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This week's fic is a 'blast from the past' fic! To see on why that is, please have a small look into the pinned post. As already stated there, I can't encourage you enough to link your patreon to discord to have a peek into the patron-only channel – or to DM me for further info if you can't/don't want to link. Thank you!

Readable for all tiers this time :)


This blast from the past is Patreon Comp Fic#15! Please enjoy this Soldier/Cassidy/Reyes! (This fic was formerly a fic with the usage of 'Jesse McCree')

Soldier/Cassidy/Reyes – Submissive Pissing; Corporal Punishment/Spanking; Bondage – Cole is a young man in a relationship with Jack and Gabriel... he still needs to be trained how to behave.


Cole had been struggling like the street dog that he is up until the point that Gabriel would have dislocated his shoulder. He’s a scrappy young man with the promise of getting really nice and bulky, but for now Gabriel has nearly double his mass.

Still, he’s at least kept trying to get free; squirming, spitting and hissing even though he is very neatly pinned to the ground with Gabriel’s knee digging between his shoulder blades and Jack standing off to the side, ready and able to help keep him down if need be.

Now, though, the fight has drained out of him, leaving him panting against the smooth wood of Jack’s floors, hair sticking to his sweaty face and a small puddle of drool forming underneath his cheek. His body is fever hot beneath Gabriel. He wants to slide his knee from between Cole’s shoulder blades and straddle him; grind down into his ass and feel the heat of it warm his cock – but he knows better than to trust the peace.

Three seconds later, Cole growls a tired: “Fuck you both.” He tries to buck Gabriel off one last time but finally seems to calm his ass down.

Gabriel looks up and Jack is already handing him the zip ties with which he fixes Cole’s wrists together. After a second of deliberation he slides his belt out of his loops (noisily, just to make sure Cole knows exactly what is happening) and wraps it a couple of times around Cole’s bound wrists, then slips it into the loop of his ratty bandana; just tight enough to gently restrict his breathing as long as he does not struggle too much.

Finally, Gabriel can allow himself to breathe as he sits back on the backs of Cole’s thighs, staring at his hairy little ass. It is awfully cute, and Cole knows it, too.

“Awful lotta work just to get at lil ol’ me’s ass. Not that I blame ya. You like ‘em young? Or is it more about the rough-and-tumble kinda guys? Bet Captain America over there’s real neat about shavin’ everythin, ain’t he?”

Gabriel throws Jack an exasperated glare and Jack quirks one corner of his mouth but stays otherwise quiet. His big hands are slowly dropping to his own belt, though he is waiting for Gabriel’s go-ahead.

They’re both still in gear and it seems to fuck more with Cole’s head than either of them has anticipated. His breath is loud in the otherwise quiet room, eyes looking big and wild beneath the tangle of his dirty hair.

“It’s the youth thing tho, ain’t it? Like ‘em twinks, boss? When they’re unused and crying on your big ol’ dick? Sorry ‘bout that but there’ll be no cryin’ from this here big boy-”

“Shut the fuck up for one goddamn second, Cassidy,” Gabriel groans, rubbing the bridge of his nose. Cole, surprisingly, falls silent. There’s a high flush on his cheeks; two bright spots of color that are hectic and nervous looking. He knows he fucked up and he’s going to get his due, and it makes him antsy and defensive – even more so than usual.

Gabriel takes a deep breath and when Cole keeps quiet he lets his hands wander; checking over the zip-ties and whether they are cutting oo harshly into Cole’s skin, and when he deems them alright, sliding farther down until he can spread his hairy cheeks with both hands and have a look at the generous pout of his asshole.

Damn, but the kid looks tasty; like a goddamn feast. Gabriel wants to get his tongue into that hairy, hot little space but a glance at Jack shows him to minimally shake his head.

No. Yeah. He’s right – Cole shouldn’t be rewarded, now.

Before he can make up his mind to spew nonsense again, Gabriel regretfully lets go of his ass once more and stands up. He takes his place next to Jack and together, they loom above Cole and stare down at him. It makes him nervous again, of course, and he starts struggling again until he realizes he is only choking himself, so he becomes quiet again and licks his dry lips.

