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Part 2 (This Part)

Link/Tauro – Tauro just keeps working Link over while Link gets off on having a little peeping Tom watching them...


There’s not a drop of sweat on Tauro’s features; his breathing is unchanged. He does not even look at Link while he grunt fucks into him, big cock spreading him open wide enough to make him feel it. To make it impossible to get completely used to the intrusion constantly dragging against his swollen muscle.

Link is fascinated by Tauro’s stamina – just like Tauro is fascinated by the ruins up above. Is he even aware that he is dicking Link as if he were nothing but a cheap prostitute? Mayhaps he has forgotten in his puppy eagerness over their findings.

Link can’t it find in himself to care. Not when Tauro is reaching deep inside him with every thrust; spearing him on his cock and making setting Link’s nerves on fire in the best way possible.

It makes him wonder, though… what it might take for Tauro to pay attention to the pussy pulled on his dick.

Maybe sucking him off would do the trick? Link wouldn’t mind a little bit of public indecency. It is not like anybody would go and complain to the Princess… as if she didn’t know Link was a slut. And a nasty one at that.

He is not prepared for Tauro to suddenly lower his head and stare at him. At least Link thinks he is looking at him. His eyes are, as ever, obscured by his loosely flowing mane of hair. Tauro’s mouth is opening, then closing again. His hands curl harder around Link’s ankles, pushing his whorishly spread legs up toward his ears a bit more.

Oh that makes his muscles burn. Link hisses, arching his back – but doesn’t fight the treatment, of course. He likes it. He likes being used like a toy; of offering up any holes that he has for cocks to use.

He doesn’t mind getting fucked over the back of a traveler’s horse just as he doesn’t mind Tauro folding him into half so he can pump better into Link’s open, greedy hole suckling on his dick and making lewd smacking sounds with every powerful motion of the researcher’s hips.

Link’s eyes start to roll up into his skull. He is going to come again… oh yes…

A stone rolls noisily over the floor of the little cave. Link’s head snaps around, but Tauro’s isn’t. He seems too deep into fucking Link, his babbling now reduced to him breathing through his clenched teeth as he rams his cock into Link’s guts, trying to rearrange them.

At the entrance of the cave is Calip, standing there and staring at the both of them. The old guy’s glasses are fogging up, his face slack from watching his idol fuck Link like an animal.

Link’s teeth start to clack together as Tauro rams into him over. And over. Again.

His cock reaches deep, rooting around Link’s insides, firing him up until his brain is starting to melt.

He can’t do much other than grin at Calip and give him two peace signs. It is childish, yes, but with his feet bouncing in the air and his knees practically at his ears, it is all that he can come up with while the old guy watches them fuck.

Or watches Link getting fucked.

He can see Calip’s face flushing, before he pulls his glasses off and starts to profusely clean them. Link wonders what is going through that big head of his. Is he annoyed that Tauro paused the investigation to pump out a load? Or is he simply jealous that Link is the one being speared on that big fat dick when Calpi has been the one so very obviously thirsting for it.

Link had only seen them together for a couple days and it had already been obvious… though he does not think Tauro has noticed anything. He’s too busy being puppy excited over ruins and getting stiffies over them.

Tauro suddenly pauses. Cock stuffed deep into Link, he kneels up straighter, staring up through a crack in the ceiling of the little cave they’ve used for their tet-a-tet. Link clenches his insides down on him, trying to entice him into continuing grunt fucking into him but he supposes there is nothing in the world that can drag Tauro’s attention away from his precious ruins once he’s following a thought that suddenly popped into his head.

“I wonder… if these islands are connected to one of the sages,” he says. He sounds dreamy and not at all out of breath.

Link groans. He lets his head fall back to the ground. His insides are shivery and magma hot but the longer Tauro doesn’t move, the more he slips away from that delicious precipice again.

At the sound of Link’s groan, Tauro looks down. He seems to need a second to get back into the ‘here and now’ before he says ‘oh’ and slowly lets go of Link’s ankles. “Did I do it again? I am sorry. Kinda get caught up on my catches… Maybe we should…”

He starts to move around, pulling his erection from Link’s desperately clutching body despite his most sincere effort to keep him inside nice and snug.

Link feels himself getting manhandled around and onto his side. He can barely move his legs after them having been in the air for such a long while. His gaze falls to the entrance of the cave where Calip had stood a moment before but he’s nowhere to be seen now.

That is, until Tauro has situated himself behind Link and, slotting himself against his back, arm curling around his hips to keep him nice and snug against his front, cock sliding effortlessly back into the clutch of his hot body-

Calip appears again, then; just peeking around the corner, his glasses fogged up to a degree that Link is sure he can’t see a damn thing… but he is watching. Jealously. Sweating profusely.

Is he jerking himself out there, watching Link getting fucked by Tauro? Is he jerking it, listening in to Link’s guttural sounds of pleasure as Tauro fucks him on just a few inches of dick, slipping back and forth… back and forth…

Link’s eyes fall closed. He can’t focus on Calip. Not when Tauro feels so much bigger in this position, one of his legs curled around Link’s to make sure that he can’t open his.

“Do you like this? I’ve done extensive research a few years ago and it showed that in this position the… the…” Tauro trails off. He finally starts to sound out of breath. His big hand slides from Link’s hip upwards and beneath the odd drape of the outfit Link had been wearing. It allows for easy access, at least.

Tauro, blissfully unaware of their audience, cups Link’s pectoral while he fucks him on just a few inches of his cock. Just a little back-and-forth that makes a frothy foam build up around Link’s rim, producing a wet squelching sound with every little motion.

Link feels himself going cross-eyed. His insides are once again heating up, his tongue feeling swollen and too big for his skull, so he lets it flop out while Tauro fucks him relentlessly.

He’s pretty sure the other is still thinking about the dragon isles up in the sky. He is suitably sure that his sustained erection is for them anyway; his yearning is just that powerful.

Link doesn’t care. He really doesn’t. All he cares about is the fact that Tauro fucks like a bull and and is wrapped around Link like an Octorok’s, tentacles, keeping him immobile and helpless to do anything but feel everything that Tauro gives him.

The space is so tight that it’s like he can feel every fat, throbbing vein along the man’s swollen shaft.

Tauro keeps talking but Link has started to space out. He doesn’t really care what the big guy has to say as long as he keeps fucking him; frothing everything up until it’s slick and perfect and has Link’s brain melting into a gooey mess.

He feels like he is able to hear Calip’s choked off sounds of pleasure outside the cave but maybe he’s just imagining it. He sure hopes the guy at least hid himself away because he’s seen some Lizalfos close by and he wouldn’t want to have to rescue him before his tummy isn’t sloshing with Tauro’s hot, creamy cum…

Though from the sounds behind him, that probably won’t be so far off now. Goddesses, this man doesn’t only fuck like a bull, he also has the stamina of one.

Link might just have to reward himself once he’s found the fifth sage…


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