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Hank/Connor; (Hank/wife) – pegging – An AU in which Hank is happily married and his son is still alive. Connor is their maid android.


After a pitifully long day at the precinct, all Hank wants is to get back to his pitifully empty house and fall into his pitifully empty bed. With his wife and son gone to visit the relatives and him stuck having to do night shift for the foreseeable future, there’s little that has been even enticing enough to make him come back in the first place.

All he’s been able to think about is the meal that Connor, their maid android, would have cooked so when he finally gets the key into the lock and pushes the door open he is … quite disappointed not to immediately smell the nice, hearty meal.

Had Connor forgotten to charge himself and stopped working halfway through the day? It would not necessarily be the first time but it would definitely be the worst possible moment for it now with Hank in such a crabby mood.


No response. He pushes the door closed behind him, his second call for the android dying on his lips when he sees a note pinned to the vanity mirror in the hallway. Getting closer he can recognize his wife’s beautiful handwriting.

He pulls the note off the glass and squints in the dim light of the hallway to read.

Hank, since you couldn’t come with us and I know you get lonely, I thought I’d leave a little something in the bedroom for you. Don’t let him wait for too long, you know how he gets.

What? Who? He immediately feels on edge, peering down the hallway to where the bedroom lies at the very end. Feeling uneasy, he looks back at the note.

I put up a little camera for myself. Don’t worry about finding it, you won’t :) Give me a good show, will you? We’ll talk in the morning. Have a good evening, sweetheart.

He narrows his eyes at the note, then carefully puts it down on the vanity. He knows his wife isn’t plotting to… murder him or anything but his fingers still move toward the gun at his hip as he slowly makes his way through the hallway.

The little hairs on the back of his neck stand up on edge when he sees their bedroom door is cracked open. He can’t even begin to imagine what deviousness she’s thought of.

Carefully, Hank pushes the door open with the tips of his fingers, his other hand firmly around the butt of his gun.

He almost pulls it when he sees the naked man standing prim and proper at the end of their bed. It takes him quite a few seconds to compute that the naked man is Connor, standing there with that enigmatic little smile he always seems to wear.

Hank has only seen him without clothes a handful of times in the five years they’ve been living with their maid android. He’s pretty sure that he hasn’t had a cock. Ever. But right there on the usually featureless mound between his legs is a dick jutting out nice and eager.

Connor’s smile widens just that little bit.

“Surprise, Mister Anderson.”


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