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Protag/Iwai/Maruki – Maruki used his knowledge to twist Iwai through a nascent palace he had been nursing. He makes Iwai do a lot of nasty stuff and Protag is just along for the ride.

Content warning: Please keep in mind this fic contains explicit fart kink, sniff kink, watersports... it's just all around nasty and you should skip this week if those aren't kinks for you.


Honestly, Protag has been aware of Iwai’s palace for… a while now, as have the rest of the Phantom Thieves, but he’s so far managed to steer them toward other targets just so he could enjoy this for as long as possible.

It’s not that Iwai is a bad person or dangerous in and off itself. His palace has been weird and artificial from the get-go and Futaba has been posing the theory that his palace has been tampered with by an outside influence.

She’s completely right on the money, of course, and Protag won’t be able to keep them from reaching the very correct conclusion that it is Maruki’s fault… but until then he will just enjoy it.

It’s his one outlet he has in all this mess he’s found himself in in the past six months and honestly he thinks he’s earned for himself as long as he keeps his grades up the way he has managed to do.

So what he gets is being degraded into nothing more than a thing by both Iwai and Maruki whenever the fancy strikes. Which… becomes more often these days.


It’s a slow day in the shop but that’s nothing new. It’s not like Iwai cares when he’s got two bitches at his beck and call. Maruki takes his sweet time to get to the shop but Iwai got a feeling that that is deliberate.

He has been begging for a good fuck for a couple weeks now and while Iwai enjoys denying him – and knows that Maruki loves being denied – he can feel the pressure in his balls becoming almost unbearable.

He shifts a little on his seat just to hear the boy grunt underneath his ass as he tries to subtly shift around and find a way to release the pressure from his limbs. Instead of reprimanding him, Iwai shifts a little to the side and grunts as he bears down, farting on the kid without an ounce of shame.

Intellectually he knows that just a few weeks ago he’d never have done anything like it. He knows that something is… wrong with him, has been wrong for a while now – but he just can’t bring himself to care.

All he lives for is the sound of the kid choking on the hot air once it starts to gather around his head with that charmingly disheveled hair of his. A few seconds later Iwai catches a whiff of his own medicine and coughs, nearly loosing the toothpick he had been idly chewing on.

“Well damn,” he mutters, shifting again. He really should get that box finished up soon so he can have the kid lie down in it and fart to his heart’s content without having to smell any of the rank odors himself.

The little bell over the door going has him looking up but it’s only Maruki finally slipping inside with a sheepish grin and a stuttered apology for being late.

“Stop right there,” Iwai grunts, jerking his head toward the door. “Go and close that up. I’m in a mood to play.”

Maruki flushes but he looks very eager as he does as he is told while Iwai finally gets up from his chair to lightly kick him in the side and make him topple over onto his back. The kid groans both in agony when he can finally stretch out his limbs, as well as in relief. However when he sees Iwai starting to squat over his face, his relief quickly turns into desperation.

Not like he would deny Iwai anything. He can feel the kid’s arms reluctantly come up around his thighs to hold on as he gets a face full of one hot, long fart that has been brewing in Iwai’s guts for a while now.

He stays for a few seconds just to enjoy the feeling of finally relieving the pressure from his bowels and make sure that Protag deeply inhales everything between bouts of gagging and coughing before he stands to leave the kid on the floor like an animal where he will stay until needed.

It hadn’t taken much training at all to get him to this point. He probably had been craving a treatment like this for quite a while now, the nasty little twerp.

Maruki is standing at the door, smiling and radiating nervous energy. He hadn’t even bat an eyelash at the grotesque display of Iwai forcing a teenager to sniff his farts, though he never really talks about it either. Iwai thinks he must get turned on by it anyway; he does like to watch, after all.

The atmosphere in the shop is nice and relaxed. He doesn’t have to force anybody to do what he wants because it is, in fact, what they all want. He grabs Maruki by the back of his neck and guides him toward the counter where he makes him lean over so he can get his pants off after divesting him of his brown coat.

The kid has recovered enough from the foul gasses to spring into action and grab the garment like a butler, hanging it up next to the shop door before standing to the side, attentive and waiting with his glasses fogging up constantly.

Protag makes barely any sounds, other than groan deep in his throat once Iwai pulls up his shirt, clenching it between his teeth to keep it out of the way while working on pulling out his dick. The kid likes the rough ex-yakuza types, that much is obvious. He loves feeling up Iwai’s muscles and stuffing his face in his armpits.

And right now he loves watching him roughly prepare Maruki with three digging, probing fingers so he can finally fuck out that load that has been brewing in his balls for days now.

Maruki is just along for the ride. He sounds nervous and happy as he makes little ‘oh’ and ‘ah’ sounds, interspersed with the occasional little giggle.

Honestly, Iwai can’t even remember where he met the guy. For all intents and purposes, all of this should be… impossible. They have no connection, nothing that would have had them even in the same stratosphere, but here he is; slowly pushing into Maruki’s cunt and telling him through teeth clenched around his shirt to tighten up properly.

Maruki takes it like a good bitch. He only moans and hiccups, arching his back into it and muttering something about how good it feels to get fucked by a real man who knows how to put him through his paces.

Iwai growls and kicks Maruki’s legs apart a bit more to get him unbalanced. It’s not that it’s warranted or anything, but he’s found out pretty early on that both of these bitches are gluttons for punishment and love him being rough and domineering, which… is pretty hot. He likes pushing their buttons to see what he can get out of them. Who knows, maybe one of these days he’ll try and make Maruki sniff his farts for a change… see how desperate that gets the kid thinking he’s going to be replaced.

In any case – kicking Maruki’s legs apart earns him a shocked little gasp and the first signs of protest as the good doctor’s arms snap up to tightly curl around the edge of the counter, his knuckles turning immediately white with the strength of his grip. Even his insides clench down on Iwai’s dick, holding him tight enough that he has to pause, buried deep in Maruki’s guts and feeling as if the crown of his cock is pressing against something firm inside him…

“S-Stop a moment, please,” Maruki gasps out. He sounds honestly distressed, which is… pretty hot. Iwai plays with the thought to just ignore him and keep going to see what it would bring, but curiosity prevails, so he asks gruffly: “What?”

“I… I need to use the bathroom,” Maruki whispers. He unfurls trembling fingers from the edge of the counter to instead put his palm against his abdomen. “I… I must have drank too much,” he admits.

Iwai snorts. As far as his dick can tell Maruki doesn’t only need to take a piss, but he decides to not say anything about that for now. One step at a time.

“That shouldn’t be a problem,” he drawls and slants his eyes over toward the kid standing there with an obvious bulge in his pants and his mouth slightly hanging open.

“You. Get on your knees and be a useful little toilet.”

He doesn’t have to explain to either of them what he expects. Maruki hems and haws but it only sounds like a weak front to Iwai… especially since he doesn’t really protest it. In fact, he even shifts his hips around a little to make it easier on the kid to reach his cock when he hurries to come closer after just a moment of hesitation.

Yeah… they’re both nasty fucking bastards.

So Iwai can just stand there with his cock balls deep in Maruki to witness as the teacher pisses into his own student’s mouth with a low groan of satisfaction – and Protag sucking it down after the barest hint of a gag as if it were the most delicious champagne he’s ever tasted.

Nasty fucking perverts.



Oh my… wow. That was… incredible. Just… so dang intense and hot… just. Wow! Love dom-Iwai and with a sorta-switch Maruki… like, wow! The kinks are perfectly done too! I’m basically on repeat rn in my head with “wow” lol


I'm so glad you liked it!!! I really enjoyed writing it too haha I was just in a mood and went all out there