them had been as intelligent or fierce as Gaomon. He might have been annoyed at the beginning that the Digimon would have tailed him after he assassinated his last master, but it all turned out well after all.

He always has a pair of eyes at his back now. His own absolutely loyal bodyguard. The only downside is the stares of other people whenever they slip into hotels like this. He knows how it looks. But he doesn’t care about what others think of them.

He’s no Digimon fucker. He’s not.

Gaomon is already sitting on the side of the bed. He looks up when Hanzo comes out of the tiny bathroom, his curled tail immediately starting to wag. Hanzo tries not to smile in return. He jerks his chin toward him and says: “Take your stuff off. You don’t need it.”

Gaomon’s tail slows its wagging down. The Digimon looks unhappy with that but his innate obedience finally wins out. He mutters some confirmation and starts to slowly slip off his gloves.

Hanzo forces himself to just keep moving and not idle and stare. He never gets over how vulnerable Gaomon looks with his paws out in the open like that.

They only got one bed, they didn’t have cash for more – but that’s alright. Hanzo slips onto the other side of the bed, towel still wrapped around his hips. He rolls toward Gaomon who, in turn, unselfconsciously curls up in front of him. He doesn’t mind spooning with his boss. If anything, Hanzo feels like Gaomon really enjoys these moments of closeness and intimacy.

He is a tough fighter and at the end of the day looking to Hanzo as someone who will be able to enable a Digivolution in him… but he is also not exactly a lone wolf. Not yet.

Hanzo finds himself wanting to keep Gaomon from that destiny. He stares at him; that warm, soft fur pressed against his front. He can’t help but reach for Gaomon, lightly petting his head.

The Digimon’s ears twitch in obvious surprise but he does not flinch away either.

“Boss… you…,” Gaomon mutters, trailing off without finishing..

Hanzo hums in reply. He pets down Gaomon’s side, briefly lingering with his hand resting on the Digimon’s hip. Interpreting Gaomon’s reaction as him trying to let his human partner down, he makes himself take his hand away and squeezes his eyes shut.

He reminds himself with a quiet mantra: He’s no Digimon fucker. He is not.

But what if Gaomon has a different idea how how the night is supposed to proceed? Hanzo can feel him starting to wriggle in front of him, the curled blue tail pressing all too distractingly against his cock. He keeps his eyes clenched shut, his body tight as a bow as the Digimon turns around.

“Can’t sleep?” he hears Gaomon’s voice, barely above a whisper. Barely louder than the sound of traffic outside of their window. He’s been a rambunctious Digimon in the beginning, albeit with a strong sense of justice; sticking close to Hanzo’s side has rubbed off on him, it seems. An adaptive little fellow.

“Let me help you.”

Hanzo’s eyes fly open, feeling the brief brush of claws against his lower belly as Gaomon expertly pushes his towel open. He stares up at the ceiling, not quite grasping what is happening. In the corner of his eyes, he can see Gaomon’s tail wagging fiercely. Never is his companion happier when he can ‘help’ his master.

“I’ll relax you.”

Hanzo opens his mouth, about to point out that that will hardly be possible, then closes it again. He just watches as Gaomon gets into position, body deceptively small for the strength that he wields.

Gaomon doesn’t even strain as he grabs Hanzo’s legs and bends them up. Hanzo’s fingers curl into the bedding, holding on tight. As Gaomon leans down to lick between his cheeks while still keeping Hanzo’s legs bend up nice and high, he briefly wonders what would happen if someone were to peek in.

See him with his legs up, getting serviced by his Digimon partner. He feels heat rushing through him hot and delicious. Of course nobody can look in, though. He’s carefully chosen this room just for that reason alone…

His hole twitches against Gaomon’s long, soft tongue. Hanzo can’t remember the last time someone paid such sweet attention to his pussy.

It’s over all too quick. It’s been just a quick way to somewhat prepare Hanzo for what is about to follow, he realizes, staring at the Digimon between his legs. Gaomon shuffles into position. Hanzo hooks his knees over his shoulders, his mouth hanging slightly open. He hasn’t gotten fucked in so damn long, he can’t bring it over himself to stop Gaomon.

He’s not a Digimon fucker? Yeah right. How quick his principles are thrown overboard as soon as he feels a nice warm tongue on his ass. Then again, he is just a dirty assassin at this point. He can’t afford the luxury of principles and honor… no matter how highly Gaomon regards his master.

Gammon thrusts. His cherry red tongue is lolling out, brow furrowed with focus. His cock is slippery and hot, the tip feeling tapered. It’s an easy entry into Hanzo’s body. His mouth opens on a loose, surprised ‘o’. His muscles briefly spasm, clenching down on Gaomon’s cock.

The Digimon’s large eyes snap up to him. They stare at each other, both shocked at how good it feels. Gaomon braces his paws on the backs of Hanzo’s thighs, forcing his knees back from his shoulders and more toward his chest. Folding his boss into a neat package so he has all the access in the world to just start rabbit fucking into him. Nice fast pumps that leave Hanzo speechless.

He wheezes out something but he can’t tell if it’s supposed to mean anything at all other than ‘keep going’ ‘right there’ ‘fuck me into a stupid, boneless mess’. He’s lucky he’s lying on his beck or else his tongue would idiotically lull out of his skull while his Digimon partner gives it to him good.

Gaomon’s cock is longer than he had anticipated. It spears hot and wet deep into his guts, pummeling against all those sensitive little spots Hanzo has hidden away.

And then there’s the… swelling. The knot. It barely registers to him at first – he is too focused on the sight of his own dick, brick red and wet at the tip, bouncing so close to his face that little droplets of pre-cum keep getting flicked against his cheeks and the bridge of his nose…

But eventually it becomes too large to ignore. Hanzo’s eyes widen, half in alarm and half in dumb pleasure. His toes curl, cramping, knees trembling. He tries to flail out of the little package that Gaomon has contorted him into, but there’s nothing to be done about his position. He’s at the mercy of this little Digimon grunt fucking him with single minded devotion until his knot is too fat to slip back out of Hanzo.

They’re locked together, panting, overheating, oversensitive.

They orgasm, but it is almost an afterthought to how tense and eager they both are. They both know that this won’t have been the only round this night. Not even close.

And then Gaomon starts Digivolving while still locked deep into Hanzo’s clenching insides.

