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Part 1 (Patreon Link)

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Part 4 (Patreon Link)

Part 5 (This Part)

Cole/Tentaclemonster – Finally, Overwatch comes to the rescue... but things have changed drastically with Cole.


At some point during their stay in this Hellhole, Cassidy starts to change his attitude. Hanzo wouldn’t been able to put his finger on when or how… or why, but at one point when he hangs there to get fucked by another tentacle of the Eldritch beast below, he notes that the sounds coming from Cassidy have changed somewhat.

While the hairy oaf has always been vocal, there is a new edge of… appreciation to his tones, it feels like.

Hanzo shakes his head. He must be going insane. It is just the echoing of the cave around them; or the nutritious goop that the monster keeps forcing down their throats to keep them nice and pliant. His brain always is extra woozy after a feeding, so it is definitely not out of the realm of possibility-

But no.

No, Hanzo is not just imagining it through a drug fuelled, fucked-out mind; Cassidy has changed and the more time passes, the more obvious it becomes.

He is mumbling, but not to Hanzo. He’s not speaking to him at all any longer, though not out of pettiness, he doesn’t think. It’s more like he has forgotten Hanzo is even there, even though they’ve been hanging next to each other for… for… Hanzo doesn’t know how long. It’s impossible to gauge the passage of time down here.

They’ve been through so much, and Hanzo has started to reluctantly… well… tolerate Cassidy, would probably be the most accurate way to describe it.

Cassidy is a mouthy bastard with too much bravado and too little skill to back it up. However, it is clear that his low drawling voice is no longer meant for Hanzo. He can’t make out his words for the longest time; just the cadence with which he speaks: crooning, playful.


It’s difficult to pay attention, though, when most of his waking hours are filled with… well… getting filled. Getting fucked like a useless whore and pumped full of eggs again and again which he’ll have to deliver eventually. The humiliation of essentially being forced to go to the bathroom in front of Cassidy has subsided considerably during their arduous long stay.

It’s also not like Cassidy is watching him any longer, after all.

The creature has, for some reason, stopped smashing them together like dolls that it wants to kiss. He wonders briefly whether it has lost interest in making them drive each other mad with lust; but he finds that it has started treating them differently as well.

He watches, noting that the tentacles that touch Cassidy have a certain… softness to them. As if they are petting the hairy bastard; caressing him. Taking care of him with the loving touch of a spouse.

While Hanzo’s own are not cruel or mean by any stretch of the imagination, his routine is one that is just that: a routine, clinical and almost unchanging. A means to an end as he is forced to incubate and pump out egg after egg for the unmentionable mass of writhing tentacles beneath them.

So when finally their rescuers come, he is surprised that the monster does not put up a fight and just gently lets him down onto the ground where Mercy and Lúcio can flock around him to check him over… but he is not surprised to find that Cassidy is not coming with them.

Not because the monster is not letting him go – but because he is quite clear in that he does not want to go.

Soldier:76 shoots just a few experimental pulse rifle shots into the darkness before the creature willingly lowers its tentacles, offering them Cassidy as if on a silver platter. He does not seem conscious at first what with his hair having grown shaggy over his eyes and his body being mostly limp – but the moment Soldier:76 carefully grabs one of his wrists and tries to pull him out of the grasp of the Eldritch being, he hisses and pulls back with surprising strength.

“None o’ that now. I’m quite content where I am, thank ya very much.”

“...Cole?” Mercy says carefully. She stands from where she had been crouching next to Hanzo, leaving his immediate care in Lúcio’s hands as she steps carefully closer. “Cole, can you hear me? Do you know who I am?”

He moves his head as if to flick his hair out of his eyes but it doesn’t quite work. A small tentacle shoots from the darkness and gently brushes his thick fringe back so they could see his eyes. They look both lucid and deranged at the same time. Hanzo shudders, curling the blanket they had for him, tighter around his body.

“Sure I know, Angie babe,” he croons, unbothered by the fact that one fat tentacle is starting to push into him again. He grunts softly and moves to spread his legs for the intrusion, though it is unknown if it is really him or the creature that is holding him like a puppet. “I know who y’all are. But I don’t wanna go.”

Soldier:76’s back has stiffened a little as the tentacle started pushing into Cassidy. He looks like he wants to take a step – or several – back, but stands his ground, obviously not wanting to leave Angela alone in the vicinity of the creature.

“But-” she starts helplessly. She twists and looks toward Hanzo, looking for help or some guidance.

He struggles to sit up, trying to ignore his aching hole that got fucked so hard during the past… weeks? Months?

He shakes his head, clearing his throat.

“He’s not himself anymore. I could tell that he started to change. I don’t know why or how but… that’s not Cassidy anymore.”

“Sure am,” Cole drawls. “Still got an obligation here to fulfill. Gotta take care o’ my darlin’ brood, ya know.”

He pulls one arm out of the lax grasp of the tentacles and gently rubs his hand over his distended, egg-filled stomach. “The babes need their parents.”

He sounds so calm and collected as he says it; like he really is sane despite the words he is uttering.

“The fuck are you talking about, Cassidy,” Soldier:76 growls now. He lifts his pulse rifle again, pointing it at their team mate. “Get your ass out of there so we can leave this place. Not in the mood for your stupid fucking jokes.”

Cole suddenly is pulled back and up, the monster holding him out of reach as a bully would a child’s toy. Cole shakes his head, hand still rubbing his distended stomach; still being fucked by the tentacle, its syrupy liquid dripping from him as it keeps pumping in nice and deep. Probably feeling up its clutch and making sure the eggs are positioned correctly.

Hanzo knows only too well. He shudders again, shaking his head.

“Let’s go. You won’t be able to do anything,” he says, voice just short of begging.

“But-” Angela shakes her head, looking up toward their comrade. “Cole, please! You can’t be serious. We can’t just leave you here with this… creature. Please, come with us, we’ll figure out how to help you-”

“I don’t need help,” he drawls. “All I need is you lot to leave me an’ my mate alone.” He curls a hand around one of the tentacles writhing about him and brings it up to his face, kissing its scaly surface as one would the hand of their betrothed.

Angela is taking a small step closer to Soldier:76, grabbing him by the belt like a child. She is lightly swaying on her feet; she looks as if she is close to breaking down in Hanzo’s opinion.

“Cole,” she all but whispers. The tentacle fucking him is pulling out now, the other tentacles forcing him to spread his legs nice and wide. Hanzo flushes hot as he realizes what is about to happen.

“I ain’t leaving either my children, or my mate,” Cole calls to them, unbothered even though he is starting to strain, getting ready to push the eggs out right in front of them.

“Let us go,” Hanzo rasps again, using Lúcio’s help to get up on his own weak legs. “It’s no use for now. Come on.”

Angela needs to be pulled away by Soldier:76 whose expression is nigh inscrutable behind the visor he is wearing.


Nobody has noticed that he managed to scoop one of the eggs up.

Angela takes her time analyzing it but her explanation for what has happened to Cassidy is unsatisfying at best.

The hormones the eggs have put out inside Cole’s body must have affected him after so many clutches.

It was sheer dumb luck that Hanzo didn’t wind up being a mind-altered fuckpuppet as well, it seems.

It is… creepy.


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