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Part 1 (Patreon Link)

Part 2 (This Part)

Cassidy/Gabriel – consensual (kind of); mind alteration/corruption – Gabriel keeps training Cole who takes very well to it all...


The next time, it is actually Cassidy who contacts Gabriel first which is… interesting.

Athena’s calm voice rings out to Gabriel while he is working through some mission reports: “Commander Reyes. Agent Cassidy is here and requesting to talk to you.”

He glances up toward the door. “Hmn. Put on the loudspeaker.”


“Cassidy. What do you want? I’m a busy man.”

Cassidy sounds startled when he replies: “Oh, uh… ah. Yeah. Commander, would you… uh would you mind letting me in for a spell?”

Reyes puts his pen down slowly and leans back in his chair, fingers crossing over his stomach. He’s no fucking idiot – not like Cassidy – so he can make an educated guess as to what is up and that is certainly sparking his interest.

“I would, actually. I have things to do. What do you want, Cassidy?”

“Ah I… I see. It’s just that-”

“Speak up. Can’t hear you.” He slowly strokes his goatee, his annoyance about the disruption quickly melting away. He can practically see Cassidy standing there on the other side of the door, getting progressively more panicked as he looks up and down the hallway, anxious someone might come and hear him asking to suck his Commander’s dick.

Gabriel grabs a remote and turns on his private screens to have a look himself. Right there is Cassidy, looking just as shifty as he had imagined. The hallway is empty otherwise, as he thought it might be. People tend to give him and his rooms a wide berth if possible.

“Actually… n-nevermind-”

“Stay right where you are, Agent. You came here to disrupt me. Either you get out what you wanted to tell me or I’ll transfer you over to the kitchen squad proper so I don’t have to deal with you and your idiotic ideas ever again.”

“Sir…” the whine in Cassidy’s voice puts Gabriel’s teeth on edge… but it also gets him kind of horny. He remembers well the last time where he fucked Cassidy in exchange for talking to one of his other instructors again. He takes cock pretty well… and he whines just like that while doing so.

“Athena, start the process to transfer Agent Cassidy-”

“Okay, okay! Okay uh… actually, it is because of kitchen duty? I got assigned again and I thought…”

He trails off. In the video feed he is squirming like a worm. So much so that Gabriel is starting to really second guess having him as part of Blackwatch at all. The kid needs to grow a goddamn spine…

“Again? What did you do this time?”

“Well uh…”

“Actually, I don’t fucking care. It’s also not my problem, is it? So run along.”

“Wait, wait, wait! I thought… well uhm… I thought, sir…”

Gabriel hums and reaches down, slowly starting to undo his pants to make room for his fattening dick. Figures that he would start getting hot for bumbling imbeciles like Cassidy. There’s something to be said about the allure of someone too dumb to find his own ass with two hands and a map. He’s also nice and sturdy for a good fucking so there’s that.

“What did you think?” Gabriel asks silkily. He watches on the camera footage as Cassidy once again looks around nervously. His voice shakes when it comes through the loudspeaker: “I thought maybe we could… that is… you could… and I could… ah…”

Gabriel rolls his eyes, annoyed to all Hell even though he’s slowly stroking his cock now. He never used to be hot for this idiot crap but here he is. Makes him wonder who is training who, to be honest…


The unimpressed tone of his voice probably gets across better than any threat what is going to happen in a second because Cassidy drags his hands over his face in the video feed and then finally says with a notable crack in his voice: “Will you talk to Commander Ezzo if I suck your cock?”

Well that gives him an unexpected jolt to the system. It’s really kind of hot to hear it said out loud like this… so blunt and unafraid (well… very, very afraid. Cassidy sounds like he’s about to faint on the spot).

He likes where this is going. Not this particular encounter, mind, but the thing as a whole. This little… understanding that they have started establishing. It certainly fits Cassidy better than that weird goody-two-shoes act that he had going in the past. He’s tried hard, that much Gabriel is willing to admit… but it just didn’t sit well with him, now, did he?

“Hmm… I might. Get in.”

He drags his finger over the authenticator at the edge of his desk and the door slides open smoothly.


Gabriel notices over the next few months how Cassidy changes. He can tell that others note it as well. Being a nasty piece of shit whore might not have been Cassidy’s default after all…  but Gabriel thinks it fits him better than anything else.

He looks good with an unkempt beard and that lazy ‘no fucks given’ attitude. He knows that he can’t get kicked out of Overwatch. Not as long as he spreads his legs for the Blackwatch Commander. He’s got free reign as Gabriel’s personal cumbucket.

It’s a good thing he kind of likes them a bit crusty.

Jack is in his ears about how Cassidy’s behavior had just spiraled right the fuck down once he switched over to Blackwatch, but he can’t do a single thing about it because when push comes to shove, Cassidy brings results.

Gabriel got him on a very tight leash. His puppy knows exactly whose leg he can piss on and where he should sit on his ass like a good boy before licking some boots.

He has fun kicking open Cassidy’s door in the middle of the night with some bullshit reason or other – this time about Jack once again annoying the shit out of him – and Cole barely cracking his eyes open before groaning and rolling onto his hairy gut, spreading his legs wide. He only offers it up these days, not an ounce of shame or self-consciousness to be seen.

His hole when Gabriel spreads those hairy cheeks apart, is loose looking and swollen. A perfectly trained cunt, ready to suck dick at any given moment.

He spits on it regardless to add a bit of slick at least before he rams home without a care in the world. Cassidy’s rough grunt is like music to his ears.

He hadn’t thought that he’d ever get him this far. Cole had tried so hard in the beginning to stay on the long and narrow… it had taken quite a few training sessions to finally get that uptight cunt soft enough for some real grunt fucking – yet here they are now, Cassidy almost falling back asleep while Gabriel rides him like a man possessed, ramming his dick up his ass until he just couldn’t cram any more in.

He can get him to apologize to him if he wanted to… but they both knew that they weren’t sincere apologies because Cassidy had begun getting off on this whole thing just as much as Gabriel.

Gabriel suspects that he’s started to actively sabotage shit just so he could get a belly full of cum, but he doesn’t really have any concrete proof yet which amuses him to no end. If Cassidy wants to be sneaky, he can damn well be sneaky.

“You’re lucky you got such a bomb cunt, Cassidy,” Gabriel croons at him, a little out of breath, cock flexing inside Cole’s tightly clenching body. He has no idea how he does it… from the heavy drag of breath he seems this close to just openly snoring. “I think you’d be long back in the gutter I pulled you out of if you couldn’t take dick like you do.”

That gets Cole a little more awake… but not by much. He breathes harder at least and lifts his ass some. Gabriel doesn’t know if he just likes being talked to as if he were braindead or whether he kind of likes the thought of getting his cunt wrenched open on the regular just for a roof over his head.

Maybe it’s a mix of both.

Gabriel can’t remember the last time he fucked a single bitch so often. Usually he gets bored after the second time, if it even comes to that, but Cole is… fascinating. His gradual change in behavior has been so interesting to watch, Gabriel just can’t leave him alone yet. He wonders just how submissive he can make him. How eager to follow orders. Maybe soon he’ll get him into a state where he’ll pop a boner as soon as he does something he knows will get him into trouble.

That thought is pretty hot… He should definitely try it. Keep working on his pet project.


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