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Raihan/Sonia – A few years have gone by and Sonia is a lot more settled in herself. She's no longer desperately trying to find her place in the world because she has already found it: being a 'mommy' for her sweet Raihan. (no mommykink)


“Oh Raihaaan~ can you fetch me my laptop? I forgot it inside the house…”

“Uh… yeah… yeah, sure.” Despite that, Raihan stays for a few moments longer, staring at the cock proudly jutting from Sonia’s harness.

It’s in the colors of Raihan’s hoodie with some soft spikes down the bottom of it – and she can see even from the corner of her eyes that he is so very desperate to touch it and inspect it and play with it.

She pulls her shades down a little and peers at him over their rim. That gets him going. Raihan jerks out of his brain dead stare and hops to it. So sweet and obedient with a nice bounce in his step.

Eager to please despite what people would expect from this loudmouth. He’s lovable. Sonia definitely can see herself losing her heart to him.

She smiles to herself and reaches for the iced coffee Raihan brought her earlier, sipping it with the curly straw he put in without her having had to tell him. What a good boy.

The garden she’s in is shielded from view by a high fence all around but occasionally a Corviknight taxi will shoot by overhead. If she gives the passengers a nice eye full, that’s fine by her. She doesn’t mind anybody seeing her tits as she suns herself naked.

Her laptop enters her field of vision as Raihan thrusts it at her. His beautiful eyes are large and anticipatory. They keep flicking toward her strap-on; wanting to look but also not wanting to make her angry. Silly boy… As if he could make her angry by being so sweet and obedient.

“Thank you! You’re such a good boy today. I think you deserve a big reward.”

Sonia puts her almost empty glass to the side and grabs the laptop from him, sitting up. His dark skin is practically glowing in the warm sunlight, as is the smile slowly spreading over his face; all cheeky with his canines looking like fangs.

As she puts the laptop beneath her chair, she can tell he’s staring at her tits; swinging heavily, the areolas big and dark pink, her nipples fat and always visible through the tops she’s wearing… Sonia doesn’t mind him looking. She’s looking at him in turn, after all; he’s so tall and lean with defined muscles and a nice long cock that’s on the slimmer side. That’s alright. She doesn’t discriminate.

And oh, it looks so cute when it’s standing at attention like it is now.

Sonia curls her hand around her new toy, slowly stroking it. She makes a show out of how her fingers get stuck on the soft ridges along the bottom.

Raihan’s pupils grow wide at the sight. His tongue slides out, dragging over his teeth and lips.

It makes her think of how good it would feel on her pussy… sliding through her labia again and again, his eyes going out of focus as he really gets into his task… Yeah, Sonia likes letting him eat her out. But not today. She already went through the trouble of putting her harness on and she’s going to use it.

He looks interested too. Very interested. He even reaches for his cock and holds it, not quite stroking but pulling down on the foreskin to show off his wet, pink glans. Like he’s offering it to her.

Sonia laughs and finally gets up. Raihan is so tall, he’s towering over her but he’s also slouching like a submissive puppy. She pets over his cheek.

“I can’t believe I ever thought you were a brat… you’re such a sweet boy, aren’t you? You prepared yourself when I told you to earlier, right?”

He nods. His hands are creeping onto her wide hips, pulling her a little closer until his dick touches her chubby belly, leaving behind a sticky smear of pre-cum.

“Yeah… yeah I did,” he murmurs. He’s angling for a kiss, so Sonia gives in and lets him have it; albeit only briefly; the sun is warm and her pussy has started clenching on the little dick that is attached to the inside of her harness. It’s nowhere enough to really satisfy her but it is angled in a fun way and should get her to orgasm just as well.

As long as she got to fuck this gorgeous young man, that is.

“Alright… bend over the sun chair.”

He almost stumbles over his own feet getting into position which is very cute.

Sonia brushes over his spine, the knobs of it so visible when his back is curled like it is now. She has to go up on her toes to drag the tip of her dragon cock against his wet hole but that’s alright. His knees will go wobbly soon enough, she’s pretty sure of that.

She has a moment of pause, her head tilting back, hand on Raihan’s hip as she thinks about how funny this all is. Just a year ago she’s been so desperate to find a place in the world for herself; restlessly traveling from one spot to the other to try and impress people that, in the end, really don’t matter.

And now look at her; still pursuing her academic career but allowing herself to enjoy an afternoon being naked in the backyard of one of her boyfriends, fucking said boyfriend with a cock she had a small business design just for the occasion…

Living her best life, honestly.

“Sonia?” Raihan’s voice drifts to her ear. It sounds so soft… so different to how he usually sounds on the battlefield, boisterous and screaming his head off because he has no setting for ‘low’. Or so she thought. Before cracking him open and seeing a whole new personality inside him.

“Yeah… yeah I’m here. No worries… Relax now, alright?”

She brushes over his back again, fingers gently pressing against his spine as she does so. He nods. She can feel him relaxing despite her obviously not being able to feel a thing through the strap-on. Still, she can suddenly slip her tip inside just like that. Just because Raihan’s body is downright suckling her inside. So inviting… so perfect.

Sonia wishes she could properly feel him; feel the heat of his body, the tremble of his muscles around her cock. It’s moments like these that she honestly envies men. But that’s alright. Once she’s fucked him and got him to be a quivering, whiney mess, she will finger his hole real nice. Reach in deep and rub against his overheating, silky walls…

But before that, she got her cock. She nudges it into him, letting him feel ridge after ridge popping past his plump rim.

It’s funny, really. Raihan doesn’t have an ounce of fat on his body but his rim still looks pouty and juicy and like the cutest mouth that Sonia wants to make out with for hours…

Raihan is panting. Sonia can just imagine it; him, open mouthed, tongue lolling out… all those sharp teeth on display. She just wishes her arms were long enough to hook her fingers into the corner of his mouth and pull his head around; play with the soft cushion of his tongue and rubbing her fingers along the ridges of his teeth while she fucks him nice and slow. Nice… and slow…

He’s going absolutely feral for the feeling of the ridges; Sonia had hoped as much but to actually hear him whimpering and see him fucking himself back onto her hard enough that she has to grab his hips and try to keep him still-

Oh, those sleepless nights, looking for the perfect gift for her perfect boy certainly have been worth it. She should have used them to work on her studies but honestly? This is so much better.

Raihan sounds on the verge of tears. If he could, he would probably bite at something.

Sonia lets her head sink back once more, peering up at the sky through her shades, hips pumping nice and loose. Now that he’s gotten used to the feeling of the soft ridges popping in and out of his trembling, overheating body, she can put some power behind her thrusts.

A Corviknight taxi flies over their little hideaway. Did anybody see it? Raihan leaning over so Sonia can fuck him there in the sun? She hopes so. She hopes everybody will see just how good she is doing these days. How she loves feeling the warmth of the sun on her skin as she dicks Raihan.

She puts a foot up on the sun chair next to him for some leverage and rams into him even harder, skin slapping and Raihan nearly toppling over. He is sobbing. He loves this. And Sonia loves giving it to him.

She loves being older and wiser and having her boys to take care of. Life is good and she wouldn’t change it for anything.

Especially not when Raihan comes for her just like that: bent over the sun chair, trembling, sweating, howling as he pumps out his hot, creamy load.

Perfect life. Perfect boy.


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