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Soldier76/Mercy – Jack can count himself absolutely lucky that Angela allows him to fuck her. He tries his best but it's rarely good enough.


Jack pauses mid-aiming as his pager goes off at his hip. Usually he would not give a damn about it and just go through with his training as he normally does – that is, professionally – but Angela had given him a hint earlier during breakfast, so he is inclined to put his rifle back down and slowly reach for the little device.

It is already big in his hands but with his gloves on it is increasingly difficult to operate. Eventually he can read the short message, though.

Come into the kitchen supply closet

He stares at the message for a few more seconds, but there really is nothing to debate about it. If Angela wants it, he should not let her wait. That only leads to… undesirable results.

He’d really have done a bit more shooting… though he supposes now he’ll be doing some shooting of a different kind. Maybe. Depends on her mood and how fast he can manage to put his rifle away and get to her, probably.

So he does not quite run, but he’s doing a power walk as he goes to put away his weapon and log out from the shooting range. His usual times being there are a minimum of one hour but this time he clocks in at thirty minutes.

There’s nobody in the kitchen when he gets there but he knows that that can change any minute. People come and go to have their meals at any time, depending on their own schedules. Fucking in the supply closet is a pretty risky move in that regard, but Angela has become more and more bold as time goes on.

She likes the thrill of it all, he supposes. She likes fucking practically under the others’ noses without them being any the wiser about it.

He wonders how long it’ll take until she completely throws caution to the wind and makes out of their secret trysts some not so secret trysts. Jack doesn’t think that she would have any real problems about letting him fuck her in front of the others. For now she is very much liking the secrecy, though.

All that age difference is getting her off as well, he supposes.

Well… it’s not like he is an unwilling participant. Quite the contrary.

He finally pushes the door to the supply closet open and is not surprised to see her bent over some crates with her lily white ass on display. She’s pulled her leggings down around her knees and swings her wide hips left to right enticingly.

“Took you long enough,” she says as she peers over her shoulder and brushes her blond hair out of her eyes. She looks so lovely as always… it always gives him a kick when she’s being nasty. “Get here and fuck me already.”

He licks his lips, fingers briefly pausing at the lock mechanism of the door before falling away without having touched it. If she wanted him to lock it, she would have told him so. Angela always is very… precise about her orders.

“Yes, ma’am,” he mutters. He might sound miserable, but he is far from it. His eyes are stuck on her ass and thighs, the leggings digging into the fat there quite enticingly. It makes him want to dig his fingers and his teeth in and leave some dark marks… only that he isn’t allowed without her express permission.

What a bummer.

He spreads her cheeks with both hands and drags his thumb just against the outside rim of her hole. It feels slippery and glints faintly in the light of the supply closet. She must have prepared herself before coming here which is just as well… he wouldn’t have liked to pause just to get her nice and ready for his cock. Angela does tend to have her more petty ideas in those moments, after all.

Jack doesn’t want her to suddenly restrict his orgasm or anything… so he hurries to open up his pants and pull out his dick, dutifully hard for its mistress.

“Go on, faster,” she orders sharply, then pauses and tilts her head to listen.

Jack pauses with his dick nosing up against her hole and listens as well. There are voices outside the door; someone must have come into the kitchen to put some food together, and they’re not alone.

Jack’s skin breaks out into goosebumps. Will they need something from the closet? Will they step in to see him and Angela just about to fuck like animals?

“Put it in,” Angela demands in a whisper. She is reaching back and grabbing him by the wrist, her little nails digging into his skin harshly.

He’d like to say that nobody ever sees this side of Angela but that would be a blatant lie. She looks like an angel but she has a will of steel which any of her patients will be attesting to.

Jack just nods with a soft grunt. He doesn’t dare make any more sounds, lest he alert whoever is outside to their current position. Sweat beads along his hairline, one drop slowly slithering down his neck as he slowly and carefully starts to push his crown into Angela’s backdoor. He’s never met a woman that is so absolutely obsessed with getting her ass reamed.

She arches her back and pushes her fat ass up higher into it, urging him deeper. She absolutely loves this and makes no secret out of it, groaning low and throaty. His first instinct is to reach out and clap his hand over her mouth but he… doesn’t.

He’s completely whipped by her. If she wants this, then he’ll do it. She’s got him wrapped around her mean little fingers. He should probably say ‘thank you’ like a good boy afterwards for the privilege of having been allowed to fuck her ass. Angela likes these kinds of things… yeah… yeah he should keep that in mind.

Outside, the conversation keeps going easily. Nobody has heard a thing. He can’t make out what is being said but if he focused enough he could figure out who it is that has decided to make themselves a meal.

Not that he has enough brain capacity or will. It doesn’t matter in the end who is standing two feet from them as he fucks Angela in the ass – it will be equally humiliating once they open the door and see them at it.

Still, the thought is… exciting. She must have really trained him-

“God, you fuck like an old man,” she groans in a half-whisper. He can tell that she is at least trying to keep it down some. “Go on and fuck me properly!”

She clenches her internal muscles and Jack’s insides spasm in pleasure. As does his cock. His ears fill with a kind of whistling sound that lends itself beautifully to him forgetting about the people outside the unlocked supply closet and just leaning over her to start properly fucking.

He dicks her down, hips slapping against her ass rhythmically and aggressively. Is it too loud? He doesn’t know. He doesn’t care. All he cares about is the fact that Angela is gasping softly every time he spears into her intestines and her hand around his wrist has stopped digging nails into him and is just holding on out of some kind of reflex.

He’s leaning over her back for a while but he can’t stay like that for long. He just loves watching her ass as it gets fucked. He loves how her plump rim pulls out obscenely as it clings to his shaft, unwilling to let go. In those moments her backdoor looks like a whore mouth, sucking the best dick its ever had.

It’s the only time he can entertain such illusions… Angela is pretty stingy on praise – especially when it involves his dick.

She likes to tell him how bad it is most of the time; or she spits on it in disgust and makes him jerk off with it. Not that he minds.

It… It kind of really gets him going. In his younger days he had gotten used to being worshiped almost like a God. He has to admit that he enjoys being ground into dust under Angela’s heel.

So he fucks her just like she told him to, no questions asked.

She becomes inevitably louder, as she always does – but by this point he can’t hear anybody outside anymore. They must have finished preparing their dinner and went far enough to no longer be in danger of hearing them fuck.

The sounds she makes are not at all ladylike; they’re grunting and piggish, really, but they get him off even harder than if she had done any pretty moaning like a porn star.

Angela is so… unpretentious.

A simple girl that likes to boss him around and tell him what a gross, old man he has become, and also really, really likes it up her ass.

A girl after his own heart, so to say.


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