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This week's fic is a 'blast from the past' fic! To see on why that is, please have a small look into the pinned post. As already stated there, I can't encourage you enough to link your patreon to discord to have a peek into the patron-only channel – or to DM me for further info if you can't/don't want to link. Thank you!

Readable for all tiers this time :)


This blast from the past is Patreon Comp Fic#18! Please enjoy this Gabriel/Lúcio!

Gabriel/Lúcio – predicament bondage; voyeurism; sub!Gabriel; dom!Lúcio; ball torture – Gabriel is Lúcio's muscle sub and would do literally anything for him.


It’s all just a show and make-believe, but when the curtain goes up and there’s a dark mass of people behind it, Gabriel still flinches back and wants to shield himself from their gazes.

Of course, that is impossible with his hands bound behind his back. Still, it makes him wobble on the unstable stools he’s kneeling on, and as he tenses his abdominal muscles and struggles to regain his balance, Gabriel realizes for the first time the predicament – hah – he’s in.

There’s an uncomfortable pull at his balls from the silky rope wrapped around them and attached to the floor, and the gentle, not quite satisfying slide of the fake cock in his ass.

Gabriel closes his eyes and takes a deep, shuddering breath through his nose, teeth gently digging at the ball gag in his mouth.

He has to remind himself that this is all just a game; that this is make-believe, that nobody other than his Dom will put a hand on him. There are lights on stage that transform the onlookers into a faceless, dark mass.

Gabriel blinks, trying to discern some of the faces. He wants to know if there is anybody in the crowd that he knows; maybe have a friendly face that he can hold on to while he is being put on display, visible to everybody and so very, very vulnerable – but his eyes start tearing up from the glare of the light and he rather closes them.

That makes the whole thing even more scary. The big muscles in his thighs tremble until the motion travels down and into the unsteady stools he is kneeling on.

Again, he is clumsily fucking himself a bit deeper onto the generously lubed cock before trying to pull up and away, pulling at his balls in the process.

Gabriel whines, suddenly frustrated with the whole situation – and it’s not even been five minutes yet. Nothing has happened at all, other than his reveal and his indignant, unhappy struggling.

The crowd is watching him fight his bondage, and it gets him all the more antsy. He knows they can see how unsure he is about this whole thing. He knows they can read him like a book, and he does not like the thought of it. Of them realizing that he’s still a submissive in training; that his Dom is letting him play like this for the very first time-

Gabriel can feel Lúcio hovering just behind him. His energy is warm and vibrating; like he has to physically hold himself back from gentling Gabriel down and reassuring him. It’s not what the scene is about, though, and he does not touch him for the longest time.

Everything is so quiet…

One of Gabriel’s legs jerks suddenly, nearly kicking his stool away, and Gabriel cries out soft and pathetic, the sound muffled by the gag. His head falls back when the sensation of the fake cock sliding deeper into his belly has warmth radiating off of his insides.

And like that has been the start signal, the show suddenly gets rolling.

“A gorgeous specimen, this one, isn’t it?” an unfamiliar voice booms.

Gabriel’s head jerks around. He tries to see the man that has spoken, but he’s nowhere to be seen. His sudden motion has him wobbling again as well, and as he struggles not to fall, his balls are getting pulled on.

He groans into his gag, feeling drool starting to slip from the corner of his mouth. He’s very aware of his ballsac now; big and warm, hanging from its own weight. It feels swollen already, and nothing much has happened yet other than him getting trussed into his current situation by Lúcio’s warm and sure hands.

There’s a harness around his upper body to make sure he does not hurt himself if he were to completely fall off the unsteady stools he is kneeling on, and he is uncomfortably aware of how it is framing his pecs and making them look more plush than usual; like tits, almost.

“There you go,” the unfamiliar voice croons, jerking him out of his thoughts once more. The man laughs. It does not sound belittling, but he seems trained in this kind of thing; like he could make his voice do all sorts of nasty things.

“He’s getting nice and drunk, do you see? He’s struggling so hard not to go down, but we all know he’ll be there sooner rather than later.”

The crowd murmurs for the first time, low and appreciative. Gabriel’s nipples pebble at the sound, something stubborn wanting to rear inside him; the same thing that made him struggle against Lúcio’s calm, gentle dominance those first few times, not wanting to show off just how badly he likes to be praised and cooed over.

He huffs, nostrils flaring as his adrenaline spikes. He tries to breathe through it and center himself, but it is difficult when he’s so very purposefully kept off-center.

“I’ve talked to his owner behind the stage, and he’s told me quite a few interesting titbits. Seems like we have a very good boy on our hands – only that he doesn’t want to show it. Ain’t that right, buttercup?”

Gabriel jerks at the pet name, brows coming down in a fierce scowl. He digs his teeth into the rubber of the ball gag, muscles tensing in annoyance. He sure as hell is not cute or some shit.

“Aw look at that. The little lady is getting all antsy-”

Gabriel roars at that, anger burning hot through his veins. He twists, forgetting all about the scene as he struggles against all his bindings, shame at the feminization egging him on to try and find that clown and bash his head in against the floor-

The stools slide away, and all of a sudden Gabriel’s considerable weight falls down a few inches. He cries out in alarm, rough and a bit high-pitched as the fake cock slides into him deep, spearing him open as the harness keeps him from seriously injuring himself.

He hangs there in the air, eyes big and face slack in shock as Lúcio steps a bit closer, his sure, warm hand landing between his shoulder blades as a point of calm.

He leans forward some, staring into Gabriel’s surprised, big eyes.

“Alright?” he murmurs, and Gabriel, as if in a trance, just dumbly nods.

He is truly helpless now, as he hangs in the air, his ankles kept up and off the floor by some more straps that connect them to the back of his arms.

Lúcio smiles at him, discrete and happy, like Gabriel making an ass out of himself and losing his temper at the feminization has all been planned (well…). He steps back again, just enough to be out of Gabriel’s line of sight.

His hand doesn’t leave him, though, instead giving him a gentle shove that makes him swing through the air.

“Ah there he goes,” the voice says, but it is difficult to focus on it when he is being fucked on the slick dildo while the rope around his balls restricts firmly just how far his Dom can push him through the air.

He whines into his gag, muscles trembling as he tries for some semblance of control, and the man keeps talking in the background.

“He’s a good pet. Bit temperamental, as you can see – but certainly very eager to please his Dominant. Look how sweet and docile he’s getting now. He’ll surely show you a good time if you’re willing to put the effort in. I think bids should start at…”

Gabriel is chewing at his gag, drooling around it more as he swings through the air slowly, the feeling of getting fucked and getting his balls tugged on just this side of mean is making it so difficult to keep a calm head on his shoulders.

He’s a mess, he knows, but the faceless mass of people does not sound put-out by the sight of him.

It is embarrassing to think that they can see just how easy he is for it; how his big, muscled body becomes all sweet and soft for a bit of rough handling, while his cock is swinging heavy and excited between his massive thighs.

“Look at how sweet and rope-drunk he’s getting. The little lady just needs a bit of a firm hand. Someone to show her some rules and not afraid to put them through…”

Gabriel sobs at the words. Lúcio is stepping closer again, leaning into him so he can feel his Dom as he reaches around him and starts to additionally pluck at his nipples, fingers gentle but relentless as he plays with Gabriel’s body in front of the whole crowd.

Lets them all see and hear how he goes wild for it when someone plays with his nipples. Lets them know just how sensitive his tits really are.

It is embarrassing, yes, but also…

But it’s also really good… He’s happy he’s let Lúcio talk him into it.


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