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Gumshoe/Edgeworth – Dick and Miles have a discreet little arrangement going... and Gumshoe, being the big puppy that he is, is only too eager to comply.

Part 1 (This Part)

Part 2 (Patreon Link)


Gumshoe knocks on the door of Prosecutor Edgeworth’s office and quickly slips inside before the annoyed voice can ring out to him to get a move on.

He stands at attention, hand going to his forehead in a salute while his heart is pounding quick in his chest with excitement.

“You asked for me, Prosecutor Edgeworth?”

He has another case that he should be working on at this very moment, but if Mister Edgeworth is asking for him, Dick will let everything fall to hurry to wherever he needs him.

It’s because of the unshakeable faith between the prosecution and the police, you see. And his undying admiration for Prosecutor Edgeworth’s work ethic, you know.

Edgeworth, who is sitting behind his table, head in his hand, massaging his temple as he peers up with a dark glare at Gumshoe.

“Took you long enough, Detective. I’ve called for you almost two hours ago.”

Gumshoe chuckles, his posture relaxing as he sheepishly scratches the back of his head.

“Yeah, about that… I did come as soon as I could, Sir, Prosecutor Edgeworth, Sir. I really did. It’s just… I’ve been on the other end of the city and-”

“I do not care for your excuses. Shut up, if you don’t want me to cut your salary yet again.”

Gumshoe’s chuckle peters off fairly quickly at that. He slumps his shoulders. “At this rate I gotta pay the precinct so they let me work there…” he mutters dejectedly while Edgeworth quickly puts away the documents he had been working on and stands up.

He takes off his jacket and while he does that, he eyes Gumshoe from head to toe. His expression is showing that he’s not impressed by what he sees, but then again, it is the way Prosecutor Edgeworth looks most of the time.

It’s that, or sadness.

Edgeworth comes around his desk and looks at Gumshoe more closely. He can’t help the nervous chuckle or the way his back straightens again.

Edgeworth’s lips press into a flat line, his nose wrinkling.

“When was the last time you showered, Detective?”

“I, uh…” he has to pause to actually think about that. “I think… yesterday… or the day before? I’ve been on the scene of the crime ever since…”

“You should take more breaks. The amount of mistakes you make during an investigation start to not surprise me.” He waves his hand at Dick’s general direction. “Undress. I do not want the stench of your clothes to cling to me, if at all possible.”

Gumshoe scratches the back of his head. “Uh… yeah of course.”

“And lock the door.”

He obediently turns to do just that. He’s eager to do just about anything Prosecutor Edgeworth asks of him, just so he will keep their little arrangement going.

Dick likes being useful… and he can’t imagine anything more important than helping the poor overworked Prosecutor to relax himself.

If it’s a simple fuck that he needs to unknot all those tight muscles… who is Dick to refuse??


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