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Ramattra/Gabriel – fluffer!Gabriel; actor!Ramattra – Zenyatta comes a bit late for the shoot so Ramattra has to let Gabriel help him with getting ready. What a chore... right?


“Zenyatta just texted. The train had a short circuit or something, he thinks he should be here in another half hour or so. Why don’t you guys get ready so we can start as soon as he’s here?”

Gabriel grunts and gets up from the floor. He’s been doing some push ups just so he wouldn’t be sitting around twiddling his thumbs as they waited for Ramattra’s co-star. He rolls his head and his shoulders to loosen muscles that have grown somewhat tight.

Ramattra stands unmovingly near one of the windows, his arms crossed over his chest. He’s narrowed his eyes at the camera aid who brought the news and despite the fact that he’s only wearing a towel, he looks kind of… menacing.

That’s his whole thing, though. He always looks menacing.

Gabriel is a big guy and even he feels weirdly intimidated by Ramattra at times. The only one that he really seems to get along with is Zenyatta which is no surprise… everybody gets along with him.

While the camera aid makes a soft sound of distress and quickly leaves the set again, Gabriel looks Ramattra up and down. He can faintly smell his aftershave; as always, he looks immaculate; from his slicked back black hair down to his pedicured feet.

“How d’you want it?” Gabriel asks roughly. He rolls his shoulder again to get out the last kink in his neckline. “I can jerk you off or-”

“You will service me with your mouth.”

Gabriel pauses and squints at Ramattra who stares back unflinchingly in a ‘I said what I said’ kind of way. Not that he expected him to go scrambling and apologizing for his tone.

“Alright… neat,” he mutters and, when Ramattra keeps standing where he is, not looking like he’s about to help this along in any way, shape or form, he rolls his eyes and steps around the couch that he will be fucking Zenyatta on later.

He grabs one of the pillows and throws it to the ground to kneel on.

“You know, people’d be more eager to talk to you if you weren’t behaving like a fucking idiot,” he drawls as he grabs the towel to gently open and slide off Ramattra’s hips.

“I am not here to be perceived as a fool by incompetent rabble.”

Gabriel, who had been about to grab Ramattra’s dick and lean in, pauses and looks up again at him with a tight expression on his face. The guy has his arms still folded over his chest and is resolutely staring ahead with a quite magnificent bitch face.

He’s damn gorgeous but he won’t make it long here if he doesn’t stop acting like a fool soon. He’s got a soft side; Gabriel has seen him and Zenyatta sticking their heads together and whispering… but he can’t make it everybody else’s problem that he’s got a crush on the guy who is on his way to getting married to Genji.

Eventually he drawls: “Incompetent rabble… interesting way to phrase it.” He finally grabs Ramattra’s cock, pretty like the rest of him with a warm golden bar pierced through the frenulum, and leans in to drag his tongue along the length.

He’s professional, after all. He still thinks that he almost imagines the soft gasp from above.


T997 on AO3

I think the Rama/Gabe drabble didn’t go on long enough/didn’t get to anything juicy enough to demonstrate potential for an extension :)


The drabbles are always only around 500 words. I try my best with them but sometimes it just be that way unfortunately :')