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Elliott/fem!Farmer – Elliott likes being put in his place and told how useless he is with that big dick of his.


Elliott squawks out a little cry of surprise when he is suddenly hoisted into the air. It peters out into a nervous chuckle, the red splotches on his cheeks growing darker.

“O-Oh dear. You are… you are quite strong,” he says breathily, simpering like the poet that he is. He is shy despite the fat cock swinging through the air now that he is hanging there horizontal and naked.

Female Farmer watches him with her brows lifted up, then puts her attention back on the ropes in her hands.

“It’s got less to do with strength and more with how you use leverage to your advantage… I learned a lot in the city before getting fed up with… everything.” She makes sure to carefully and securely tie the rope around the sturdy hook in the wall so Elliott will remain floating in mid-air, looking beautiful in the harness she wrapped him up in.

Female Farmer steps closer and brushes a stray strand of his long hair out of his face. She had put it into a neat bun at the base of his neck so his hair wouldn’t get in the way for now, but a few baby strands have still managed to snake their way out of the hair tie.

He looks at her expectantly… and like he is worshiping her in some way. There is always that bit of utter adoration that has her pause and brush her knuckles over his cheeks. It’s almost enough to make her not want to be mean to him…


It’s not like he doesn’t quite enjoy her harsh words as well. Out here on her farm, there is nobody to be privy to their little games. Elliott can cry as loud as he wants and nobody will be the wiser.

“So… let’s see…”

She moves around him slowly, looking at him from all sides. He really is a beautiful specimen. His skin is so pale from sitting in his shack most of the day, trying to write his little stories that sometimes fight against him so much.

He’s very delicate next to her, his fingertips soft and his nails always very clean. Much unlike her after a year of hard farmwork.

She grabs his hip and gives him a light push to watch him slowly rotate in the air, his breath hitching and muscles quivering as he slightly pushes against his bonds just out of reflex. It is difficult to accept that he is completely at her mercy, but he usually comes around quickly.

“God, this big thing again. You’re pretty excited, hm? Always pretend like you’re so shy and reserved but then you wave this fat thing around like it has any business being in my face.”

Female Farmer reaches beneath him and lightly slaps his cock. It is overly warm to the touch and very hefty already. Elliott is so very easy to get excited…

He gasps when his cock is slapped and turns his head away, cocking it like he is trying to hide his face behind his hair. Another boon for having it neatly bound up. She likes watching him squirm and be horribly embarrassed.

“Have you learned how to use it since last time?” She squats down so she can have a better look at his cock. It is… ludicrously big. Not grotesquely, but still notably bigger than average with fat veins snaking along its sides. His balls are just as massive. Breeder balls. The first time she undressed him she had to pause and take a moment to wonder how it was that he wasn’t walking like a sailor with a dick and sac that size.

“I… I uh…” His voice is so soft as he stutters around; all high-pitched and uncertain about how to proceed.

Female Farmer sighs softly and reaches out, flicking her finger against the purple tip of his cock to watch it bounce again. It looks ridiculous.

“I gave you that pocket cunt for a reason, you know. Have you even tried using it?”

“I have!” he assures her quickly. He sounds a little bit upset which gets her all hot and bothered. It’s so hot when he starts to cry…


“But I… I was too embarrassed to really… do it,” he replies softly.

She sighs and grabs his cock, squeezing it a bit tighter than would be comfortable. She only lets go when she sees his belly quiver and hears him gasp, muscles straining again. He tries to do… she doesn’t know what. Something. He probably wouldn’t know himself even if she were to ask.

“That won’t do, Elliott,” she says with a long suffering sigh. “What am I supposed to do with that thing? It’s way too big for anybody to want to play with. Especially if you have no idea how to use it properly. Who do you think would willingly spread their legs so you can… poke around with that monster, completely clueless? It looks so ridiculous already…” she pinches the generous foreskin between her fingertips and pulls on it.

Elliott is already breathing fast and hard. His face has almost the same shade of dark red that his cock is taking on the more she touches it.

“Ew… it’s getting all wet and excited. What the Hell,” she mutters, letting go of it and giving it one last slap before she stands up and moves over to a little table she has set up.

It’s so easy to pretend like her panties aren’t slick with her excitement because Elliott’s shame and eagerness get her going so much more than if she were to suck his dick and tickle his big breeder balls for him to come down her throat… it would be a cheap and fast release and nothing of the deep, aching pleasure that can follow her around for days after she’s played with Elliott like this; just knowing that she can make him flush and stammer when she meets him in the Saloon and winks at him…

The Farmer turns around as she puts on her rubber gloves. She lets the second one snap against her wrist because it makes Elliott jump like a rabbit and causes him to start slowly and helplessly rotating in the air. His cock is dribbling onto the floor.

“I won’t touch that thing with my bare skin if you insist on being nasty like that. So the gloves have to go on,” she tells him condescendingly.

Elliott lets his head hang, trying once again to hide his regal looking features behind hair that is not there to help him out.

“I-I-I am sorry,” he stutters, voice barely above a whisper. He looks so dejected, it is… stupid horny, to be honest.

Still, she only clicks her tongue and grabs blindly for the thin stick behind her. She lets it swish through the air just so it will make an ominous noise and have him jump in his harness again, his breath audibly catching.

He looks around, his eyes round with shock as he stares at the crop in her hand.

“Let’s see… hmmm… maybe you are too comfortable with our play so you don’t have any incentive of starting to learn how to work that disgusting big cock of yours. Maybe I need to be a bit meaner to you, huh?”

She jerks her arm out to make him flinch, thinking she will actually strike him with the thin crop… but instead she pauses inches from his skin and then just gently strokes the stick down over the swell of his ass and the sensitive backs of his thighs.

His body hair is so light and coppery, he looks almost smooth as if he had shaved for her. She lets him calm down a little before she gives him a little love tap against the back of his thigh; just enough to smart and see his ass cheeks clench up. God, he’s so cute…

“You know I love all my animals… but it can’t always be just sunshine and rainbows, you know? Sometimes they test out their boundaries… and I have to show them what line they can’t cross. Maybe you are the same, hm? Maybe you need me to show you what happens when you are being a bad boy…”

She reaches beneath him with her crop and touches his big breeder balls, watching as they droop left and right of the stick. They’re so nice and heavy and round… so perfect for some mean little love taps – but Elliott squeals like a piggy even before she has done anything of the sort.

A few big tears roll down his cheeks as he sobs, his cock still flushed and flexing. His body must be so confused… what a sweet, dumb boy.

Female Farmer sighs and pulls the crop away from his heavy sac, instead giving his big dick a light tap.

“Oh man, you’re useless, you know that? I haven’t even done anything yet! Big dumb cock on a big dumb man-”

She gives him another swat, this one mildly harder than the last – and suddenly that big dumb dick erupts, shooting his load onto the ground beneath him, the thick ribbons of cum hitting her hardwood floor with wet splats.

“Well… that was premature,” she says throatily, hot all over.

Oh my…


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