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Jack/Leomon – Leomon gets hit by one of the black cogs and immediately buries Jack under him...

Part 1 (This Part)

Part 2 (Patreon Link)


The negotiations with Leomon as a representative of this island’s Digimon had been going exceptionally well in Jack’s opinion.

Despite his ferocious looks, he had shown himself to be quite a cool-headed and genteel individual with a strong sense of justice that Jack could definitely respect.

It all takes a definite turn for the worse when the black cog appears. They both hear it at first; an odd, distorted humming noise that has them pause and turn their heads up toward the sky.

Recognition dawns on the huge lion Digimon’s face a split second before the cog breaks violently through the canopy.

“Run!” he roars at Jack, thrusting him back hard enough to make him fall to the ground.

Jack, not knowing what this is about, watches as the black cog buries itself in Leomon’s back. The experience must be painful; the Digimon roars ferociously, his whole body twitching as if under some electric current.

He turns around himself, trying to get at the device and pull it back out of his flesh. As his back is turned, Jack can see the black cog digging itself deeper into Leomon’s back until it is completely submerged within his flesh.

For a long moment, nothing at all happens. When Leomon turns back around, Jack knows immediately that something is wrong.

He tries to get up on his legs but the Digimon lurches toward him, its blade suddenly in one of his massive paws, stabbing into the padding of Jack’s armor and pinning him to the ground.

“What is going on?!” he asks and is not surprised when he doesn’t get an answer.

Leomon’s eyes are blank. Just a soulless white void staring at him as the Digimon crawls above him, its massive, muscular body blotting out the gentle rays of sunshine coming through the canopy of trees.

A few digimon peer out around the trees. A small kiwi-looking one pipes up: “It’s the black cog. You can’t reason with him as long as it is embedded in his flesh.”

“Help me, then!” Jack grunts out, stemming arms and legs against Leomon to try and keep him away with little to no avail. He can’t do a thing without his pulse rifle – and it is not working in this digital world.

“How?” the digimon replies. “He’d gobble me down with a single bite!”

It is right at that. Leomon’s maw is huge and filled with rows of large, sharp fangs.

And he’s getting really up close and personal with it as Leomon presses his muzzle against Jack’s mouth and forces his huge, rough tongue past his lips.

Completely overwhelmed, Jack can’t do anything but… well… open up wider and let it happen. Maybe this will be all? Just him getting his throat fucked by a huge feline tongue while the humanoid beast is pinning him to the ground?

… probably not.


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