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This week's fic is a 'blast from the past' fic! To see on why that is, please have a small look into the pinned post. As already stated there, I can't encourage you enough to link your patreon to discord to have a peek into the patron-only channel – or to DM me for further info if you can't/don't want to link. Thank you!

Readable for all tiers this time :)


This blast from the past is Patreon Comp Fic#21! Please enjoy this Cole/Reaper/Hanzo!

Cole/Reaper/Hanzo – service top!Gabriel; rimming; cream pie; cuckolding; humiliation – Gabriel is a very good fuck and he's got two men he likes to service >:3c

Formerly posted with Cassidy's old name


Cole has fallen right onto his face with a fucked-out groan and Gabriel had to hurriedly follow along so his still lazily pulsing cock didn’t slip from the sloppy, well-fucked grip of Cassidy’s body.

A little ways to the side, Hanzo is lying and stroking his cock slowly just to keep himself at bay now that he’s good and hard. He looks like a king watching his servants perform. He’s probably not too far off there.

Gabriel pets a slightly shaking hand through Cole’s tangled hair. He carefully drags a few strands out of Cole’s face to have a look at his blissed-out expression.

“You good?”

Cole only grunts, but he looks like Gabriel has fucked his brains out so he considers his work done. He leans in, brushing a kiss against the back of Cole’s shoulder, and when he glances back up, he is met with Hanzo’s impatient stare.

Gabriel can’t help but grin – they’ve been well into fucking when he surprised them with being open for the night after all, and he is pretty sure Hanzo has put Cole already through his paces by that time, and still he expects to be serviced and catered to.

“He does not need much. You shouldn’t have put in the effort,” Hanzo comments with a withering glare at Cole. Gabriel just hums and shrugs his shoulders. Hanzo talks a big game, but he is reasonably sure that he actually enjoys the sight of Cole’s fucked stupid expression quite a lot.

Gabriel slowly leans back up, fingers curling around the base of his sensitive dick as he carefully starts pulling back. For all that he’s dicked Cole’s hole into a butter soft gape, it still clings to him desperately when it realizes he is about to leave it alone and empty.

Cole whines and Gabriel hisses, but eventually he finally pops free of the grasping little hole, watching with no small amount of satisfaction as Cole’s knees slide apart all the while his cum starts to ooze from the red gape of his cunt.

Yes – he’s done a good job with this one. While it is true that Cole is easily satisfied and able to get off with just a few scraps thrown his way, Gabriel prides himself on being able to break both men apart until they are looking as liquid as Cole does now with creamy cum slowly sliding down to his furry balls.

Hanzo is a whole ‘nother story. He is a taskmaster when it’s about getting him off, holding onto his orgasms for dear life out of what sometimes felt like sheer spite. Fucking him is like being put to the test; always having his cool, calculating eyes on you if you didn’t put him with his face into the ground and his ass up in the air.

He knows he’s a difficult little fuck, and from the look of it he prides himself on it, too. It is as aggravating as it is intriguing for Gabriel, who gives Cole’s furry ass another affectionate pat before turning his attention towards the other man lounging on the bed and looking already pretty impatient.

Crooking his finger at him would not result in anything, so Gabriel makes his way over towards his next customer, not missing how Hanzo’s gaze lingers on his cock; still wet from dicking Cole and just a bit plump still from his orgasm, the tip peeking from the foreskin in a delicious dark red.

“Hungry?” he mutters, not trying to hide his satisfied gloat. If Hanzo is being a bastard, he can be one as well.

Hanzo flusters, then scowls and turns his gaze away. He looks like he wants to play hard-to-get until his eyes land on Cole’s fucked out, blissful face. Gabriel can see how the wheels turn in his pretty little head. He visibly changes tactics, turning back towards Gabriel and spreading his legs whorishly; showing off the delicious jut of his cock and the dark, wet space between his cheeks where Cole had been working away earlier.

“Yes. I am still in need of sustenance. The last one was barely above an… appetizer.”

Hanzo’s dark gaze slants towards Cole once more, just to see if his barb garners a reaction. Gabriel follows his line of sight and sees Cassidy’s bright eyes on the both of them, his mouth a soft, hurt ‘o’ while his cheeks become an excited ruddy red.

Gabriel has always known that Cole is a slut for the abuse Hanzo dishes out, but seeing it like that is still…

“Come here. Service me.”

