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Hanzo/Cassidy – aneki!Hanzo; bodyguard!Cassidy – Hanzo has a boring dinner-meeting with associates and Cassidy being a nasty perv just really comes at a great time.


Hanzo abruptly stands from the table, causing conversations to halt as the men turn to look at her in mild confusion.

“I will be back in a moment. Touching up on my make-up.” She does not wait for whatever they have to say to it. Her father might think they are worthwhile business partners but in her eyes they are barely worth licking her shoes. She has also found that treating them as such usually gets them even more eager to deal with them.

It’s a win-win.

She harshly grabs Cassidy’s tie as she walks past him, pulling him along like an unruly child. He grunts in surprise, his big feet shuffling loudly as he has to bend down quite a bit if he doesn’t want to choke himself.

They are barely around the corner before Hanzo pushes him up against the wall, one sharp-tipped nail pressing into the little dip at the base of his throat. He has his hands up in height of his shoulders, capitulating like the dog he is.

“...Ma’am?” he whispers so the table they just left wouldn’t hear. The conversations slowly start up again.

Hanzo glares at Cassidy. “Stop it,” she hisses and grabs his scruffy jaw, nails now digging harshly into his cheeks. He winces but doesn’t dare move a muscle, probably in fear that she’ll claw him like a cat and slice his mug into ribbons. “Are you even paying attention to what is happening in there or are you just staring at my tits?!”

Immediately, his brown eyes dip down to the obscene cleavage she is displaying. A second later they jerk back up, sweat starting to pearl along his hairline.

“I… I uhm-”

“Don’t even try to deny it,” she whispers and shifts her grip to no longer hold his jaw but instead meanly fist his short beard and pull him down again to eye level. She can feel his hot breath fanning over her face and smell the stale smoke of the cigars he keeps puffing. “I’ve been seeing you eying me the whole time,” Hanzo croons. “Trying to see glimpses of things far out of your league… dirty dog.”

Hanzo glances from Cassidy’s nervously twitching eyes down to his mouth. Broad and sensual. She hates that he is so sturdy and handsome… that his jaw line looks like it would make a perfect seat for her. She slowly traces his mouth with her fingertip as she continues: “My father hired you as my bodyguard. I do not think he would enjoy it if I told him you were leering at me.”

“Ah… Miss… please-”

“Silence,” Hanzo hisses. She briefly leans over to peer into the room they have vacated to make sure they are not being missed. She then looks back to Cassidy, looking him up and down.

She grabs his tie again and starts to pull him down the hallway like the dog he is.

“I will freshen up. And you will… assist me.”


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