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Part 2 (This Part)

Soldier76/Leomon – Leomon, under the influence of one of the black cogs, continues to have his way with a helpless Jack...


Leomon is not letting Jack get away with anything. As soon as he struggles too much, his limbs are pinned down until the Digimon gets tired of it all.

He stems himself against Leomon but there is no budging him. It is like pushing a mountain. The weight is sheer unbearable. Instead of fighting himself free, he only succeeds in aiding his assailant in hobbling him further.

His clothes are ripped in strategic places that leave him soon bound in his own coat and hobbled by his pants.

Leomon is grinning at him while he growls, all those long, sharp teeth on display. Jack bares his teeth back at him but that only seems to rile the Digimon up even more. It descends yet again, pressing its muzzle against him to force yet another deep, intrusive kiss on him.

Jack never before choked on a tongue; but Leomon’s is so big and long- it completely fills his mouth, leaving him unable to even breathe. All he can do is capitulate yet again and let it happen. Hope that his assailant will pull back before he blacks out.

His head is starting to pound when Leomon pulls back again. The blank eyes staring down at Jack are unnerving – but at least they function as a reminder that this is not normal; that there is a kind of… virus inside the Digimon’s body, forcing Leomon to this abnormal behavior.

Not that it helps him out of this situation. He’s helpless as a caterpillar, no way to contact HQ as all the electronics he brings over into the Digiworld tend to immediately stop functioning.

“Fuck!” he grunts when Leomon grabs his legs and curls them up, exposing Jack’s ass to the muggy forest air. He’s sweating; skin glistening with it. Leomon eyes it for a moment before leaning down and licking Jack’s exposed chest. It means that he’s squished together even more as he’s folded up like a pocket knife, the breath forced out of his lungs after he just about pulled enough oxygen in to not pass out.

It’s wet and abrasive, licking the sweat off his skin but also making it feel like his flesh might come with it at any moment.

Jack hisses through his teeth, back arching when Leomon’s tongue painfully drags across one of his nipples. Tears shoot into his eyes, pricking the backs of his tightly clenched lids. The worst part of it all is that he can just feel himself getting turned on by the treatment. He likes it rougher. He likes to not be given any choice; as a man who usually is strong enough to overpower just about anybody.

But he hates the way he feels now. That a part of him thinks, no… knows that he can come from this. From getting molested by a strange creature in a strange world that is weirdly enough like a lion that it makes him also wonder about all kinds of other things-

It makes him restless and nauseous, at the end of the day. His own body, his own lust is betraying him. His cock is getting fat and hot and needy. He tries to come up with a way to get out of the situation but he has absolutely no leverage the way he is folded up right now.

He can only take it. He can only lie there and take it and know that there are a lot more Digimon milling around, probably watching with interest. He has no idea how Digimon reproduce. Is he some kind of field study for them?

Jack pulls in a sharp gasp when he feels a cock between his cheeks. There’s just no way it could be anything else. It’s hot and wet and poking along his ass crack. All he can do is clench down desperately, his overheating brain trying to find out whether it’s more logical that Leomon would have a human penis or a… feline one.

What did they even look like? Jack hasn’t made it a habit to find out what kind of dicks animals have.

To his utter shame, a pathetic little whimper leaves his throat. Not more. He doesn’t have enough air in his lungs to do anything but squeak like a mouse.

Not that it would deter Leomon. Whatever this black cog did to him, it is still wreaking havoc on the Digimon. There’s no pity in his face. No recognition of Jack. If there’s anything left of the noble Digimon inside there, he’s been buried deep in favor of this absolute devil that has crushed Jack into the forest floor.

The cock poking along his ass crack keeps catching on his hole before glancing off again and Jack does not know which outcome he fears most: that Leomon will finally find it and rip into him like the beast he is, or that he won’t find it and leave Jack lying there secretly craving for the humiliation.

How will he come back through the portal anyway? His clothes are trashed. It will be obvious from the start that he’s gotten fucked and there are at least twenty scientists in the room always observing his comings and goings and trying to figure out how to make any of their devices work in this odd digital world-

Leomon’s cock catches on Jack’s rim again. It doesn’t slide off this time, however. He’s paused above him, a predator waiting to strike. They stare at one another.

Jack is painfully aware of his arms trapped beneath his body as his shoulders are screaming abuse at him; and his legs folded up toward his chest, leaving him open and so very helpless.

His breath hitches, he is about to try and reason with Leomon – but then the other thrusts and every other sensation fades into the background.

Jack arches his back as much as he can, his head pressed into the grass of the Digiworld that never seems to get the texture quite right.

Leomon’s cock is long and surprisingly narrow but for a creature his size it still feels massive as he fucks into Jack, a toothy grin on his muzzle. White eyes watching Jack’s every reaction as his face contorts.

There is pain, obviously; the entry is hot and dry and Leomon’s cock has an odd… texture to it that does not want to compute in Jack’s brain.

Leomon doesn’t talk as he starts to fuck him which is… honestly a shame. Jack feels himself hankering for it. For Leomon to dirty talk him. To let him know that he can tell Jack is hot for this. His own molestation. How he can feel his insides squeezing rhythmically down on him like they desperately want to make love back. Just really entice him to fuck him like a bitch.

Destroy his ass on his big feline cock.

Jack’s brain feels swollen in his skull. He can barely breathe, folded up the way he is, but that doesn’t mean that his body isn’t absolutely nasty for the treatment. His cock is painfully hard. He doesn’t have a record of coming untouched but it seems getting forced to take someone’s dick just makes him stupid hot for it.

The throbbing of his cock is pretty much unbearable and Leomon has barely even fucked him yet.

The Digimon’s massive hands are planted on the ground left and right of Jack. He looks like he’s doing more pushups than anything else… and like he could do it for a good long while yet.

He’s not really pulling out far; just keeps inside Jack as deep as possible and rocks back and forth on a few inches of cock, which means he keeps digging deep into Jack’s insides until his eyes roll into his head and he feels like he wants to drool everywhere. His gut his hot and achy. It feels swollen, clutching at Leomon’s cock and clinging to its odd texture like wet velvet.

It’s a shame that Jack has never watched any nature documentaries. It might have prepared him for what is coming next as Leomon orgasms and pumps him full of hot, watery cum.

Jack is still torn between being relieved that it might be over so soon and anxious about not getting to shamefully have his own orgasm – when Leomon’s cock suddenly expands.

Jack’s eyes fly open, as does his mouth on a silent scream. His legs helplessly twitch but there is nothing he can do. The odd texture he has felt before have been… barbs of some kind?

Another pathetic, wheezing whimper crawls out of his chest as they mercilessly press into his swollen intestines and quite firmly lock him and Leomon together.

He has to become nice and still, fearing he will get gutted otherwise. When he feels hot liquid on his belly, his confused brain thinks for a moment that he somehow managed to come anyways… but when Leomon sniffs the air and grins predatorily, a low growl spilling from his massive throat, Jack realizes that he’s pissing himself in submission.

He closes his eyes, body slumping in utter defeat.

The worst is… that he still feels good about this whole fucking affair.



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