Hanzo does not let him catch a break. He is imperious, turning around and lifting his ass in clear demand; and Gabriel should not indulge him when he is being a brat like that, but he’s pulling one of his cheeks to the side and showing off the naked, pink clench of his well-tended hole, and there is just something… magnetic about it.

Gabriel crawls towards him practically dick first. His cock has its own mind, lifting excitedly in record time just so it can nose against that pretty muscle that Cole had been carefully stretching on his dick earlier. But as much as Hanzo is pretending to be a prissy little princess, he does enjoy to be roughed up a little.

Still, Gabriel can’t help but wanting a taste, stuffing his face between his cheeks to feel how buttery soft Hanzo’s rim is against his tongue. He can taste Cole from where he’s fucked him earlier...

He’d love to spend more time fucking him on his tongue; maybe having him sit on his face so he can plunge in deep and see whether he can make Hanzo sing for him… but Hanzo is restless, wanting to get spread on cock and telling him as much in no uncertain terms even though he’s angling his ass back and bouncing his little waxed cunt on Gabriel’s tongue.

So Gabriel has to pull back, if reluctantly, and drags his cock against the wet gape before him. He does not give Hanzo much of a warning before he suddenly plunges in, fucking in deep on just a few rough thrusts, one hand on the small of Hanzo’s back to push him into the position he needs to slide deep into his guts.

Hanzo grunts. He throws his head back, fingers of one hand curled in a claw into the bedding… but while he does turn his head to stare with a hot, angry gaze at Gabriel, he does not tell him to stop.

Gabriel smirks and blinks away the sweat threatening to drip into his eyes. He reaches down, curling his arms in a bear hug around Hanzo’s torso and using the height advantage he has on him to drag him into a sitting position that has the dragon impale himself on Gabriel’s cock via his own body weight.

Hanzo hums, head sliding back against Gabriel’s shoulder, body taut and eyes slitted in feline satisfaction.

“That’s it. You reach so much better… You are not grotesquely large like… others.”

Gabriel snorts. He wants to retaliate that he’s pretty sure Hanzo is the biggest size queen he’s ever met, but he realizes this is all part of a little game between Hanzo and Cole, and he remains silent as he starts to use his thigh muscles to fuck up as much as possible, having Hanzo mildly bounce on the cock lodged deeply inside his belly.

Cole somehow manages to regain enough agency over his loose limbs to turn around, watching them with a burning gaze and ruddy red cheeks.

When Hanzo starts making sounds, loud and needy and a bit played up just for Cole’s benefit, Gabriel can see how one of Cole’s hands starts travelling to his dick, curling around it as if trying to strangle a bit more life out of it, though it remains plump and flushed and decidedly soft.

Hanzo laughs, mean and breathless. His insides are hot and wet, and as silky as Cole had been when Gabriel gently put him on all fours and showed him how nice it can be to have something big and warm snuggle up against his prostate and gently nudge it every few seconds.

Hanzo is less inclined to lie back and have Gabriel show him a good time. He wants to be serviced; wants to have it on his own terms; and, if possible, wants to humiliate Cole while doing so, showing him how loud and needy he can become when he’s getting a ‘real’ cock digging into his insides…

Gabriel reaches around him, thumb and forefinger pinching at one of Hanzo’s fat, excited nipples – and Hanzo jerks like he’s been shocked with electricity. He is immediately silent, his body going tense as Gabriel pinches once more, then relaxes again without completely letting go.

It’s like he hasn’t even thought about the possibility of getting his slutty tits stimulated; like he’s been so fixated and hungry for dick that nothing else had mattered until Gabriel reminded him that his whole delicious body can be played with.

“Look here, Cassidy.”

He’s taking over both of them now, playing them like the toys they are. He is not mean but his voice does command obedience as he keeps rocking up into Hanzo while starting to pull at his nipple until a high-pitched whine is starting to fill the room, Hanzo’s eyes big and a little wet as the sensation sizzles through his body and makes his pierced cock jerk and dribble.

“This is how you use him. He needs to be fucked stupid – just like you.”

Cole’s mouth is open, his eyes heavy lidded and so very very dark as he takes in the sight before him.

Gabriel hums deep in his throat, satisfied and wholly unhurried after already having Cole filled to the brim.

It is always so much fun to play with the two of them...


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