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Junker Queen/Roadhog – Dez should not have favorites amongst her Junkertown children but she loves one just especially.


Dez is awoken by some roughhousing outside of her room. That in and off itself is nothing new. There’s a lot of roughhousing going on around these parts and honestly whoever is getting their head bashed in probably deserved it and more. They all do, if one were to go down to the nitty gritty of it all, but none of them can be arsed to it.

She cracks her eye open and rolls it to the door, watching the entryway while outside a shrieking voice keeps howling: “We’re here for Queenie! She gotta see our haul!”

The voice is very unmistakeably Junkrat’s but from the rumbling sounds accompanying it she just knows that his ever-present shadow is accompanying him now as well.

Thinking of the big fat guy has her pussy pulsing warm and eager. Dez makes a sound like a purr as she stretches briefly, grinding her mound against the bed in the process, then pushes herself up with a groan.

Honestly she could’ve gone with a few more hours of sleep… but she won’t say no to a nice fuck as well. It’s difficult to come by in Junkertown; most people aren’t really… there, so to speak. She doesn’t like playing with prey that has no idea what’s happening. Seems tasteless to her.

She opens the door to another shriek of Queenie! and the sight of the room beyond absolutely trashed. Junkrat is riding on his bodyguard’s shoulders, one arm outstretched like the captain of a ship indicating a target.

Roadhog has both hands full with the skulls of her guards, their limbs flailing as they try to not get their necks broken like twigs. Ah… yeah… there’s that pulse in her pussy again. Shit, she needs that big guy in her bed. It’s been far too long.

Junkrat’s gaunt face lights up like a kid’s when he sees her. “Queenie! Queenie, look here! We got you some-”

He’s wildly gesticulating to a pile of… stuff in the corner of the room. She briefly squints toward it but it all looks like trash in her opinion. Junkrat’s definition of treasure can be very… broad.

Lifting her hand, she cuts him off.

“I’ll have a look later.” She points at Roadhog. “You. Get into my room. The rest of you: go out and… have fun or something. I don’t care. Just get out of my sight for a few hours.”


“Mmhh… Mommy.”

Dez can’t deny the absolute rush she gets whenever she hears his deep voice calling her that. He’s sitting in front of her bed like a good boy; a huge, motionless teddybear with the biggest, juiciest dick in town. It’s fatter than a beercan – what more could a girl want, honestly?

Well, to be called ‘Mommy’ and have a beast like Hoggy docile as can be, maybe.

She pets through his hair and grabs it tight, pulling his head back so she can kiss him nice and deep. His cheeks jiggle with the motion, which she likes. She likes everything about this big fat boy. She likes his thick tongue which she sucks into her mouth and she likes his huge, round belly which she can grind her pussy against while she kisses him.

She likes seeing how soft his little dark eyes become when she growls at him that “Mommy’s pretty pleased with her li’l guy today. You wanna have a reward?”

He nods, his fat fingers curling around her hips, thumbs rubbing her naked hipbones.


He doesn’t speak a whole lot but that’s okay. She likes hearing herself talk. And she only needs him to say that one word, either way. Gets her nice and going – the slick patch of pussy juice just above his belly button is proof enough of that.

Dez wonders how she would like to have him today. There’s something to be said about grinding her cunt against his mouth and feeling that fat tongue gently sliding through her silky folds or having him suck her pierced clit into his mouth to try and nurse on her like a babe on a teat… fuck, the thought alone makes her abdomen liquid-y hot in anticipation.

But… she could always have that for a second round… after she stretched herself out on his monster dick and got the both of them off. Leave his mouth free to keep calling her mommy in that sweet voice. Maybe today will be the day she gets Roadie to beg? Now that would be worth a notch on her bed.

She loves all her children equally… some just a little bit more than others.

Dez grabs his face in her hands, smooshing his plump cheeks and watching how his eyes never leave hers.

“Aw, you’re just so damn cute! I can’t say no to a face like that…”

Not that she would deny herself the treat of sitting down on his big fat dick. He holds nice and still, just slowly dragging his big thumbs over her hipbones which is nice all in all but not enough to distract from the bone aching stretch once she starts to lower herself onto him, her labia spreading for his tip… and then her hole doing the same; just spreading… and spreading… and spreading far past what should be humanly possible.

She digs her teeth into her bottom lip, eyes rolling into her head. It feels like she’s about to loose consciousness just from getting speared on cock which is kind of the way she’d like to go when her time is up. It sounds pretty metal.

She’s gone through the rodeo a few times and knows that it isn’t impossible for her poor cunt to stretch this wide, but it never fails to make her heart go pitter-patter and her hips feel like they’re about to break apart from the stuffing.

And all the while, Roadie is just breathing heavier and heavier. He sounds like he’s going to keel over any minute now but his huge hands are not idle at all. They move from her hips to her ass, massaging her cheeks and spreading them apart which is somehow helping her slide down farther on his dick.

“Cheers,” she gasps through clenched teeth. She has her hands on his shoulders but they slide down soon enough. She likes to get a good handful of those soft tits, if she’s honest.

“...Mommy,” Roadhog breathes, half in acknowledgement, half because he knows she goes wild for it. It doesn’t fail to make her pussy pulse around his dick, clit feeling painfully sensitive. She cackles, warmth spreading through her chest. She’s flushing all over, she can feel it, the added circulation making her extra excited for riding him.

She’s a big girl. She can handle a lot of what he dishes out. She can even reach up and keep kissing him and sucking on his fat tongue as her hips begin to twist, corkscrewing his hopelessly massive cock into her poor cunt.

Dez should never have gotten hooked on him. Her mother always told her to be cautious of the big guys in Junkertown… though she probably didn’t mean it like that.

White spots dance in her vision as she squeezes him deeper and deeper into her, forcing her silky walls to spread for him. His cock makes him feel parts of her anatomy she’s pretty sure have never been meant to be touched by dick. The sharp flare of pain sizzling up her spine when he kisses up to her womb has her pull back from his mouth with a gasp and a sharply barked laugh. Her eyes are wide open, staring at the ceiling, head blissfully empty as she makes herself sit down again and again, letting him push his fat pig cock up against her womb.

So many in Junkertown would kill for the privilege of breeding up mommy… she might just give it to Roadhog, though. An exclusive breeder right just for her goodest, bestest boy.

Her golden child.

“Mommy,” he breathes again. One of his arms curls around her body, pulling her against his huge balloon of a gut. She finds herself watching as he grasps one of her tits, thumb slowly dragging around her areola until it pebbles with excitement, her nipple fat and erect, not unlike her desperately pulsing clit.

She has to help him out a little by leaning in but the hunger on his face is simply irresistible in itself… she doesn’t need him asking even though she usually so enjoys making her boys squirm and whine.

He curls his plump lips around her teat and begins to suckle desperately. Dez never knew that there was a nerve directly connected between her nipples and her pussy, but it feels like it now; warm and pulsing and dulling the pain from his dick nudging consistently against her womb-

She flies apart in an orgasm. Maybe she is shrieking, maybe not… it doesn’t matter. The whole of Junkertown can know that she has a favorite boy for all that she cares.


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