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This week's fic is a 'blast from the past' fic! To see on why that is, please have a small look into the pinned post. As already stated there, I can't encourage you enough to link your patreon to discord to have a peek into the patron-only channel – or to DM me for further info if you can't/don't want to link. Thank you!

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This blast from the past is Patreon Comp Fic#17! Please enjoy this Jack/Gabriel/Jack!

Jack/Gabriel/Jack – Double Penetration; Trauma; A/B/O – Jack got split into two halves... and Gabriel has to suffer because of it.


Part 1 (Patreon Link)

Part 2 (This Part)


Gabriel is living in a kind of fog of terror and anxiety since the day that the freak accidents of Jack’s split body and mind have forced themselves on him.

Life has become… difficult for him. No, not difficult – unbearable. There is nobody he can turn to, no institution to help him, as far as he can tell. Being in a top-secret military program like the SEP means that there are precious few avenues he can take to somehow help him in the shitshow that his life has become, and being in the rare situation that he is in – not only having been claimed by an Alpha, but by two Alphas that should not exist – poses even more problems.

He’s never been mated before. He wonders if the sickly oppression he is feeling every waking moment is normal. He does not think so; not when everybody else is panting after a mate.

He does not think that the dread and anxiety he constantly feels draining his reserves has necessarily anything to do with the fact that he is mated to an Alpha pair, and more with the way that the bond has come about.

Gabriel is a big Alpha; meaty and strong, and ahead of the rest of the pack, and the loss of his own agenda has hit him harder than he would have ever thought possible.

He’s never imagined himself in the position of a victim, let alone one of sexual assault, and the fact that this all is in the open – that everybody has noticed the change in his scent and seen the two vicious bites left and right of his neck – without anybody helping is… distressing.

He is living in a constant fear that is gnawing at his insides and makes eating difficult to impossible.

He wants to flee but he has nowhere to go – a horse kept on reigns and whipped on its ass to try and run anyway. He can feel his sanity wearing thin, and the twin evils snapping constantly at his heels are not helping matters along.

Life has become one long, grey corridor for Gabriel Reyes and he does not know what to do to get out of it.


Jack and Morrison have been waiting for a while in their mate’s quarters, and while his absence is something neither of them can handle well, they do enjoy his scent saturating every inch of the place.

They’ve briefly fought over who gets to roll around on his bed and lazily fuck one of the pillows, but Jack is not necessarily inclined to violence outside of ensuring the obedience of their mate and he’s quickly backed down to leave Morrison the privilege while he himself is prowling through the small, tidy quarters and looking into various cupboards and drawers.

He finds a sewing machine in a large box hidden in one of the wardrobes along with a few half-finished pieces of clothing which Jack all finds very delightful. He hadn’t even known how talented their mate was!

Jack is just about to turn around and announce his findings to Morrison who undoubtedly would have a field day with the information, when the door to Gabriel’s quarters slides open and their mate is suddenly just standing there, staring with a blank expression at them.

The quiet lasts for a few seconds as Jack can watch Gabriel’s dark eyes twitch from him standing at the open door of his wardrobe to Morrison groaning low and heart felt on his bed, hips flexing as he drags his wet dick along one of Gabriel’s pillows to leave his own, sharp Alpha scent in the fabric.

“Oh,” Jack says the same moment that the new Alpha scent seems to register with Morrison and he twists around to look at their mate standing in the doorway, filling it with his deliciously broad shoulders and letting his musky scent waft into the room.

As they watch, Gabriel’s cheeks go darker with an angry flush. There is a tick below one of his eyes, one hand slowly curling into a tight, shaking fist at his side.

He’s about to turn away, they can tell; flee off into whatever little hidey-hole he’s found for himself in order to escape his duties and responsibilities as their mate, and while Jack would have been content to wait for just a bit longer and give him more time to wrap his head around the new and undoubtedly confusing situation, Morrison – as per usual – is a lot less benign and a lot less understanding in the struggles of their precious new mate.

And Jack… well. He can’t let Morrison have Gabriel all for himself. Who knew what would happen if the two Alphas clashed, all alone – might even be that their feisty Alpha mate could overwhelm Morrison and do something rash… and they can’t have that.

Jack and Morrison are on Gabriel before the door can slide shut.

He shouts out, angry and aggressive, immediately exploding in a flurry of fists and elbows, trying in a sudden, desperate rush to fight against them, but numbers are on their sides and they have their reluctant mate pulled inside his rooms before anybody could start being alerted about the sounds of the assault.


Jack wants to be too lenient with their bitch of a mate, but Morrison knows exactly how to treat him, and how to make him understand the quickest what his new duties entail: a full-on confrontation, preferably as often as possible until he behaves like a good boy should and rolls onto his back to show his dominant Alpha mates his belly.

They’ve already waited way too long, losing precious time in training Gabriel as they’ve just danced around him and let him squirrel himself away to try and avoid them as long as possible.

It’s just no good. He needs to learn, and that is best done by doing.

The Alpha beneath them is roaring like a lion, twisting and fighting until they finally got him trussed up with his own bedsheets.

Fighting in the nude is not really Morrison’s favorite past time, but at least it leaves him with little obstruction to fuck himself against Gabriel’s ass once they have him in a way that ensures their easy access to his delicious, thick Alpha body.

The scent he’s putting out is bitter and anxious, but he does not expect that to go on for much longer. Gabriel is an intelligent man with a quick wit, and he will understand what his place is, and the inevitability of it, soon enough.

They drag his jeans down after opening his belt, and once Morrison has his hands on Gabriel’s fat cheeks, spreading them and having a look at his gorgeous cunt, their mate quickly changes his tune.

There’s a wheezing whine coming from him, small and pup-like, and Jack the goddamn bleeding heart is at his head the next second, shushing him and dragging a hand across the shorn part of his skull.

“You don’t need to be afraid. We’re not going to hurt you if you’re being a good boy and just follow along. Right?” He’s looking up at Morrison, brows lifting in expectation.

Morrison snorts, one thumb pressing against the cute hole Gabriel has been hiding from them since their mating.

“Yeah… sure…” he mutters, then generously spits on it to get it wet and slick for some finger-fucking action.

Gabriel is whining again, high-pitched and desperate, his voice cracking as he pleads: “No- Don’t. Please. J-Jack… the… the real Jack. He wouldn’t want this. Not… not like this. Don’t… Don’t do it.”

Jack looks worried, his hands framing Gabriel’s face, thumbs gently smoothing over his goatee in an effort to calm him down before he’s getting mounted and bred. Morrison aggressively thinks that he’ll have to bite Jack if he now gets all mushy on him and starts defending their mate, but his worries are somewhat assuaged when Jack murmurs: “You shouldn’t work yourself up like this. It’s all going to be fine, you know? The Jack you knew is gone. I know this must be distressing for you. But you have new mates now and we are going to take such good care of you. Even though you’re an Alpha.

Aren’t you grateful?”

Morrison uses the moment to press the blunt head of his cock against Gabriel’s barely prepared hole. He can’t help it: he just needs to feel his silky insides wrapped around him.

Gabriel howls.


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