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Soldier/Hanzo – Hanzo has found out that he can do pretty much anything he wants to Jack and he uses that knowledge thoroughly.

Part 1 (Patreon Link)

Part 2 (This Part)


76 is barely staying on his feet. He sways into Hanzo’s rooms, his eyes with dark bruises underneath once he takes his visor off. He’s just come from a mission and looks like Hell but Hanzo ordering him to attend him still obviously overrode his need for sleep.

“Pathetic,” Hanzo mutters. He makes a rotating motion with his finger and 76 starts moving without question, peeling his armor slowly from his body. The smell radiating off of him is… honestly not as bad as Hanzo would have thought, but still nothing he wants to touch with a ten foot pole. “Go and wash yourself. Thoroughly.”

76 nods. Hanzo pushes himself up from his perch against his desk and follows him into the bathroom, fascinated at his complete lack of decency. He moves as if he weren’t buck ass naked, his cock and balls bouncing heavily. His nuts look full to bursting. Honestly, it’s enough to almost make Hanzo reconsider letting himself get fucked by the bastard.


He enjoys tormenting him way too much to let his big old cock anywhere near his holes.

He stands in the doorway, watching as the old bastard stands in the shower and begins to wash himself. He does notice the little needy looks 76 throws him but decides not to react to them either which way. He knows studs like 76. The ones that get older and needier for a kind touch. As soon as he gives him what he wants, he’ll no longer be the eager little puppy that he is today.

Hanzo sure as Hell doesn’t want that to happen. He has to keep him nice and down. Make him think that Hanzo is the Alpha and Omega. That he can’t get what he’s getting now from anybody else. It’s the only way to keep nasty old fucks like him in line, after all.

“I said to wash thoroughly,” he says acidly, voice raised so 76 will hear it over the rush of the shower. “I think today I will fuck your ass.”

76’s face goes slack at that. Hanzo can see the color appearing in his cheeks but that might just be because of the warm water. He hasn’t really seen him become embarrassed yet so he doesn’t think it’s really in him…

…doesn’t mean he can’t try to make him flush like a schoolgirl and whine like a dog.

He lifts his brows when 76 doesn’t immediately move. “Or maybe you just want to shove your old ass back to your rooms and use your hand? …again?”

The threat works well. The old goat moves quickly, grabbing the shower gel and leaning over to brace himself against the shower wall and more easily reach his ass. Hanzo licks his lips. He moves closer, eager to watch the old fuck debase himself just so Hanzo will touch him and give him the contact he so desperately wants.

He cleans his crack. Hanzo is all too eager to tell him to take proper care of his cunt as well. The sight of the old guy carefully rounding his pussy a few times before slowly and awkwardly wriggling a finger inside has Hanzo’s T-dick pulsing nice and slow. Damn, he wishes he could fuck him just like this… but that’s what his toys are for. He can’t wait to test them old the old goat. Make him cry like a little bitch because of Hanzo’s dick rearranging his insides.

There is just something extra… enticing about making an old, desperate guy like him debase himself. Telling him to go deeper and properly fuck himself so he’ll be prepared for Hanzo…

76 lets his head sink as he slowly and awkwardly pistons his finger… then stuffs a second in as well.

“So dramatic… and you want to stick your nasty old dick into my holes? Tsk. Dream on. Filthy fucks like you are why nobody can have nice things, you know that, right? So selfish… only want to get your dick wet but don’t want to stretch your nasty little cunt for anybody else, hmn? Well, not with me. You’re going to work for the privilege. Before I let you get a leg up on me, I’ll make sure you’re a broken in little mare.”

That at least gets him a reaction, though not the one he had been anticipating: 76 groans low and desperate. He sounds like he’s already about to get off which… huh? Hanzo shifts a little and yeah, there it is: his old ugly cock is already erect, twitching and eager. Like he’s ready to pump out his load in the shower like one of the young studs on base.