He stares up at them like a kicked puppy, then tries it with a last bit of bravado, mouth stretching in a grin that shows his yellow, crooked teeth which the base’s dentist team will have to have a look at sometime later.

“So, what… Blackwatch Commander’s doing all the shit work for the Strike Commander? Dun wanna get your hands dirty getting your boys wrangled?”

Jack snorts. He takes it all in stride with the patience of an angel. This time, he does not need to look out for Gabriel’s go-ahead.

They move like a well-oiled machine: Gabriel sitting down on a chair while Jack slides the thick belt from its loops.

Gabriel reaches down to grab the back of Cole’s bandana, pulling him up by it just because he wants to see the mild panic flash across his face when he gets seriously choked for a second before he is unceremoniously dumped face-first in Gabriel’s lap.

There is a moment of uncertainty where he is unsure whether Cole will bite him like a scared dog, but it vanishes as fast as it had come. Cole might be unhinged at times, and have a mouth too quick for his own good, but he is not unnecessarily violent – at least towards his owners.

“What are you doing?”

He sounds a bit small and scared now, trying to look backwards at Jack taking up position behind him.

“We are showing you your place,” Gabriel tells him not unkindly. Jack’s gravelly voice pipes up for the first time, speaking slow and measured to make sure Cole understands.

“You can be as loud as you want. Get all of it out of your system once and for all – because once you step out of this room again, I never want to have to deal with complaints about your frankly pisspoor attitude ever again.”

He sounds sympathetic, almost. Like he is so very sorry about this whole thing, and not like his cock is so hard over the prospect of getting Cassidy’s ass hot and aching that Gabriel thinks his cock might be the only thing keeping his pants up after he’s got rid of his belt.

They don’t wait much for an acknowledgement. The first hit lands like a truck and shocks Cole into silence. The smack is meaty and loud and Gabriel can feel his nipples go tight as all of him wants to wince.

After that, the lashes come slow, methodical and hard. Cole screams until his voice breaks. Jack pauses, his big hand stroking across one blood red cheek. Gabriel’s mouth is dry. He is holding on to Cole’s shoulders, making sure he does not through himself out of his lap while watching Jack work.

“You can cry, you know. Everything you do will stay right with us. We don’t mind, Cole.”

Gabriel almost expects Cole to spit Jack’s kindness right back in their faces, but the young man looks pale and out of it. His face is drenched in sweat. Gabriel frowns and looks up, wants to tell Jack they need to stop, but Jack is putting his finger to his lips, then points down.

Gabriel does not understand until Jack crouches down behind Cole, reaching between his hot, spanked thighs – and Cole makes a sound like a wounded animal.

“You’re not a bad boy, are you, Cole?” Jack murmurs, his large, rough hand curled around what Gabriel can only assume is Cole’s raging hard-on. “You want to be good for us, don’t you? Look how hard you are from getting your pretty little bottom spanked…”

Cole does start to cry, then. He bawls like a little kid, loud and unashamed as he presses his hot, sweaty face against Gabriel’s belly and gets his cock fondled in the same time that Jack is running his hand feather light across his aching ass.

Everyhing has to be so confusing for him; all the ache and humiliation and lust swamping him until he is blubbering not-quite words that Gabriel has a hard time to decipher as begging for Jack not to spank him again.

“Good puppies don’t need to get the belt, Cole,” Jack tells him now, voice too rough to be as gentle as he wants to make it seem. “Bad puppies will get their little holes spanked next time they misbehave…”

He lets go of Cole’s weeping cock; Gabriel can just about see him push his thumb between Cole’s cheeks, ostensibly pushing it against the clench of his hairy hole – and suddenly all the dams break.

Gabriel can hear the hot hiss of urine as Cole starts pissing right onto Jack’s wood floor. It gurgles loudly even despite Cole’s sobs as he hides his hot, tear-stained face in Gabriel’s crotch, instinctively showing them his submission.

Jack rubs the small of his back in slow little circles. When Cole wants to awkwardly shuffle his knees apart, he stops him with a gentle click of his tongue that makes the young man freeze, then obediently stay put as the puddle grows, making him kneel in his own mess.

“There you go,” Gabriel murmurs and wipes a few strands of hair out of Cole’s eyes. “There’s a good boy.”


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