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Peeps! I'm still DEEP in the Zelda craze and now that Tears of the Kingdom has been out a few weeks and we're more familiar with its characters, I thought we can have another Zelda month :)

Please vote on which character you would like to feature in the first drabble!

(I MIGHT take the second favorite char as the other half of the pairing but I'm not sure about that yet. I might also give them monsters as partners >:3c)

I am also not yet sure about the kink so if you have suggestions, leave them in the comments below or message me here/on discord)

-multiple answers enabled


T997 on AO3

Tauro can raw me until the whole room smells like wet cat food.


and he *would*. Probably would be talking about his findings the whole time too :')

T997 on AO3

Wow not enough people are voting for Tauro and I’m upset