“Enough… dry yourself off and come out. I don’t have the time to wait for you to recuperate.” Hanzo sneers at him when he sees 76 peeking  at him from beneath his biceps. The dark rings underneath his eyes have become even more pronounced in these few minutes, if possible – yet his unrelenting, disgusting horniness must be enough to keep him going. Obviously. He’s so hopeful Hanzo gives him the barest amount of attention… what a nasty old piece of shit.

He stalks out to let Jack be on his own. He doesn’t need to oversee him getting out and drying himself off; he’s no nurse for old, horny bastards.

Jack nearly trips over his own feet when he sees him standing there, his favorite cock mounted on a harness, one hand stuck beneath it so he can stroke his T-dick. He’s so goddamn hard right now, he could get off easily on his own which he makes sure to let 76 know.

“Go on before I change my mind…” Hanzo jerks his head toward the bed. It would be the first time they actually fuck in one and it feels kind of weird so he overplays that, pretending like everything is normal. “Face down, ass up. You know how it goes, don’t you? Though you’re probably usually on the other end of the exchange… Though do you even remember the last time? Must’ve been years ago.”

It feels weirdly liberating and exciting to talk this rude to an elder. His upbringing has taught him to downright worship the ground they’re walking on but 76 always sets his teeth on edge and makes his fingers itch to slap him across the face.

Luckily for the old bastard, he goes without protest and give him a reason to slap him around. Hanzo wants him to. He really does. Or maybe he should just do whatever he wants?

It’s admittedly difficult to be mean when Jack so obviously eager reaches back with both hands, grabbing his cheeks and spreading them wide. His hole is small and tight but already pinkened up from him earlier fucking himself.

It’s downright cute but Hanzo doesn’t tell him, of course. Instead he clucks his tongue and mutters in a disgusted voice: “A fucking disgrace for Overwatch… You’re a whore, 76. A nasty old whore that nobody in their right mind would touch with a ten foot pole, you know that, right? I’m doing this solely out of the goodness of my heart.” Here, he can’t help himself but slap 76’s meager thigh. He has almost no ass which is a tragedy in and off itself. “Used up sluts like you should be thanking whoever takes the time to treat them to a ride.”

Hanzo usually isn’t this talkative… it seems that an old horny bastard like 76 just pulls him out of his shell.

76 is breathing hard. His fingers are digging into what little meat he has on his ass, his hole continuously winking at Hanzo as it desperately clenches and unclenches. He’s so horny and nervous… it is delicious. Especially when compared with the bastard Hanzo thought he was way back when he hadn’t had a clue about how desperately horny 76 was and how needy he would be for Hanzo to treat him to a good taste of his fat T-Dick.

Well, now he’ll have a taste of his fake cock, too.

Hanzo puts the plump tip against 76’s hole and starts to press. The pressure against his cock is enough to make his body grow hot, his hips going nice and loose.

“Bite on something,” he grits out between his teeth. It is undoubtedly mean to fuck him on nothing but the residual moisture from the shower… but he takes it like a champ, hissing through his teeth as Hanzo force feeds him his dick. It’s mean and rude but it gets Hanzo going like nothing else.

He might just get addicted to fucking nasty old men… grunt fucking them until they cry on his dick. It’s a very special kind of pleasure that makes him both feel ashamed and empowered.

In any case… it’s not like 76 is not enjoying himself. He starts to pump out his load after just a couple of awkward back-and-forth thrusts during which Hanzo is still trying to figure out a rhythm. He whines like a dog, sobbing through his clenched jaw.

Desperate and so very, very thankful. If Hanzo were to pause and listen he could hear him stuttering out his gratitude for getting rudely fucked by his team mate… but he doesn’t care enough, if he’s honest. Stars are exploding in front of his vision as his harness keeps dragging against his swollen, pulsing cock. He’s hot on the heels of an orgasm and honestly doesn’t care about the person attached to the sloppy hole he’s fucking right now.

He likes this no-strings-attached kind of fucking.