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Reinhardt/Gabriel – Gabriel has a micro dick but Reinhardt doesn't care. In fact, it gets him pretty hot! They both love what's happening.


Usually Reinhardt is very much a talker during fucking… but there is always a stretch in the action where the pussy is just too good and he is focusing every working brain cell on the feeling of it clinging to his mammoth dick, wet and desperate, stretched to the very limits that it can go.

Gabriel knows kind of about that little habit, but not really. He is too preoccupied being the one stretched on dick and drooling because it feels like Reinhardt is thrusting right into his ooey-gooey center and carving a space for himself.

All he can do is stare at the mirror that Reinhardt is fucking him in front of because the old guy’s hand is around his throat and gently forcing him to keep his head up even as his tongue is lolling from his mouth and drool dripping from the tip of it.

There’s nothing making him stare at his own dick but honestly he can’t help it. It’s so fucking embarrassing yet also kind of hot watching his jiggly two-incher bouncing wildly while he gets fucked.

He has barely any fat on his body and what he has seems to be gathered in his crotch area, allowing his pathetic little dick to jump as he gets gently humped by that giant of a man behind him.

Reinhardt is rutting fast, barely pulling out before cramming himself back inside. Gabriel is pretty sure that he’s close to shooting his load and pumping his guts full until his belly is bulging… which is why he is so surprised when the old guy slows down after all, forcing the both of them to retreat from the buzzing edges of orgasm.

Gabriel closes his eyes and groans. He hunches his hips forward, then back, trying to fuck himself on the massive bull cock that makes him feel like his hips are going to burst apart.

Reinhardt just chuckles. Like it’s the cutest thing he’s ever seen. His thick white beard drags against the back of Gabriel’s neck as he lowers his head to croon into his ear: “It is good to see that you enjoy big cocks, my friend! I had been worried you might get jealous as you are so clearly unable to fuck anybody with that delightful little clit you have.”

Gabriel’s eyes fly open, his body simultaneously freezing in shocked horror while the ooey-gooey hot part inside him seems to suddenly burst outward into the very tips of his fingers and to the very soles of his feet. It’s not the first time that Reinhardt has talked about his… his clitdick yet somehow it catches him off guard every damn time.

He watches in their reflection as Reinhardt moves a hand down between his legs, thick fingers framing Gabriel’s embarrassing clitty. The tip of it is bright red and half pushed out of his foreskin. It’s the only visual sign that he has an erection, to be honest… his shaft is so short that his dick is left standing anyway.

“Would you look at that… God, it is so cute, is it not?”

Reinhardt is still talking with that lowered voice. For some reason that alone makes what he is saying sound so dirty and lewd. There is just something about his heavily German accented speech that is making Gabriel’s skin break out in goosebumps and his balls twitch with the renewed need to unload his cum.

Reinhardt lets go of his throat finally, allowing Gabriel to lower his head and look down his own body, watching up-side-down as Reinhardt pinches his clit dick with two meaty fingers and gives it a tiny little tug. His fingers are too big to really jerk him off but he never tires of trying anyway.

The sensation is good enough to make Gabriel start hunching his hips forward again. He feels like an unfixed dog, trying so desperately to fuck something while his hole is spread so wide around a real stud’s dick.

“So cute,” Reinhardt mutters with the cadence of a proud grandparent. “You know what I like most about your little clitty, Gabriel? That I know for a fact that it is nice and unused. It is so small, you wouldn’t be able to stick it in any holes… unless someone really wanted to suckle on a little nub like this.”

He chuckles. The sound is making Gabriel even hotter. He hates how nasty he gets for degradation – especially the gentle kind that Reinhardt always gives him. The kind that makes him feel good about his micro cock.

And he can’t deny it, can he? It’s not like he hadn’t tried before but other than the odd toy there is really nothing that he can do about it. His dick barely reaches past ass cheeks; all he could do is awkwardly hump the tip inside someone so disinterested in it that they’d yawn and start to get sleepy while he works his heart out, sweat pearling along his hairline-

It’s not really what he wants anyway. He’s gotten too addicted to those anal orgasms. Those that start so damn deep and make his breath stop for far too long.

“Go on, then… show me how you rub your clitty, my boy,” Reinhardt suddenly says on half a grunt as he curls an arm around Gabriel’s chest and makes them both kneel up; Gabriel hugged against his front, stretched out for the mirror in all his glory. All those perfect muscles on display, right down to his humiliating micro cock, standing proud because it barely has any other mode.

Maybe Gabriel is just constantly aroused, knowing that he doesn’t stand a chance against any man in any given room he’s in… Knowing that they would laugh if he’d drop his pants right then and there to let them see his itty-bitty dick.

(Knowing that, on occasion, he’s done just that, getting off on the humiliation of showing off his two-incher to a bunch of guffawing randos… and that sometimes one of the jocks would pull him into an alley to drop to their knees and suck his dicklett messily as if it were a pacifier, their nose buried in his pubes.)

Gabriel stares at his own reflection. He knows he looks good and Reinhardt tells him as much as well. The old guy’s expression is calm and open despite the redness in his face from fucking Gabriel. He is genuinely into Gabriel’s whole ‘deal’.

He’s so much into it that Gabriel can not only feel his massive bull cock flexing inside him, he can also see it: the bulge in his lower abdomen is moving. He can’t take his eyes off of it. He hadn’t thought he’d be so much into belly bulges, but apparently he is. He’s a big boy, after all and it takes an even bigger boy to stretch out his insides like that…

“Go on. Rub your clitty, Gabriel,” Reinhardt murmurs into his ear, encouraging. He is barely shimmying his hips back-and-forth to fuck Gabriel on just a couple inches of cock while he waits for him to give him a show.

A couple inches. That’s just how much Gabriel has in general. Fuck, it gets him so hot. He nods slowly, his teeth digging into his lower lip as he stares at their reflections to watch himself move his hand down his body. He takes a moment to press against Reinhardt’s cock from the outside. The feeling is so alien; like the room is suddenly tilting on its axis.

From the rusty red tip of his dicklett, a line of drool is slowly dripping down. The feeling might be alien but obviously it is not turning him off of the whole experience.

He finally pinches his two-incher between two fingers and slowly starts to pull back on the foreskin. It’s not him that groans, though – it is Reinhardt. His cock flexes inside him again, his one good eye fixed on the sight of Gabriel slowly starting to jerk himself off.

“Yes, that’s it… treat your little clitty, Gabriel. Oh, that looks so nice…”

His large hands grab Gabriel by the hips, holding him nice and steady as he slowly continues fucking him and picking up speed one by one. All the time his gaze is just glued to Gabriel jerking himself off.

“Can you make yourself come for me, my boy? I would love to see your little friend shooting off.”

A wave of embarrassed heat floods him. His skin feels too tight and sensitive. Like he could come so easily if Reinhardt were to play with his nipples and pinch them just a tad too hard-

Reinhardt doesn’t, because he’s no psychic, but Gabriel doesn’t need it after all. All he needs is to be grunt fucked by this old bull, feeling him re-arrange his insides with his massive dick while he himself is awkwardly jerking his two-incher and admiring the view.

The orgasm that pushes through his body takes him almost by surprise. Reinhardt makes a choked sound right into his ear when he sees the surprisingly forceful arc of cum shooting from Gabriel’s clitty.

Not that Gabriel has much time to admire any of it as suddenly there’s a hand on the back of his head and he’s being bend over once more, face pushed into the bedding and cheek dragging through his own, cooling cum as the stud fucks him almost aggressively during the last few thrusts before he shoots his own load.

Not that he would ever complain.


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